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سب کچھ RadiatingAli نے پوسٹ کیا

  1. * Surah Al An'Am {6} Verse 34: ”Rejected were the apostles before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them: there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah. And {“Wala qad...”} already hast thou received some account of those apostles. Allah states: ”… there is none that can alter the commands of Allah.” In the proceeding verse Wa is used, and the comment fallowed after it is not connected with the sentence: ”And already you have received some accounts of those appostles.” but it is reffering to the beginning of the verse: ”Rejected were the apostles before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them: ... * Surah Yunus {10} Verse 108: Say: "O ye men! Now Truth hath reached you from your Lord! those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs." The verse as two parts in the first part the Prophet talks about the message of truth and states that: ”... those who receive guidance, do so for the good of their own souls; those who stray, do so to their own loss: ...” In the next part of verse Wa is used and the subject of point is changed: ” ...and I am not (set) over you to arrange your affairs." Keeping this in mind, had the verse of Surah Al Maidah not being repeated Allah subhana wa tallah would have used the Wa in between: ”... and passing over much (that is now unnecessary}. And there hath come to you from Allah a Noor ...” It is the rule of grammar that If usage of Wa is nesscessary and the writer still does not employ Wa, then in the absence of Wa, and where Wa is required from there on the proceeding discourse would be understood as EXPLAINATION of a statement which was made prior to it. It establishes beyond the shadow of doubt that Prophet {peace and blessing of Allah be upon him} is adressed as Noor. - Scriptural evidence will suffice to support the position of Ahlus Sunnat Wal Jammah, but its important that implications of what has been stated be sumarised with a logical and rational explanation. A speaker is delivering a speech about football: “There as come you you a Football, with which you use to play during training, there as come to you something round from the manager with which was used by you to score goals with.” Point is clear that football is reffered as 'something round', and the purpose for which the mention of football is made as 'something round', is to highlight to emphacise the quality of football, to further explain, hence both statements are reffering to the same thing. In the same manner Allah has addressed to RasoolAllah as 'Rasool' then mentions that he exposes what the Jews concealed, and then finally restates the first part of the verse, adressing to Prophet {peace and blessing of Allah be upon him} as Noor etc ... - Further inspection of the verse reveals: “There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, ...” that Prophet Muhammed {peace & blessings of Allah be upon him} reveals what the Ahle Kitab, in this context the Jews, used to conceal in their books. And its quality of Noor to show, to reveal, to expose the hidden things in the darkness, hence Noor reffers to RasoolAllah {peace & blessing of Allah be upone him}, and Kitab Mubeen reffers to Quran. Ahlus Sunnat Wal Jammah believes the phrase: “Qad ja'aqum manillahi nooruv ...” Reffers to RasoolAllah {SAW} and the usage of wa” between the “Nooruv wa kitabum Mubeen.” is for division, its in the meaning of also, plus, as well as. Meaning that the verse; “There as come to you from Allah a Noor and Kitab Mubeen.” to be understood in the fallowing sense: * ”There as come to you from Allah a Noor also a Kitab Mubeen.” * “There as come to you from Allah a Noor plus a Kitab Mubeen.” * ”There as come to you from Allah a Noor as well as Kitab Mubeen.” This proves that in this verse there is mention of two, Noor and Kitab Mubeen, and not a single object, hence Noor reffers to RasoolAllah because he is adressed in the beginning of the verse: ”Qad Ja'a aqum Rasooluna ...” and samiliar words are repeated: ”Qad Ja'a aqum minallahi Noor ...” hence in both instances the adressed is Prophet Muhammed {peace and blessings of Allah be upon him}. - Prophet is reffered as Noor, and here his mention of Noor is in all the possiable meanings, not restricted to a narrow interpretation i.e. Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was'salam is Noor e Mutaliq, meaning that he is Noor of Guidance as well as Noor In Body, Noor In Soul etc ... Conclusion: Allah subhana wa tallah states that verses of Quran are repeated in the Quran, and Surah Al Maidah Verse 15, is one of such verses repeated, repeated for the sake of emphasis: ”There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary). There hath come to you from Allah a Noor and Kitab Mubeen.” Commentaries On Surah Al Maidah Verse 15:[/red * Tafsir Ibn Abbas Radiallah tallah Anh: “(O people of the Scripture! Now hath Our messenger) Muhammad (pbuh) (come unto you, expositing unto you much of that which ye used to hide in the Scripture) regarding the traits and description of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the legal ruling on stoning [married fornicators] as well as other things, (and forgiving much) and leave many other things, not mentioning them toyou. (Now hath come unto you light) a messenger, i.e. Muhammad (from Allah and a plain Scripture) explaining the lawful and the unlawful.” * Tafsir al Jalalayn: “O People of the Scripture, Jews and Christians, now there has come to you Our Messenger, Muhammad (s), making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture, the Torah and the Gospel, such as the ‘stoning’ verse and the description [of the Prophet Muhammad (s)], and pardoning much, of it, which he does not reveal, since this would not be of any benefit, serving only to disgrace you. There has verily come to you from God a Noor, namely, the Prophet (s), and a Book, a Qur’ān, lucid, plain and manifest.” * The Noble Quran: ”O people of the scripture {Jews and Christians}! Now has come to you Our Messenger {Muhammed Sallalahu alayhi wa sallam} explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the scripture and pas over { I.e. leaveing out without explaining} much. Indeed there has come to you from Allah a Light {Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi wa sallam} and a plain book {this Quran}.” [Darus Salam – Wahabi Authorised Translation.] The Mufassireen of past the greatest of Classical scholars have affirmed that in the verse the phrase “… minallahi Noor ...” reffers to Prophet sallalahu alayhi was'salam and only heretical Mutazilite Zamashkhari the grammarian ever objected to this understanding. And now the Wahabiyah, the off-shoot of Najdi-Kharijiyah have also accepted that understanding in order to reffute the fundamental aqeedah. Prophet said my Ummah will never agree on erroneous beleife hence there is Ijmah among the Ulamah of past, that Noor in the verse reffers to Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was'salam, and who so ever denies the Ijmah becomes apostate. So therefore those Wahabis who do not believe that Prophet is Noor are Kaffir, and those who believe that Noor in this verse reffers to RasoolAllah sallalahu alayhi was'salam but in the meaning of 'Noor Of Guidance' or in the meaning of 'Guide' such are Muslims, who's aqeedah is not on the mark of perfection. It is narrated in Sahih, and in Hassan Ahadith that Prophet Muhammed {peace be upon him} stated that, his Ummah would not agree on a error: * Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 35, Number 4240: “Narrated AbuMalik al-Ash'ari: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah has protected you from three things: that your Prophet should not invoke a curse on you and should all perish, that those who follow what is false should not prevail over those who follow the truth, and that you should not all agree in an error.” Similar meaning Hadith are also found in Sunan Al Tirmadhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, and in Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, and as stated these Ahadith are graded variously from Sahih to Hassan, but there is no difference of opinion on these Ahadith, they are universally accepted by all factions, and are evidence for adhering to the Ijmah of Ummah. Muffasireen such as Hazrat Ibn Abbas {radiallah tallah anh}, Imam Fakhar Ud Din Raazi, Imam Qurtabi, Imam Jalal Ud Din Suyuti , Jarir Al Tabri, Al Baghwai in his Tafsir Malum Ul Tanzeel, Ibn Kathir remained silent on this verse, and Ummah has whole as understood Noor as a refference to Prophet Muhammed {peace & blessing of Allah be upon him} only half a dozen of the heretics have ever denied this fact, going against Ijmah. And the authority of Prophet Muhammed Sahih Ahadith we can safely conclude that its Ijmah on this beleife and one who opposes it opposes the righteous Ulamah of Ahlus Sunnah as well as the classical scholars of Ahlus Sunnah. The agreement between the Ulamah of past and between the great majority of present era is proof that Ummah as not made error in this understanding of verse, and scholars of past and present are the Jammat , anyone who deviates even a hand span from the Jammat as deviated from deen, as stated in Sahih Hadith Bukhari, and Muslim. Tieing The Loose Ends: Its been proven from the Quran that Prophet sallalahu alayhi was salam was the first creation, point to note is if there was nothing in existance then Prophet can not be Bashr he must have been in existance some other form, and Allah informs about Prophet: "There as come to you from Allah a Noor ..." Meaning that Prophet sallalahu alayhi was'salam is Noor, note, if i say there as come to you from Ali a email, this means that he mail was first written, it existed before it was sent to you ... and Noor of RasoolAllah existed before it was sent to us. All matter is made from protons, electrons, neutrons, which are made from photons ... etc ... all these are form of Noor, and everything which exists is made from these material hence scientificly its proven that Noor was the first material created and from it the rest of creation was created. Wama Alayna Ilal Balaghul Mubeen. Muhammed Ali Razavi
