Abu Habiba
کل پوسٹس
152 -
تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
جیتے ہوئے دن
سب کچھ Abu Habiba نے پوسٹ کیا
As-Salaam alaikum, What exactly is Ikhlas? ..... What does it mean to be engaged in sincere devotion to Allah Ta'ala? Sayyadi Abdulqadir Jailani, may Allah be pleased with him, has given a very clear explanation on this matter as seen in the attached 2-page document lifted from his book: 'Ghunyalit Taalib Tareeqal Haqq' Open it and see the masterful explanation and have an understanding of Ikhlas... Best Wishes. 93.-Wisdom-from-Huzoor-Ghaus-e-Azam-Radiallahu-Anh-Part-1.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, The attached booklet titled: 'Mercy Oceans-Divine Sources' is a compilation of discourses of the late Sheikh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, may Allah be Merciful to him, delivered between 1983-1984 in various places. Some unique teachings of deep spiritual significance and guidance are indeed contained therein. Open, examine the booklet and reap the lessons contained therein. Many Regards. Mercy Oceans-Divine Sources.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, Ahmad is one of the 98 or so names of our dear Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, the coolness of the hearts of believers on the Day of Reckoning. Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, called him Ahmad in the Holy Qur'an:-- ''And remember when Isa son of Maryam said, 'O children of Isra'el, I am Allah's Messenger to you, confirming the previous Book Tauraat before me and conveying the glad tidings of the Messenger who will come after me, his name is Ahmad.'' ( Saffi- 61:6) In the attached Sunni Way document, find out what this name Ahmad means, its significance and why the Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, is so called. Best Regards. Ahmad....docx
As-Salaam alaikum, Malik Ibn Anas reported from Yahya Ibn Sa'eed who quoted it from Sa'eed Ibn al-Musayyab, who quoted it in turn from Umar Ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with them all, who reported that the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- ''Always remember the terminator of pleasures'', so we asked: 'What is the terminator of pleasures, Ya Rasulullah?'' He replied: ''It is death.'' (Hadith Sahih) In another hadith, on the authority of Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- ''Remember death recurrently because so doing wipes out sins and makes you disregard this worldly life.'' So, if one is in distress, remembering death will alleviate his or her pain because it (death) is harder than any other misery. And if he is in a state of happiness and abundance, remembering death protects him/her from rolling in the pleasures of life and counting on it.... as he/she knows he will part with it one day.
As-Salaam alaikum, Find herewith attached a copy of the work of Sayyadi Abu Sa'id al-Kharraz titled: 'Book of Truthfulness..(Kitab al-Sidq)'. It is one of the earliest systematic presentation of Sufi experience, delving into what is truthfulness, its nature, meaning and how it may be practiced. Enjoy it. bookoftruthfulne029338mbp.pdf
Effective Remedies For Spiritual Maladies.
اس ٹاپک میں نے Abu Habiba میں پوسٹ کیا Articles and Books
As-Salaam alaikum, Find hereby attached a copy of the booklet titled: 'Effective Remedies for Spiritual Maladies' by Shah Hakeem Akhtar Saheb, may Allah be Merciful to him. It deals with spiritual ailments such as anger, illicit love affairs, pride, slander, ostentation etc and gives us their remedies. These remedies are sourced from the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam. This booklet is indeed very rich,as it were.... Just find the time to examine it. You will be glad you did. EffectiveRemediesForSpiritualMaladies_web.pdf -
As-Salaam alaikum, Find hereby attached a brief but lucid paper/document by Sheikh Zulfiqar Ahmad, may Allah be Merciful to him, on that all-important issue of Fear of Allah... the Creator of the Universe and all that is therein. You will recall that fear of Allah is the key that stops us from committing sin and every other disapproved action. In this document you will see what is that fear and how it is developed... and more. Best Wishes. fear_of_allah.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, In a hadith-qudsi, Allah Ta'ala says:-- ''For Me, the most blessed of My Friends is the person of faith who is unburdened (by possessions), who takes pleasure in prayer, who carries out well his devotion to his Lord and eagerly serves Him in secret. He is concealed among the people; no one points him out. His sustenance is barely sufficient, and he is content with that... His death comes quickly, there are few mourners, and his estate is small.'' This hadith is included, with minor variations, in the canonical collections of Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hanbal.
