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Muhammad Jalal

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سب کچھ Muhammad Jalal نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. The third one seems like some well-known Na'atkhuwan but can't figure out who... do you have the recording of Hafiz Tahir Qadri and Sajid Qadri from there?
  2. http://www.4shared.com/file/33372406/9e4af...rified=6111ee45 This is just a Manqabat with 1-2 Shairs Of Attari Hain Attari and 1-2 from Attarioun Main Baith Jaa. It's not recited very good as I wasn't reciting with full power etc. etc.
  3. Jazak Allah Khair... I Always Had Doubt About This Guy But Was Waiting For Fatwah From Daar-Ul-Iftaa...
  4. Insha Allah Sister I'm Uploading It And Will Share Soon.
  5. Masha Allah... Tasleem Ahmad Sabri Has Read This Beautifully!
  6. Here is the 28 minute recording of Aya Hai Bulawa recited by naat khuwan Owais Qadri. A Brother has removed the background from the original recording. I wanted to listen to it for a long time but I prefer to avoid listening to naat sharif with background because of the various fatawa from the Ulema regarding this issue. However, some of the naat khwan refuse to release recordings without background zikr. Therefore, we will start removing the background ourselves. Zikr is a great thing Alhamdulillah , but it should not be digitally manipulated to create a background rhythm or beatbox which resembles music. Also, it makes it hard to understand some of the words when the background sound is present. Anyway, this is for all of my friends who prefer naat sharif without background like me. http://www.yanabi.com/mediabank/AyaHaiBula...%2Dnobkgrnd.mp3
  7. My Favorite Na'atkhuwan Is: AL-HAAJ HAAFIZ MUHAMMAD TAHIR RAZA QADRI ATTARI And After That: HAJI SAYYID MUHAMMAD FURQAN QADRI ATTARI And: AL-HAAJ MUHAMMAD IMRAN SHAIKH ATTARI QADRI And Favorite Naats: "Aap Hain Imaan-E-Jaan" and "Islam Zindabad" by Hafiz Tahir Qadri "Ya Rabb Bandah Tera" and "Meri Aarzu Madinah (Kalam-E-Attar)" by Syed Furqan Qadri "Nabi (S.A.W) Ka Uncha Naam" and "Teray Rang Rang (Without Zikr)" by Imran Shaikh Attari.
  8. Masha Allah Nice Poem! I Will Insha Allah Try To Post A Recital Of This In My Voice! But Only If Someone Requests! I Have Composed A New Tune For It Too!
  9. Subhan Allah Brother! I Have Both Of Da'awat-E-Islaami's New VCD But I Was Wishing To Capture Some Pictures For Some Brothers... You Have Alhamdulillah Solved That Problem!
  10. I Loved The Video Na'at Qasidah Burdah Sharif By Al-Haaj Muhammad Mushtaq Qadri (Rahmatullah 'Alaih).
  11. Masha Allah! May We All Get KHUSUSI KARAM (Special KARAM) in Our Aakhirah!
  12. Jazakallah Khair... As Usual Thought-Provoking Kalaam By Maulana Attar Qadri Sahab... Can Someone PLEASE Post Audio Or Video?
  13. Assalamu'alaikum!! A few Ash'aar From This Kalaam Are Usually Mixed With Another Similiar Na'at: DARRPAISH HOU TAIBAH KAA SAFARR KAISAA LAGAY GAA... Jazak Allah Khayr!! Fi Amanillah!
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