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Ghulam e Azhari

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سب کچھ Ghulam e Azhari نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. About Huzoor Muhaddis al-Kabeer, Mumtaz ul Fuqahaa, Allama Zia ul Mustafa: Al-Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa, the son of Sadr Al-Shari’ah Al-Allamah Al-Hakeem Al-Mufti Abu Al-Ula Muhammad Amjad Ali, the son of Mowlana Al-Hakeem Jamal Al-Deen, the son of Mowlana Khuda Bakhsh, the son of Mowlana Khayr Al-Deen. Al-Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa was born on the 2nd of Shawwal Al-Mukarram in the year 1354. He was born on a Sunday in a town called Ghosi, today known as Madinah Al-Ulema (The city of Scholars). As a child the Sheikh began His studies in Islamic sciences by his father, the great master of Hanafi Fiqh, Sadr Al-Shari’ah. He had an inquiring mind. Once He was reciting Surah Al-Feel to His father. When he reached the word “Abaabeel”, he looked at his father with inquiring eyes and asked, what does the word “Abaabeel” mean? Are they not the birds that we call Abaabeel in the Urdu language? And what does the word, “Sijjeel” mean? When Sadr Al-Shari’ah told Him the meaning of “Sijjeel”, He replied, is this not the incident of those birds that hit and dropped the elephants onto the ground? Upon this, Sadr Al-Shari’ah was pleased and said, this son of my will become a great scholar in the future. When a child of such age recites the Qur’an as “Naazirah”, he concentrates on recognizing the letters and pronouncing them correctly. However, Al-Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa at that very age is concentrating on the meanings of the words and trying to understand the message given in the Qur’an. A student of the Sheikh says that I am sure that He must have heard the incident of Abrahah and the elephants from his mother a few years before. How amazing was His memory as a child that when he heard the word “Abaabeel” and was merely told the meaning of the word “Sijjeel” His mind straight away recollected the story of Abrahah. The Sheikh once told me of how strict Sadr Al-Shari’ah was and how people feared Him due to His immense piety, knowledge and lofty status. However Al-Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa, as a child never hesitated one bit in asking His father what His mind had inquired. Al-Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa had begun His Arabic studies with his father as He once told me about how they were memorizing the measures of verbs whilst Sadr Al-Shari’ah would be doing other work. Before Sadr Al-Shari’ah left for His second pilgrimage to Makkah, He sent His son to Nagpoor to study by Faiz Al-Aarifeen Al-Allamah Gulam Aasi Piya to continue His Arabic studies. Faiz Al-Aarifeen was the brother of Al-Allama Zia Al-Mustafa’s mother. He was a Sufi Master and an excellent poet, until today is well known amongst the Scholars. He taught the likes of Al-Allamah Arshad Al-Qadri, his younger brother. Later he went to Mubarakpur and studied under the shade of his fathers student Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat and Hazrat Allama Abd Al Ra'oof another great scholar. Allama Zia Al Mustafa deeply loves these two teachers of his and he mentions them a lot as well. In Mubarakpur Allama Sahib studied different types of Uloom and Funoon such as Ilme Qur'aan, Tafseer of the Qur'aan, Hadith, Usoole hadith, Fiqh, Usoole Fiqh, Ilme Ta'beer (interpretation of dreams), Ilme Tawqeet (Namaaz times), Ilme Nujoomi (Astronomy), Philosophy, Mantiq (Logic), Ilm-e-Falakiyaat, and the list goes on and on. He graduated with all that knowledge at the age of 19. One year after graduation his teacher Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat called him back to Mubarakpur and made him sit in his classroom in which he taught Bukhari Shareef, after 3 lessons Huzoor Hafiz-e-millat told him this how you must teach Bukhari. This was a glad tiding for a scholar of such young age that later on the years you will be a Sheikh Al Hadith and will teach Bukhari. It wasn't long when he was given the title "Muhaddith-e-Kabeer" which means "Great Muhaddith". He was so great in Fiqh that he was given the title "Mumtaaz Al Fuqha" which means "The Unique one from all Jurists". The titles that Allama Sahib has been given were all gained by him and given to him by great scholars. After Allama Sahib graduated from Mubarakpur he took part in a competition, the competition was on the topic of Fiqh. The winner would be given the title, "Mumtaaz Al-Fuqaha". Allama Sahib was competing with many many scholars from all around India. He came first and was given the title. Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa have written thousands of Fatwas which are in the process of being compiled. Over 50 years of constantly writing Fatwas, Allah knows how many they are. Serving the Muslims as a Mufti is the best way of working for the Deen according to the Ulema. Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa, today is the head of the Shar'i council of India. He leads the Fiqh Seminars in Bareily. Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa is writing the Sharah of Tirmizi Shareef which non of our Sunni Ulema have yet done. Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa has been engaged in tadrees (teaching the Deen) since the age of 22. He has taught Hadith for over 40 years. His students reside all over the world. Recently a list was compiled which reached over 30'000 students. This was all of those students whom the Madrasah has a record of. Every year Allamah Sahib is invited to over 30 institutes for Khatm-e-Bukhari, where they study the last few Ahadith from Allamah Sahib so that they can say to the world that i am a student of Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa. Every year over a thousand new books and pamphlets are published in the sunni world of India, according to the Islamic Literature Board in luckhnow, 95% of the authors are students of Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa. Allamah Sahib travels all around the world delivering speeches and attending conferences. They say, "Not a day of Allamah Sahib goes by until he does a speech for atleast an hour in which he recites many Ahadeeth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) on one specific topic, even when he's travelling". Since the last 40 years if not more, every scholar who writes the name Misbahi after his name is a student of Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa Sahib. Students from Kerla, Kashmeer, Bangladesh, Africa, Dubai, England, Punjab, Mauritius and other places travel to India and study Bukhari for a year with Allamah Zia Al-Mustafa. May Allah Azza'Wajjal bless Allama Zia Al-Mustafa with a long, healthy life so that he can continue the tremendous work that He is doing. Extraction: http://www.ziaulmustafa.com/index.php?opti...=2&Itemid=2 Talib-e-Dua: Mumtaz Hussain Akhtar ul Qadiri.
  2. Mulk-e-Sukhan ki Shaahi, tum ko Raza musallam; Jism samt agae ho, sikke bitha diye hain. Jashn-e-Wiladat-e-Ala Hazrat Mubarak ho!
  3. MUFASSIR-E-AZAM HIND, Hadrat Maulana Mohammed Ibrahim Raza Khan AL-QAADIRI (radi Allahu anhu) BIRTH He was born on the 10th of Rabi-ul Akhir 1325 Hijri (1907) in Bareilly Shareef. His grandfather and the great Mujaddid of Islam, A?la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu), was pleased with his birth and personally called out the Azaan and Iqaamah in his ears. He even chewed a date and placed it in Hazrat Ibrahim Raza Khan?s (radi Allahu anhu) mouth. Ala Hazrats brother, Ustaaz-e-Zaman, Hazrat Maulana Hassan Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was also very pleased when he heard of his birth. To celebrate the auspicious occasion of his Aqeeqah, A?la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) prepared a huge feast for all the students of the Madressa. Students from different parts of the world were fed with their customary food. A?la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) made sure that all the students were very happy during this invitation. Hazrat Ibrahim Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was named ?Muhammad? according to the family tradition. His father, Huzoor Hujjatul Islam, Maulana Haamid Raza (radi Allahu anhu) added the name Ibrahim. His mother called him Jilani Mia. He later in life earned the title ?Mufassir-e-Azam Hind?. EDUCATION & KHILAFAT On a Thursday, the 14th of Shabaan 1329, A?la Hazrat held the traditional ?Bismillah Khwaani? (Commencement of Islamic Studies) when Hazrat Jilani Mia (radi Allahu anhu) was four years, four months and four days old. Many people were invited and fed. Hazrat Ibrahim Raza Khan Jilani Mia (radi Allahu anhu) studied the Holy Qur?an and the Urdu language by his mother. When he reached the age of seven, he was enrolled into the world-renowned Darul Uloom Manzar-e-Islam in Bareilly Shareef. He studied under great Ulama such as Maulana Ahsaan Ali Saahib Muhaddith Faizpuri, his father Hujjatul Islam Maulana Haamid Raza Khan and Hazrat Maulana Sardaar Ahmed Muhaddith-e-Pakistan (radi Allahu anhum). In 1344 Hijri, he qualified as an Aalim and Faadil at the age of 19 years and four months. Huzoor Hujjatul Islam (radi Allahu anhu) tied the turban on his head and