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سب کچھ DunyaFani نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. DunyaFani


    Download book Bahar-e-Shariat from dis link http://rapidshare.com/files/94241385/Bahar-e-Shariat.zip also fwd dis link to ur friends and family members and yahoo groups
  2. I Want to Download Quran Pak With Urdu Translation In Text Format The Site u Mentioned is not download option neways thanks for ur concern
  3. DunyaFani

    Kanz ul Iman

    Asalam O Alaikum How R U Allz. .... I Hope Are All Fine There ....... I Want To Ask Very Important Question To All Of You....... Any One Of You Know About A Site Where I Can Download Quran Pak With Urdu Translation In Text Format...... I Mean No Picutres ... In Inpage Format .... I Shall Be Very Thankful To All Of U .. Allah Hafiz
  4. DunyaFani

    Alvida Mah-e-Ramzan

    ALVIDA ALVIDA ALVIDA Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai ALVIDA ALVIDA ALVIDA Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai Din Teray Anay Say Muotbar Thay Noor Main Dobay Sham-o-Sehar Thy Teray Janey Say Dil Rooh Raha Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai Sehar-o-Iftar Kiraat Tarawee Aur Azanain Namain-o-Tasbee Yeh Sama Noori Tuj Sy Mila Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai Rehmaton Ka Tu Paigham Laya Barkaton Ka Tu Inaam Laya Rutba Alla-o-Afzal Tera Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai Jaam Rehmat Ky Tu Ny Pilayay Gul Muradoon Ky Tu Ny Khilayay Tu Juda Hum Sy Ab Ho Raha Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai Hum Ko Dekh Tu Payay Ga Tub Tak Ghar Rahay Zinda Aglay Baras Tak Phir Milain Gy Jo Hukam-e-Khuda Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai Chal Dia Hai Tu Jo Rab Ki Janib Ahl-e-Iman Ky Purnam Hai Qalib Qalb-e-Ishrat Bi Gham Sy Barah Hai Mah-e-Ramzan Bus Alvida Hai
  5. 31.While taking meals laying the left foot (on the floor) and keeping the right foot in upright/erect position or sitting on the buttocks and keeping both the knees in upright position or sitting on the hams/sitting with folded legs; By sitting (while taking meals) in any of the three positions/forms the sacred tradition of the Prophet would stand having been followed/acted upon. 32.Hold (the loaf of) bread in left hand and break the same with right hand as this is the tradition of the Prophet 33.If a morsel (of food) or a piece of bread or particles of grain etc. fall on the ground/table cloth then pick those up, wipe/clean the same and eat those up, as for the "One" doing so, there is the divine inspiration (glad tidings) of him being salved/pardoned "AL-HAMDU-LILLAH" (All praise being for Allah ). 34.To eat by means of one finger (only) is the rite/course of "Satan" and to eat with two fingers is the way/custom of the proud/self-conceited people (and) to eat with three fingers is the (sacred) tradition of the Prophet 35.After having taken the meals pick the teeth by means of a straw/dried stalk as that is the tradition of the Prophet 36.Drink water while in sitting posture, in the (broad) day light, with the glass (of water) held in the right hand (and) after reciting "BISMILLA-HIR-RAHMAN-IR-RAHEEM" (Allah in the name of), by looking/seeing at the water; drink in three breaths in such a way that each breath is inhaled when the glass (of water) is removed away from the mouth. In the first and the second turns (i.e. breaths) take one drought/gulp (of water) each and in the third breath take as many droughts (of water) as you wish to take. After having taken the water (to your satiation) say/recite "AL-HAMDU-LILLAH", (all praise being for Allah ) 37.After having drank the water (to your satiation) don't, on any account, throw away the water remaining in the glass as to do so is extravagance, and extravagance is unlawful. Have the remaining water in the glass taken by some one else. It is stated in the sacred saying of the Prophet :- (There is cure/healing in the residue food or the drinking stuff of a Muslim believer)." 38.To wash the teeth using "Miswak" (i.e. one span length natural traditional tooth brush made out of small finger wide stem of a tree) before going to bed/sleep is the tradition of the Prophet And to sleep with the ablution purification performed (too) is the (sacred) tradition of the Prophet 39.Before going to bed/sleep (and) after reciting "BISMILLAH" (Allah in the name of) dust the bed three times so that if there are any pernicious (harmful) animal species i.e. insects/worms in the bed the same get dispelled. 40.Sleep sometimes on the (palm) mat, sometimes on hide/skin, sometimes on bed stead, sometimes on floor for no reason and some time form pillow like support of the right fore-arm and the right hand (for sleeping). All these (modes) are the (sacred) traditions of the Prophet . By appropriating these practices (for the purposes of following the same) the spiritual love for the Madni Sovereign would (tend to) grow/prosper. (If Allah willing).