As-Salaam alaikum, It is related that Jabir Ibn Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said to the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, ''O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, tell me of the first thing Allah created before all things.'' He said, ''O Jabir, the first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet from His Light, and that light remained in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and there was not, at that time, a Tablet or a Pen or an earth. And when Allah wished to create creation, He divided that light into four parts and from the first made the Pen, from the second the Tablet, from the third the Throne, and from the fourth everything else.'' Judgements/interpretation on this narration may vary among scholars, but whatever the variation, we agree that the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, being a Mercy to all, is linked to the fact that he is the intermediary of the Divine outpouring over all contingencies-- that is, all created things without exception. Ibn al-Hajj al-Abdari (d. 736) cites Hadith Jabir in his book 'Al-Madkhal'....citing it from Muhammad Ibn al-Layth's book ''Shifa al-Sudur'' where he says: ''The first thing Allah created is the light of Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, and that light came and prostrated before Allah. Allah divided it into four parts and created from the first the Throne, from the second the Pen, from the third the Tablet and then similarly He subdivided the fourth into parts and created the rest of creation..'' (Alusi: Ruh al-Ma'ani 8:71)
As-Salaam alaikum, Sheikh Abdul Mustafa Azami, may Allah be Merciful to him, in the attached brief but lucid booklet, gives us an examination of Qur'anic Parables and Marvels. I wish to invite you to open it and see and extract the lessons contained therein... and the obvious knowledge we stand to have too. Best Regards. 252-1.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, The Booklet 'Bridge To Eternity'...copy hereby attached...consists of sohbets or Lectures held/given by the late Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani, may Allah be Merciful to him, in/at different places when he was alive. These were talks from the heart which inspire spiritual radiation, insight and help us peep into the Secrets of Divinity. Open the booklet and see what I mean, I believe you will be glad you did. Many Regards. Bridge to Eternity..pdf
Solution To A Hundred Problems In This World and The Hereafter.
اس ٹاپک میں نے Abu Habiba میں پوسٹ کیا Articles and Books
TheSolutionToAHundredProblems.pdf As-Salaam alaikum, We live in a world full of grief and worries... worries regarding disease, respect, dignity, finance, marital etc List of worries may be endless, but their solution (all of them), simply lies in the attainment of Allah's Pleasure and abstaining from sin. Find attached herewith a copy of a booklet/document titled: ''The Solution To A Hundred Problems In This World and the Hereafter'', by Syed Abid Hussain. It gives us various solutions to our problems we may face... material, temporal or spiritual in this world or even in the hereafter. Find the time to peruse it, I believe you will find it very useful. Best Wishes. -
As-Salaam alaikum, In the hadith, the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said: ''QALB AL-MUMIN BAYT AR-RABB...The heart of the believer is the House of the Lord.'' And in a hadith-qudsi, Allah Ta'ala says: ''NEITHER EARTH NOR HEAVENS CONTAINED ME, BUT THE HEART OF THE BELIEVER CONTAINED ME.'' This is when the believer's hear is free of any impurities and all that is other than Allah Ta'ala... the heart becomes Allah's Mansion; Allah's House when it becomes a place of His Self-manifestation, a place to contemplate Him and keep His Secret, the right place to receive the responsibility of Allah's Trust, as the means to know Allah with Allah, as He says in the Holy tradition (hadith qudsi):-- ''I have built inside the heart of the son of Adam, a palace (qasar); in the chest there is a heart (qalb); in the heart, there is the inner heart (fu'ad); and in the inner heart, there is an innermost heart (shaghaf); and in the shaghaf, there is the kernel (lubb); and in the kernel, there is secret (sirr); in the sirr/secret, there is Me; that is the secret refers to the place for My manifestation and the place to know Me.'' We get to understand this more, when we recall another hadith-qudsi where Allah Ta'ala says:-- ''Man is My secret and I am his secret..'' meaning that Allah placed His secret or illuminative knowledge (ma'arifah) in man-- with which man hears and sees Allah in all he does. Nay, he exists only by Allah's Existence.
