کل پوسٹس
37 -
تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
سب کچھ Ranu نے پوسٹ کیا
This is not a section of debating.So i thought to share the woes of everyone from their believes. Please keep in mind that don't try to hit the others.Just try to be mutual.Please share your random believes.
What are you trying to share? Post the picture like this and say every time Subhan Allah
Ek dost or ek dost ke lie hajaro logoki same lar saktehe. Dost ho to esi
May be.But we can not know the religion seeing their face. Now a days Muslim ladies also wear like this.
Jajak Allah I have downloaded the audios i will listen them
As we know there are many dividation in Islam which is called as Ferkah.So my question is which Ferkah do you support and why?What is the main idea to know you well.
This really ugly. I hate this girls. Nauzubillah
THE DAJJAL IN THE BIBLE THE New Testament tells us that the Anti-Christ is to appear in the Last Hour. The literal meaning of the Anti-Christ is someone who defies or opposes Jesus; although the Biblical references do not as faultlessly and completely define the Judeo-Christian materialistic civilization as the Dajjal like the Hadith do, further explanations will prove that the same has been referred to here. The literal meaning of the word Dajjal, as discussed earlier, denotes a dazzling impostor: a description to the letter of the Judeo-Christian materialistic civilization: replete with inventions of mind-boggling and dazzling proportions on one hand, while on the other, with complete detachment from the soul and spirituality, turns its followers into subhuman creatures. The four instances of reference to the Anti- Christ in the Bible bear such obvious similarity to the Dajjal described by the Messenger of Allah, that they are hard to ignore. The following excerpts are from the New Testament of the Holy Scriptures. Except a few words that are different there is practically no difference between this and the Authorized or King James Version. ONE ‘Young children, it is the Last Hour, and just as you have heard the Anti-Christ is coming, even now there have come to be many Anti-Christ's; from which we gain the knowledge that it is the Last Hour.60 Two important similarities emerge between this quote and the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah. Both name the Last Hour or the Akheri Zamana as the Dajjal's era of appearance. Secondly the Messenger of Allah's expression of the word 'Dajjal' to describe other smaller tyrants, liars or cheats has similarly been employed. TWO ‘Who is the liar if is not the one that denies Jesus is the Christ? This is the anti-Christ, the one that denies the Father and the Son.61 The Bible refers to the Dajjal in the same word the Messenger of Allah has used for it, the liar. It should be borne in mind that in the Christian faith, God is thought to be the Father, Jesus, His Son and they are deemed as a single entity. To deny either the Father or the Son, in Biblical analogy, is an act of denial of both, since they are mutually conclusive. This is exactly what the Dajjal bids us: to deny Allah and His Ordinance. The Messenger of Allah has informed us of this very thing of the Dajjal's claim to be lord and make us deny Allah in the matter of conducting our collective lives, in politics, economy, law, penal matters, judicial, social etc. except only in personal spiritual matters. THREE ‘Every inspired expression that confesses Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with God: but every inspired expression that does not confess Jesus does not originate with God. Furthermore, that is the Anti-Christ's (inspired expression) which you have heard was coming, and now it is already in the world.62 These lines echo the same thought as those expressed by the Messenger of Allah, that the Anti-Christ, the Dajjal is coming soon in the future and its subsequent denial of Jesus. FOUR ‘For many deceivers have gone forth in the world, persons not confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver, and the Anti-Christ.63 While we read these excerpts, we need to bear in mind that this Bible we refer to has not remained the same as revealed to Jesus; just as the Aramaic spoken by him is no longer in use. Just as the Aramaic spoken by the Messenger Isa is lost to mankind, similarly no Bible in that language exists in the world today either.64 With the passage of time, the Bible was first translated into Greek, later on into Latin and many other different languages. The monotheist religion of Jesus has been transformed into the Trinity just as the monotheist 'Ummah' or people of Ebrahim (a.s.) transfigured into the idolworshippers of Arabia. The different words used to relate to the Anti-Christ or the Dajjal must have similarly undergone various changes. It is remarkable that after so many translations, alterations, versions and reversions that the Anti-Christ features at all in the Bible, a wonder still that they should be identical to the very words used by the Messenger of Allah. Comparative descriptions of the Dajjal in the Hadith and the Bible: a. The Dajjal will appear in the Akheri Zamana or the Final Period (Hadith). According to the Bible, the Anti-Christ is destined to appear in the Last Hour.65 b. The Messenger of Allah has stated that the Dajjal will deny Allah and claim to be lord or 'rub', itself. In the Bible, the Anti-Christ is referred to as the one that denies the Father (God), and the Son (Jesus).66 c. The Messenger of Allah has described the Dajjal as the 'Deceiver', identical to the Biblical reference. The Bible described the Anti-Christ as 'Deceiver'67 d. The Messenger of Allah calls the Dajjal 'Liar': it is called the liar in the Bible as well.68 The Bible declares Anti-Christ as liar.69 It seems a atypical and cruel irony that the Christian faith that predicted the arrival of the Anti-Christ, the Dajjal in the Bible and warned others of it should be the herald of it itself, for it was the misguided efforts of its followers that gave birth to the Anti-Christ system and today, their ascendants are among the first grade followers of that very Anti- Christ. 60 New Testament, The First Letter from John 2 : 18. 61 New Testament, The First Letter from John 2 : 22. 62 New Testament, The First Letter from John 4 : 2-3. 63 New Testament, The Second Letter from John 1 : 7.