  6. 21.To sit at the place, where there is some sunshine and some shade, is (as per Islamic law) forbidden. 22.Whenever you come to attend (any) congregation or party don't (try to) go forward jumping/striding across the people; Rather! get seated where-ever you find room to sit. 23.While sitting take off your shoes; your feet would be relieved/be at ease. (AL-HADEES) 24.When some one arrives, to slide or to widen the space for him is the (sacred) tradition of the Prophet 25.As far as possible sit with the face set towards the direction of sacred Ka'aba as our Dear Master/Lord used to sit often on the hams (i.e. with folded legs), with the face set towards the direction of sacred Ka'aba and both the auspicious hands placed on the knees. In addition to this there, are other ways/methods of His sitting too that have already been described before. 26.If there are two women standing in the way or walking don't (try to) pass from in between themselves. 27.While walking on the path way guard yourself from walking in confused/perplexed state (i.e. looking hither and thither or right and left). 28.In walking be cautious as well that the shoes don't create any sound. 29.Put on the right shoe first then the left and while taking the shoes off take out the left foot first then the right foot. 30.To wash both hands up to the wrists before and after taking meals, to gargle/rinse the mouth and to wash the front (outside) portion of the mouth is the (sacred) tradition of the Prophet . Of course even if "One" did not wash the mouth after having taken the meals it won't be said (considered) that the tradition of the Prophet was not discharged/complied with.
  7. 11.Keep the (fall of) trousers or leg sheet above the ankles of feet. 12.Put on trousers while in sitting position / posture and tie the turban while in standing position. Any one who conducted/executed these exercises in reverse order shall fall a prey to such disease which is incurable (ZIA-UL-QULOOB-FI-LIBAS-UL-MAHBOOB). 13.Put on the shirt first and then the trousers. 14.While beginning to put-on clothes start from the right side. For example first enter the right hand in the right sleeve of the shirt then (the left hand) in the opposite sleeve. Similarly enter the right foot in the right leg of the trousers and then the left foot in the left leg of trousers. 15.When about to take off clothes recite "BISMILLAH" (Allah in the name of) first. By its auspiciousness the privy parts of your body (i.e. from the "Navel" to the "Knees") would remain concealed / obscured from "Satan". 16.While taking off the clothes start in the order reverse to the order (as in Point no. 14 above). 17.Start to wear new clothes from Fridays as that is the tradition of the Prophet 18.While taking off clothes or getting up from the bed after sleep, keep the clothes in folded form and the bed in rolled up form. Don't leave these (things) in the state (these (things) happen to be); otherwise the "Satan" would use the same. (Fatawaa-e-Razvia) 19.Place (both of your) buttocks over the ground and keep both the knees in upright position (and then) enclose/blockade the knees by means of the two arms holding one hand by the other; To sit in such posture being the tradition of the Prophet 20.To sit in cross-legged squatting posture too is, the tradition of the Prophet
  8. Faizan-e-Sunnat by Ameer-e-Ahle Sunnat Hazrat Allama Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attari Qadri (Damat Barkthum Aaliya) FORTY TRADITIONAL PRACTICES OF THE HOLY PROPHET() 1.Every good/virtuous and lawful (piece of) work should be started after reciting the sacred "" (Allah in the name of). Of-course! no recitation of the sacred "" be done, before starting to do (any) unlawful and non-permissible work, at all. 2.When "One" intends meeting any Islamic brother then extending him salutations/sending "one's" compliments to him is the (sacred) traditional practice of the Prophet 3.Shaking of hands becomes the traditional practice of the Prophet only when after the two Islamic brothers have met they extend salutations/send compliments to each other first and then shake hands. 4.The traditional practice of the Prophet's at the time of shaking of hands being that no handkerchief etc. stands in the way; both side hands are empty and the palm should join/embrace the palm. 5.To talk/converse smilingly and cheerfully is the (sacred) traditional practice of the Prophet 6.To talk screamingly / shriekingly as friends are prone to do these days in frankness / informality between themselves is against the sacred tradition of the Prophet 7.For the "One" who sneezes to say "AL-HAMDU-LILLAH" (All praise (s) being for Allah " is acting according to the traditional practice of the Prophet . It is better/preferable that "AL-HAMDU-LILLAH-I-RABBIL AALAMEEN" (All praise(s) being for Allah who (alone) is the cherisher/sustainer of all the universe (eighteen hundred or eighteen thousand) is said (uttered). For the one who hears (the sound of) sneeze, it is expedient/proper that be says immediately "YERHAMUKALLAH" (that is to say that Allah (may) show mercy to you); And he should say these words so loudly that the one who sneezed is able to listen of his own-self. If the "one" answering the "Sneeze" causes delay (in uttering the words "YERHAMUKALLAH" he shall be regarded sinful, and could not be absolved of the sin merely by the late answer to the "sneeze"; Rather along with that penitence in the courts of Allah shall have to be caused (mandatorily) (BAHARE-SHARIAT) 8.After hearing the answer to his sneeze the "One" who sneezed is to say "YAGHFIRULLAHU-LANAA WALAKUM" (May Allah cause yours/and ours forgiveness) or says this (YAHDEEKUM-ULLAHU WA-YUSLIHU BAALAKUM) (May Allah show you the path of righteousness and cause your reformation) 9.The tradition of the Prophet with regard to the collar-less long and loose traditional shirt being that length of its skirt is up to the shin/calf of the leg, the length of sleeve up to the phalange of fingers the maximum and the width of the sleeves the length of a span. 10.Tieing of leg sheet (the loose sheet of cloth for the lower part of the body of a male member) around the waist is the tradition of the Prophet ; wearing of (traditional) trousers (eastern style) is permissible / lawful too as the Lord liked (approved) the same and the companions of the Prophet have worn it too.
  9. DunyaFani

