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سب کچھ amirbilal نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. Assalam-o-Alaikum If anyone have this naat "Aik Din Marna hai aakhir maut hai" then please share it. I think Haji Mushtaq (R.A.) ki awaz main hai.
  2. amirbilal

    New name for (Kot Radha Kishan - Kasur)

    ALLAH AZZA WA JAL KARAM AISA KARAY TUJH PE JAHAN MAIN AE DAWAT-E-ISLAMI TERI DHOOM MACHI HO A few weeks ago I posted a reply to a thread over here http://www.islamimehfil.info/index.php?s=&...ost&p=16939 regarding the cities names Istalahaat used by Dawat-e-Islami. Today I read in newspaper that the name of this city Kot Radha Kishan (Kasur District) has been officially changed to Bilal Abad ALHAMD ALLAH AZZA WA JAL. I just had conversation with one Islami Bhai from this city and he told me that, Dawat-e-Islami Zimadaar of the city did Infiradi koshish on Tehseel Nazim while he was visiting the city for some function on 23rd March, and convinced him to change the city name and make it Bilal Abad and ALHAMD ALLAH AZZA WA JAL right after a few days it has been officially announced. ALLAH AZZA WA JAL Dawat-e-Islami kay tumaam kaamo main Khair-o-Barkat ataa fermaye. Aameen suma Aameen
  3. Assalam-o-Alaikum, Raiwind (Lahore) Mustafa Abad Kot Radha Kishan (Kasur) Bilal Abad
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