blessed him with the Khilafat. Once Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) said, ?When Huzoor Hujjatul Islam passed away, then Jilani Mia, was not here. When he returned, then some people had reservations about his Khilafat, so I said that if some of them had reservations concerning whether his blessed father gave him the Khilafat, and then I too hereby bestow the Khilafat upon him. Now, none should have any objections. Because of my support for him, many people now supported him and the Madrassa was given in his control.? MARRIAGE Hazrat Allama Mohammed Ibrahim Raza (radi Allahu anhu) married the daughter of his uncle, Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu). This marriage was arranged by the great Mujaddid, A?la Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu). PERSONAL HABITS Hazrat Jilani Mia (radi Allahu anhu) was very a kind and generous person. His led his life according to the life of the great Mashaa?ikh. He usually oiled his hair and beard after taking a bath. His clothing was a simple loose Punjabi Kurta. He sometimes wore an almond-coloured coloured Kurta, but white was his usual colour. His diet consisted of roti (bread), braised meat, Kalabash, herbs and Bhindi. He loved to wear Itar. When Itar was given to him he made sure that it was made from permissible substances. He used both his hands to apply the Itar on to his chest and under his arms. He slept on his right-hand side. He never preferred anyone to lie flat on his or her face when asleep. VISIT TO HARAMAIN SHARIFAIN In 1372, Hazrat Ibrahim Raza Khan Jilani Mia (radi Allahu anhu) made Ziyarah of Haramain Sharifain. The Ulama of Makkah and Madinah showed great respect to him due to his relationship with the great Mujaddid A?la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu). While there great Ulama and Mashaa?ikh blessed him with Ijaazats for Hadith, Dalaa?ilul Khairaat, Hizbul Bahr, etc. SERVICE TO ISLAM Hazrat Allama Mohammed Ibrahim Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was a very well qualified and experienced teacher. After Fajr Salaah, he would spend time reading his Wazaa?if, etc. He would then have his breakfast and go directly to his classroom. He always entered the Darul Uloom before the students read the Salaami (Salutations to the Holy Prophet sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to commence classes and would join them in sending Salaams to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). He would then make Du?a with great sincerity. He used to teach the Hadith Kitaabs, viz. Muslim Shareef, Tirmizi Shareef, and Mishkaat Shareef. He also used to refute the corrupted beliefs of the Wahabis/Najdis with authentic proofs. When teaching Muslim Shareef, he often entered a very high spiritual state. He used to speak most often in Arabic, and he encouraged the students to do the same. Hazrat Allama Mohammed Ibrahim Raza Khan (radi Allahu anhu) was also a dynamic orator. Once, there was a two day programme. He delivered a very dynamic lecture on the first day, and then left. The next day, Hazrat Muhaddith-e-Azam Kichauchwi (radi Allahu anhu) was due to lecture. He said, ?In the morning, 20 Wahabis came to me and said that the lecture which was delivered the night before inspired them so much that they made Tauba and accepted the (true) Islam.? LITERARY CONTRIBUTIONS Some of the books written by him are: Zikrullah, Nehmatullah, Hujjatullah, Fazaa?il-e-Durood Shareef, Tafseer Surah Balad, and Tashreeh Qasia Mu?mania. Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) started the monthly A?la Hazrat Magazine for the propagation of the teachings of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat. The magazine proved very successful. Alhumdulillah, this magazine is still in circulation even today. MIRACLES Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) was also a very powerful Saahib-e-Karamat. A few Karamats are being presented here for Barakah. Once, a dumb man was brought to Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu). Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) made Du?a for him and he began to speak immediately. Many of the Tableeghis in that town who saw Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind?s (radi Allahu anhu) miracle made Tauba (repentance) from their false beliefs. Once a couple came to Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu). They told him that their brother-in-law, who was the bread-winner in the family, had been falsely accused of murder. They requested him to make du?a for his release. Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) asked them if he was a Sunni. They replied that he was. Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) took a piece of paper and wrote the following Arabic words on it: ?Allahu Rabbu Muhammadin Salla Alaihi wa Sallama, Nahnu Ibaadu Muhammadin Salla Alaihi Wa Sallama.? Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) told them that the prisoner should learn this Durood and recite it in abundance. He also instructed them that he should tie the Taweez on his right arm and, if Allah Wills, he will be released. Ten days later, both of them returned with sweets and Niyaz. They also brought a third person with them. They told Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) that the person was their brother-in-law. They told him that he was found not guilty and released, but the two others who were with him have been given life sentences. Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) made them Mureeds and then advised them to continue with their Salaah and Durood Shareef. CHILDREN Almighty Allah blessed Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) with five sons and three daughters. His sons are: 1. Hazrat Allama Rehaan Raza Khan: He was born on the 18th of Zil-Hijjah in Bareilly Shareef. He is the Mureed and Khalifa of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu). He was a great teacher and a very powerful personality. He passed away on the 18th of Ramadaan 1405 (1985). His Mazaar Shareef is in Bareilly Shareef. His son, Hazrat Allama Subhan Raza Khan Subhani Mia, is the present Sajjadah Nasheen of Bareilly Shareef. 2. Hazrat Allama Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan: He is the present Torch-Bearer of the Khandaan-e-A?la Hazrat. Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) appointed him as his Successor (Ja?Nasheen) during his lifetime. He resides in Bareilly Shareef. 3. Dr. Qamar Raza Khan: He resides in Bareilly Shareef. He is a very kind and loving personality. He resembles his brother, Hazrat Allama Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan very closely. 4. Hazrat Manaan Raza Khan Manaani Mia: He is a very well known personality and is the founder of Jamia Nooria, a Darul Uloom constructed in memory of Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu). 5. Hazrat Tanweer Raza Khan: He was older than Hazrat Allama Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan and was always in a very high spiritual state even as a child. He disappeared (Mafqudul Khabr) as a child and has never been seen or heard from since. GEMS OF WISDOM Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind?s (radi Allahu anhu) words were always full of knowledge and wisdom. A few words of wisdom are quoted here: <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">My own faults stop me from finding faults in others. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Slight absence makes the heart glow fonder and a lengthy absence kills the love. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">The respect of every nation depends on its Ulama. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Allah gave us two years and one tongue, so that we listen more and speak less. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Piety is through good character and not through family ties. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">One who is not the beloved of Allah cannot be your beloved. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Sabr (patience) is more bitter than poison and sweeter than honey. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Knowledge without practice is a burden to one?s soul. <LI class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Allah gives comfort in the world to one who does deeds for the Hereafter. When you have done everything, then you should still think that you have done nothing. DEMISE Hazrat Mufassir-e-Azam Hind (radi Allahu anhu) passed from on a Monday, the 11th of Safar 1385 Hijri (12 June 1965). The next day, his Janazah Salaah was prayed at the Islamia Inter-College. Mufti Sayyid Muhammad Afzal Hussaini performed the Janazah Salaah. Mufti Muhammad Afzal Hussain, Maulana Muhammad Ahsaan Ali, Maulana Sayyid Arif Ali, Janaab Sayyid Ijaaz Hussain and Janaab Muhammad Ghaus Khan lowered him into his Qabar Shareef. His Mazaar Shareef is in the Dargah of A?la Hazrat (radi Allahu anhu) in Bareilly Shareef. Extraction: http://www.taajushshariah.com/familyhistor...ffasirazam.html
  4. G bhai, afsos hai. Agar apni efforts se kisi k Aqeede chamak jaaen to yeh ziyada barhi khidmat hai mazab-o-maslak k liye. InshaAllah, aap ko mayoos nahi kiya jaaega. Video section na banaane ki koi wajha samajh main nahi aati. InshaAllah, zaroor banega video section.