As-Salaam alaikum, A traditional Sufi saying states that 'No one knows Allah but Allah'. Quite true! But in the hearts of His lovers, Allah Ta'ala reveals His Divine mysteries... reveals marvels about His Names and Attributes. An undisputed inner truth is that Allah is One and Only.... meaning that only He has real existence (Wujud) and that all other things exist only through His existence and life. As the shadow is completely dependent on origin and without it is non-existent; in the same way world and creation altogether are but shadows of manifested reality. However, His having the only true existence does NOT imply idea of incarnation or dwelling in creation as some people may conclude from the doctrine of Oneness of Being (Wahdatu-l-Wujud). His reality or Essence (Dhat) is beyond time, space or any conditions whatsoever. He is neither in world nor absent from it. In His proximity, He is the near, in His Loftiness, the Observer. Power, Splendor, Grandeur and Magnificence are His.. whose Essence is great beyond any resemblance to other essences. Glory be to Allah, the Creator and Lord of Cosmos, Mighty in His Magnificence, Grand in His Splendor. ''There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.'' (Shura- 42:11)
As-Salaam alaikum, The work titled 'Fath al-Bari' by Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, may Allah be Merciful to him, is a remarkable work in Islam's Hadith Literature. It is a Commentary on Sahih Imam Bukhari and on extracting lessons from Hadith and Skills in resolving complex disputes over variant schools of thought in the universal religion. Find a copy of this lucid and beautifully compiled Fath al-Bari, hereby attached for your reading pleasure and extracting the vital lessons contained therein. Many Regards. Fath-al-bari-excerpt-in-english.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, ''And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, He shall suffice him'' ( Talaq, 65:3) ''And in Allah let the believers put all their trust'' (Ibrahim, 14:11) In the Hadith also, it is related that the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said: "There shall enter paradise of my community 70,000 without reckoning: those are they that neither make auguries, nor brand themselves, nor use spells, but trust their Lord.'' (Bukhari) Trust in itself and its manifestation in the heart, is this: to believe in Allah and to rely on Him, taking rest and assurance in Him as regards all that He has guaranteed; to expel from the heart all anxiety over the affairs of this world, and the means of Sustenance, and every matter of which Allah has Himself taken charge; and to know that of every matter of which man stand in need, be it of this world or the next, Allah is the ruler and Provider, for none but Allah can bring it to him, and none but Allah can with hold it from him. In trust, all desire and trepidation must depart from the heart, with all fear, if these be connected with other than Allah: for a man must have confidence in Him, and a full knowledge and firm conviction that Allah's hand is outreached towards him, to provide him with all that he seeks-- for no good shall befall him save by Allah's Command and no evil shall overtake him save with His leave.
I searched for honour, I found it in service to the creatures. I searched for leadership, I found it in the creatures welfare. I searched for humility, I found it in truth. I searched for the source of pride, I found it in Faqr. I searched for a valuable relationship in the Hereafter, I found it Taqwa (Fear of Allah the Almighty). I searched for highness, I found it in Qana'at (contentment). I searched for peace, I found it in Zuhd (Piety). Sayyadi Uways al-Qarni. Source: Majma al-Zawa'id-Kitab al-Amal Bis-Sunnah, vol. 1 page 1095.