    Azaan a miracle?

    *Azaan a miracle? Yes!* *Amazing as it sounds, but fortunately, for the Muslims of the world, it is* an established fact. Have a look at a map of the world And you will find Indonesia on the eastern side of the earth. The major cities of Indonesia are Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Saibil. As soon as dawn breaks on the eastern side of Saibil, at approximately 5:30 am local time, Fajar Azaan begins. Thousands of Muazzins in Indonesia begin reciting the Azaan. The process advances towards West Indonesia . One and a half hours after the Azaan has been completed in Saibil, it echoes in Jakarta .. Sumatra then follows suit and before this auspicious process of calling Azaan ends in Indonesia, it has already begun in Malaysia .. Burma is next in line, and within an hour of its beginning in Jakarta, it reaches Dacca, the capital city of Bangladesh . After Bangladesh , it has already prevailed in western India , from Calcutta to Srinagar . It then advances towards Bombay and the environment of entire India resounds with this proclamation. Srinagar and Sialkot (a north city in Pakistan ) have thesame timing for Azaan. The time difference between Sialkot , Quetta , and Karachi is forty minutes, and within this time, Fajar Aazaan is heard throughout Pakistan . Before it ends there, it has already begun in Afghanistan and Muscat . The time difference between Muscat and Baghdad is one hour. Azaan resounds during this one hour in the environments of Hijaaz-e-Muqaddas (Holycities of Makkah and Madinah), Yemen , United Arab Emirates , Kuwait and Iraq . The time difference between Baghdad and Alexandria in Egypt is again one hour. Azaan continues to resound in Syria, Egypt, Somalia and Sudan during this hour. The time difference between eastern and western Turkey is one and a half hours, and during this Alexandria and Tripoli (capital of Libya ) are located at one hour's difference. The process of calling Azaan thus continues throughout the whole of Africa . Therefore, the proclamation of the Tawheed" and "Risaalat" that had begun in Indonesia reaches the Eastern Shore of the Atlantic Ocean after nine and half hours. Prior to the Aazaan reaching the shores of the Atlantic, the process of "Zohar Azaan" has already started in east Indonesia , and before it reaches Dacca , Asr Azaan" has started. This has hardly reached Jakarta one and half hours later, the time of "Maghrib" becomes due, and no sooner has "Maghrib" time reached Sumatra , the time for calling "Isha Aazaan" has commenced in Saibil! When the Muazzins of Indonesia are calling out "Fajar Azaan", the African Muazzins are calling the Azaan for Isha. If we were to ponder over this phenomenon thoughtfully, we would conclude the amazing fact that there is not even a single moment when hundreds of thousands of Muazzins around the world are not reciting the Azaan on the surface of this earth. Subhaan Allah !!! Even as you read this material right now, you can be sure there is Azaan somewhere !!!
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