  5. Hussam Raza sahib ki wiladat kuch arsay pehle hui hai jo keh Maulana 'Asjad Raza Khan sahib Qibla ke wahid bete hain. Aur Maulana 'Asjad Raza Khan sahib yaani Huzoor Taaj ush Shariah Janashin-e-Mufti Azam-e-Hind Mufti Shah Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari Al-Qadiri Maddazillahu 'aali k Wahid bete hain. Huzoor Taaj ush Shariah ki walida Shahzada-e-Ala Hazrat Huzoor Mufti Azam-e-Hind Muhammad Mustafa Raza Khan Noori ki beti hain.
  6. Assalamualaikum, main bohot important mamla ap se share karna chahta hoon. Hamare Tanatan Sunni bhaiyon on youtube ko, maslan ExposingNifaq, aik team work ki zaroorat hai. Lehaza jis tarha composing team ka section hai aur translating team ka... wese hi Video-making section hona chahiye. is ki bohot zaroorat hai, saare bhai abhi individually kaam karrahe hain aur un ko team ki sakht zaroorat hai
  7. Maine jo sawalat uthaae the, unhon ne Admin bhai ne bhi dohraae lekin aap ne nazr nahi farmaai. Phir un sawalaat uthaane se pehle aik aur mutalba kia tha. Sag-e-Attar said: aap ne abhi tak koi mutalba poora nahi kiya hai. Aap ko sabit karna hai keh falan falan ne sab kuch janne ke bawajood dr. sahib ko sahih kaha hai. baar baar aik hi baat dohraane se behtar hai keh aap se jo sawalat kiye gae hain un ke jawabat dain. yeh baat main 70 aur 2, 72 baar keh chuka hoon aap keh advertisement karne ke bajaae aap se jo sawalaat kiye hai un ke jawab dain. aap apne aap ko sunni kehte hain, to sunni bann kar bhi dikhaae. idhar udhar daae baae bhagna to sunni ka kaam nahi. Phir se main kehta hoon, agar ap ne sabit kar dia keh un ullama ko saare mamlaat maloom the lekin phir bhi dr. sahib ko sahih kaha hai to ham zaroor us par ghor karainge. Jesa keh Admin bhai ne kaha hai keh agar un ke aqaaid bhi dr. sahib ki tarha hain to hukm un par bhi hoga. lekin is ke liye aap ko sabit karna hoga keh in ullama ke bhi wohi aqaaid hain jo dr. sahib ke hain. abhi tak to in ko nahi aai piyare admin bhai... Allah kare samajh ajae aur jawabat dedain.
  8. Sorry... Please clarify further what you want us to do? recite durood sharif? how many times?
  9. aik kitab mojud hai issi topic main jo "Ya Mohammadah" bhai ne post ki hai us main tehreerain mojud hain. Yanabi.com main debate hui thi jo keh kuch month chali thi lekin koi jawab mosool na hone par majbooran topic lock karna parha yahan tak keh aik Minhajian Aalim bhi jawab na de saka aur aap ki tarha woh bhi ese cheap defences batane laga tha bajaae is ke keh jo aitarazat hain un ke jawabat dain.
  10. Anyway, please do bring the proofs when you come to Pakistan. And yes, let me remind you again. Did I ask you anythig so far? I think I asked you to comment about the matter I forwarded to you.