As-Salaam alaikum, Today, people say that society's condition is really bad; what can we do? The way out is to run to Allah Ta'ala....by taking serious steps to shun sin. We read it in ayat 50 of Surat Zariyat of the Holy Qur'an:-- ''Hasten ye then [flee] to Allah'' (51:50) We must resist the temptation to let our guards down in the face of modernity's laxity in sinful conduct and promiscuity. According to our Ulama, the way to do this is through mujahadah-- Spiritual Struggle against Sins and one's egotistical soul, to bring ourselves in line with Allah's Loving Obedience. When we live our lives in loving surrender and sincere worship of Allah Ta'ala, we stand to be lifted to a station of an ta'budullah Ka annaka tara- ''that you worship Allah as though seeing Him' (Al-Bukhari, No. 6502)
As-Salaam alaikum, ''Wa'alamoo anna feekum Rasulullah.... And know [that] Allah's Messenger is in you.'' (49:7) Know that the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, is in you; his Light and his presence is with you every moment. He has been sent to all human beings. How? The Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- ''Human beings are born on fitrah, innocence: his parents make him either Jewish or Christian or Zoroastrian.'' (Muslim) Being born on Taqwa or Innocence in real terms means Muhammad, who is the real manifestation of the Beautiful Names of Allah. ''Either his parents make him Christian, Jew or Zoroastrian'', but in reality every newly born child is a mu'min... a Muslim; and he could not have been a Muslim and a Mu'min if the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, were not there. So, it means that a speck of the reality of the Prophet's Light is in every human being. As we grow from infant to adult age, that Light will ignite with Love of the Prophet, and our sending/recital of Salawaat ala Nabiy and ardent worship of Allah Ta'ala....
As-Salaam alaikum, It is my pleasure to share with you a copy of the attached booklet titled: ''The Lifespan of Islam on Earth'' by Sayyid Rami Al-Rifa'i. It collates and analyses Ahadith on the Signs of the Last Hour and events and lifeline leading up to the Day of Judgement. The booklet is a mine of knowledge. Do find the time to examine it. Regards. The-Lifespan-Of-Islam-On-Earth.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, The Noble Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- ''Let me not find one of you, reclining on his couch, when he hears something regarding what I have commanded or forbidden saying: 'We do not know. What we found in Allah's Book we have followed'. (Abu Dawud) In the attached document, Mufti Ahmed Yaar Khan gives us a brief but general reply to those who refute or undermine the necessity of Hadith. In fact, the Qur'an and Hadith are 2 necessary pivots of the religion of Islam, without which its shelter could not be supported.... the_authority_of_the_hadith.pdf
In The Mystic Footsteps of Saints (Awliya)..
اس ٹاپک میں نے Abu Habiba میں پوسٹ کیا Articles and Books
As-Salaam alaikum, The attached booklets, 'In the Mystic Footsteps Of Saints- Vol. 1 and Vol. 2' contain a record of Suhba proceedings of actual personal experience of spiritual groups, teaching(s) and guidance of re-known Sufi Sheiks/Teachers in the Islamic World. The booklets are indeed a mine of Treasure. I recommend that you find the time to go over them... You will be glad you did. Many Regards. 113.pdf 114.pdf -
As-Salaam alaikum, One of the debated topics in the Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah is Ilm-Ghaib... Does the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, have knowledge of the Unseen? The attached document/Paper gives an insight on this matter, sourced form the Holy Qur'an and Hadith-Nabi. To answer that question satisfactorily, I invite you to open the document...and see for yourself. Very Educative. Best Wishes. Ilm-ul-Ghaib-of-Our-Nabi-Muhammad-s.a.w.pdf
As-Salaam alaikum, Says the Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam:-- ''What is little but sufficient is better than that which is abundant but causes heedlessness.'' (Ibn Hibban)
As-Salaam alaikum, On the authority of Abu Nu'aim, Qatada said quoting Anas Ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- ''Seven things will yield reward to a person even after his death: a knowledge he spread, a river he dug, a well he drilled, a palm tree he planted, a mosque (masjid) he built, a copy of the Qur'an he bequeathed, a virtuous son who will pray, for Allah to grant him forgiveness.''