Tawheed-Sovereignty Mohammad Bayazeed Khan Panni It is indisputable that the Din-ul-Huq is founded on Tawheed. As there is no Islam without Tawheed, it is of the utmost importance. Unfortunately this Tawheed is now misunderstood by the populace known as Muslims - Tawheed is now understood as belief and faith in Oneness of Allah and worshipping Him. Though the words Tawheed and Wahdaniyat (Oneness, unity of Allah) both originates from the same root, they don’t mean the same thing. Wahdaniyat means Oneness of Allah and Tawheed means sovereignty and unconditional obedience to that one Allah and Allah only. The Mushriq, polytheist Arabs among whom the last Messenger of Allah was sent had believed in only one Allah but did not obey Him, they conducted their personal, social and collective lives by laws, rules and regulations made by themselves and overseen by the Qurayesh, the priests of the House of Allah, the Qaba. Their Faith in One Allah, one Creator was no less strong than that of the present populace that claims and believes themselves as Mo’men and Muslim though they worshiped idols. But since obedience to that Creator was absent among the then Arabs the faith was useless, and consequently their lives were full of injustices, unrest, turmoil, insecurity and blood shed, the Fasad and Safaqutdima[1] and hence the Messenger was sent to make them obedient to the Creator Allah which he did, and as inevitable result the society transformed into a society full of security, justice happiness and peace (Islam). Even to-day Christians, Jews and Hindus believe in One Creator, in spite of worshipping Trinity, son of God and idols. They believe in One Creator but do not obey Him, do not conduct their collective lives according to His orders and laws, so they are de-facto Moshreqs (Polytheists) and Kafers (disbelievers). Present day Muslims do not understand and realize that the pre-Islamic stone and wooden idols have transformed into Democracy, Socialism, Fascism, Monarchy etc. and they are obeying these instead of Allah. Each of these ‘cracies’ and ‘isms’ is a way, a system of life, a Din, as against Islam, Din ul Huq. The only difference between these and Islam is these manmade Dins cover only parts of human life, some with emphasis on political, some on economic, some on social aspects, but not the whole life while the Din-ul-Huque covers every aspect of human life from very personal to collective life even to the extend of whole mankind. Present day Muslims are obeying the dictates of these ‘craceis’ and ‘isms’ in their collective lives along with the Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists, as the pre-Islamic Arabs obeyed their Qurayesh leaders representing the idols. Present day Muslims do not realise that Democracy has taken the place of the idol Hubal, Socialism place of Laat, Communism place of Manah, Nationalism place of Uzza, Dul kaffayan in place of Monarchy etc. and by doing so they have become as Moshreqs and Kafers as the Arabs among whom the last Messenger of Allah was sent to re-establish the Tawheed (sovereignty) and not Wahdanyat (unity, oneness) only which those Arabs already believed in. No, this so-called Muslim populace is worse Moshreq and Kafer than those Arabs because those Arabs did not believe any of their idols as their Allah, the Creator and Sustainer but they worshipped those believing that by worshipping those they will attain nearness (Qurbiyah) of Allah [As for those who choose other guardians besides Him, (saying): We worship them only because that they may bring us nearer to Allah.’ (Qur’an, Sura Zumar-3)] and those idols will solicit to Allah for them [They worship besides that which can neither harm nor help them, they say: They will intercede with Allah.” (Qur’an Sura Yunus-18)] That means that the ultimate purpose of their idols worshipping was Allah Himself. But the present day idols do not have even that- there is no place of Allah in any cracies or isms, in fact these are completely oblivious to the existence of Allah. So the present day Shirk (Polytheism) and Kufr (Disbelief) practiced by the populace claiming to be Mo’men and Muslim is much worse than the Shirk (polytheism) and Kufr (Disbelief) of the Arabs among whom the last Messenger of Allah was sent. It is very important to fully understand how and why this present populace, which claims to be Mo’men, Muslim and Ummat-e-Mohammadi is not any of these and is de-facto Moshreq (Polytheist) and Kafer (disbeliever). I am fully aware of the gravity of calling the present one and a half billion people de-facto Moshreq and Kafer. But I would request my readers to react only after reading and thinking about the reasons I am putting forward for such opinion. Here I would only submit that if this populace is really Mo’men etc. then many Ayats (verses) of the Qur’an including the no. 55 of Sura Noor [Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession in the land as He granted it to those before them.] are rendered wrong, which, of course, is impossible and absurd