  11. Jo baatain maine uthaeen un k jawabat aap ne nahi diye. Phir wohi baatain shuru kar deen jesa keh main expect karraha tha "falan ne yeh kaha falan ne woh kaha, falan ne yoon kia falan falan ne yoon kaha". Aap ne abhi tak koi saboot nahi diye keh jin Ullama ke naam aap bata rahe hain unhone Dr. Tahir ki sab maamlaat janne ke bawajood us ko sahih kaha, tabhi hamm kuch aage Ullama tak pohchaenge taake Fatawa ki mazeed clarification hojae aur faisla hojae keh in ullama ke saath kia mamla hona chahiye. Umeed hai aap ab samajh gae honge. Agar aap sabit nahi kar sakte keh in tamaam Ullama ko maloom tha phir bhi sahih kaha, to phir ham aap ki baat nahi maanainge aur ap ki baat radd kar dainge. Seedhi si baat hai. Ab please dobara yeh matt shuru kar dena keh is ne yeh kaha us ne woh kaha. Jawabaat laane chahiye aap ko bajae advertisement karne ke. Please answer the issues I raised in my posts.
  12. You can see this long debate with Minhajians and do notice the "minhajian style of debate". http://www.yanabi.com/forum/messageview.cf...MVIEWTMP=Linear You have got many videos, you must've also got the in which Tahir ul qadri said lies about praying behind deobandis. First he says he offers prayer behind anybody of any sect and later he says he never did/said so. Can you comment about that?
  13. Yahood-o-Nasaara ko Ahle Emaan manne wala kia Sunni ho sakta hai? Meelad-e-Mustafa aur Christmas ko aik hi hesiat ke din kehne wala aap ki nazar main kia hai? Musalmanon aur christians ko aik doosron ke tehwaron main shirkat karni chahiye, is ka kahan se jawab laao ge? Yaad rahe keh 10 Muharram ka roza ke mutalliq jews roza rakhte the to Sahabah ne Huzoor se roza rakhne ki ijazat chaahi to un ko ijazat mil gaee. lekin phir sahaabah ne poocha keh Ya RasoolAllah is se to yahoodion se mushabihat ho jaae gi. to Huzoor ne farmaya keh phir tum us Roze ke saath aik aur roza rakh lo taakeh mushabihat na ho. Yahan to christians k saath un a tehwaar manaya jaa raha hai, un ke tehwaron main shirkat ki talqeen ki jaa rahi hai balke un ki Ahle Imaan bhi kaha jaa raha hai, ankhain khol kar dekhain. Yeh kahan ka Islam hai? Yeh bhi yaad rahe keh christians christmas "son of god" ki nisbat se manate hain naa keh Allah ke Nabi ki nisbat se. http://www.islamimehfil.info/index.php?showtopic=2380
  14. Hazrat Ameer-e-Muawia ki shaan main gustakhi karne wala aap ki nazar main kon hai? Kia woh sunni ho sakta hai? Kia woh Sunni Jamaat ka koi Pir ho sakta hai? Kia us ki nisbat Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam se ho sakti hai? HAR GIZ NAHI!!! http://www.islamimehfil.info/index.php?showtopic=1682
  15. Agar in Ullama, baaz ke naam to maine pehle nahi suney, ke saboot aap faraham karain keh in Ullama ne "tahir ul qadri ke ghalat aqeedon aur inkar-e-Ijma-e-Ummat aur Sulah-e-Kulliyat" waghera sab jaante the is ke bawajood unhone kaha keh tahir ke tamaam aqeeda aur jumla maamlat theek hain to ham us par zaroor ghor karainge InshaAllah, lekin ab tak jitni videos hain un main tahir ki taraf jitne aitarazat uthaae gae hain un ka aik bhi jawab nazar nahi araha hai. Mazeed yeh keh main dobara kahunga keh aitarazat ke jawabat aap ko dene chahiye bajaae is ke keh yeh kehne se "falan ne yeh kaha falan ne woh kaha". Yeh aaj ki baat nahi hai, jab se maine tahir k baare main debates shuru ki hain zindagi main, minhajians hamesha ese hi cheap defences le aate hain hain, tahir ki fazeelatain aur nisbatain bayan karte hain aur jo mozu hota hai us par kabhi baat nahi karte. Filwaqt aap yeh jawab parhai hamare zabardast member "Khalil Rana" sahib ne likha hai.
  16. Assalamualaikum and welcome to the forum bro!

    You've been doing great services to Ahle Sunnat on youtube. MashaAllah!

  17. Astaghfirullah! Lahaulawala quwwat! barha hi "herat angez" waakia hai yeh to!
  18. We don't follow Shia dharam. So, Ismailis can never be similar to our school of thought or whatever it is. You've said that The holy Companions of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did wrong deeds after his passing away, confirming you are 180 degree oppsite from our beliefs. We are people of Sawad-e-Azam Ahle Sunnat who are the ones to decide what is right and what is wrong, Alhamdulillah! Though rights and wrongs are already identified in Quran and Sunnah. You are blind that you can't differentiate between right and wrong. We are concerned with the "beliefs of Islam" and not the other amaal. For sure if a person comits crime is doing wrong, but having wrong beliefs makes him get kicked out from the religion. Doing a wrong this is something else, while justifying a wrong thing is something else. And Ullama (islamic scholars) are the people whose fatawa and statements are applicable, but common people can't decide a Mazhab's rulings. Right? Hunza, we'll mister, Ismailis have got money! BIG TIME! So, they can do whatever they like in there areas. The poor common people can't resist seeing that money and sell out there faith. Opening institutes or hospitals does not necessarily reflect the faith which is inside the heart, that's just the outer appearence. Talk about the beliefs of Ismailis! And yes, we've never seen Ismailis doing a debate about beliefs with Ullama, right? So, faith is just nothing for them. Histories and mystries and services can't justify a sect's wrong beliefs. Christians of west provide great services to the common people living there, but does this mean every belief of Christians is correct?
  19. Janab Shia Challenger sahib, Ahle Sunnat wa Jamaat ko challenge dene se pehle soch lia karain ham Wahabi hai na Deobandi, ham Ahle Sunnat hain. Aur hamara Deen o Mazhab bar Haq hai. Rafziyo wahabiyo najdiyo kharjiyo ki tarah apne ghar main beth kar nahi banaya hai. Hama'in Hamaray Aqaid e Islamia Allah azzwajal nay ata keay Rasool Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam key Sadqe hamain , Deen mila Shariat mili Tariqat mili... Zamanay kay rang hawa kay rukh daikh kar hamra mazhab na badla na badalnay wala hai inshaAllah ham Hussaini hain karabala mai sir katana hamain Imam Hussain raziAllah anho nay sikhaya hai jhot aur batil kay aagay sir jhukana hamara shaiwa nahee... hamara mazhab naya nahee ham nay na hi Ibne Abdul Wahab sey seekha na Abdullah ibne Saba sey. Ab yeh jaan lain keh ap ko challenge dena suit nahi karta, kiunke aap ko apne mazhab pe amal karte hue Taqiya (jhoot) karna chahiye! lol aur sach ko pee jana chahiye kiun keh "Taqiya imaan ka hissa hai" aap logon ke liye. Taqia karo! challenge na karo! Shabash. Sach ko pee jao! Jhoot bolo aur apna Aqeeda chupao. "Apne mazhab par khof rakho aur is ko hamesha jhoot aur taqiya key sath chupaya rakho, kiuke jo taqiya nahi karta us ka koi Imaan nahi" (Shion ki motabar tareen kitab "Kafi", page 484) "Deen main 90% taqiya aur jhoot bolna zaroori hai, aur farmaya jo taqiya nahi karta woh be-deen hai" (Kafi, page 482) Chalo shabash, taqiya karo challenge na karo warna tum sache shia bhi nahi raho ge be-deen hojaoge! lol
  20. Instead of "advertisement", there should rather be "answers" about the objections raised, and this is not "answer". The objection raised by Ahlesunna ulemas who know him for long and are aware of all his works books speeches etc. If soembody says this is good man he can always be unaware of his real face. Tahir-ul-Qadri and all his followers should be presenting answers.
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