  2. Therefore for RasoolAllah {SAW} to worship Allah Subhana wa tallah first, he {SAW} must be prior to rest of the creation, and only then he can be the first one to worship Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, first one to reject the sonship attributed to Allah. In Surah Zukhraf Verse 81 proves that Prophet {SAW} was the first thing which Allah created, and had their been a son Prophet {SAW} would have been the first one to worship Allah, the son, is the first one to deny any partner with Allah even before the angles, Ambiyah {AS}, Prophet {SAW} was the first one who negated SHIRK, and affirmed Tawheed in the creation of Allah Subhana wa tallah. Awali'at: Meaning Of the Word Alameen: The word Alameen as been used in various meanings in the Quran, Universe, Worlds, Peoples, Nations, Creatures, etc ... In broad catgerisation there is two sets of meanings ascribed to Alameen: * Universe, Worlds, * Peoples, Nations, The verses which support that Alameen means, Universe, Worlds: * Surah Al Fatiha {1} Verse 2: "Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Alameen {Worlds / Universe}." * Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 131: "Behold! His Lord said to him: "Bow (thy will to Me):" He said: "I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Alameen {Worlds / Universe}." * Surah Al Maidah {5} Verse 28: "If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear Allah, the cherisher of the Alameen {Worlds/Universe}." * Surah Al A'raf {7} Verse 104: "Moses said: "O Pharaoh! I am an apostle from the Lord of the Alameen {Worlds/Universe},-" * Surah Takwir {81} Verse 29: "But ye shall not will except as Allah wills,- the Cherisher of the Worlds." Surah Al Mutaf'fi'feen {83} Verse 6: "A Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Alameen {Worlds/Universe}?" There are numerous other verses of the Quran which support this meaning, only few have been quoted in order to substantiate the claim. There are numerous verses of the Quran which also support the meaning of, Nations, Peoples, few are presented in the support: * Surah Ad-Dukhan {44} Verse 32: "And We chose them aforetime above the Alameen {nations}, knowingly." * Surah Al Jashiyah {45} Verse 16: "We did aforetime grant to the Children of Israel the Book the Power of Command, and Prophethood; We gave them, for Sustenance, things good and pure; and We favoured them above the Alameen {nations}." * Surah Al Ankabut {29} Verse 15: "But We saved him and the companions of the Ark, and We made the (Ark) a Sign for all Alameen {peoples}!" * Surah Al A'raf {7} Verse 140: "He said: "Shall I seek for you a god other than the (true) Allah, when it is Allah Who hath endowed you with gifts above the Alameen {nations}?" * Surah Yusuf {12} Verse 104: "And no reward dost thou ask of them for this: it is no less than a message for all Alameen {Nations/Peoples}." * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 33: "Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of 'Imran above all Alameen {people},-" Hences its well established that Allah Subhana Wa Tallah used the words in varying meanings in the Quran, Nation, Peoples, as well as Universe. The purpose of this was to demonstrate to the readers that word Alameen as various meanings and depending on its context, it determines its meaning. But in connection with Prophet Muhammed sallalahyu alayhi wassalam the word Alameen as been used in all the meanings not in just single meaning. Awali'at: Prophet Muhammed {SAW} as Rehmatal Lil Alameen: Allah Subhana Wa Tallah in the Quran addresses Prophet {SAW} with words: * Surah Al Anbiya {21} Verse 107: "We sent you not, but only as Rehmatal Lil Alameen {Mercy Onto Alameen}." Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah that Prophet {SAW} is Mercy onto The Universe, not just Muslims, but everything that exists, sun, moon, stars, trees, mountains, rivers, angles, Adam {AS} Lawh Wal Qalam, everything which exists Prophet {SAW} is Mercy onto it, Prophet {SAW} is mercy onto the entire creation of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, even the ones which passed before him, or that came after he {SAw} had passed away, he is Rehmat {Mercy} unto the entire creation of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah. And his teachings are REHMAT as well as his being is REHMAT on the creation of Allah Subhana Wa tallah, those who accept his teachings have greater portion of the rehmat of RasoolAllah {SAW}, and those who have rejected his teachings have rejected a portion of rehmat of RAsoolAllah {SAW}, but even the kuffar, the KAFFIRS, stars mountain, and every other creation as received this portion of Rehmat. An the Wahabi-Khariji translation of the Quran: "Interpretation Of The Meaning Of 'The Noble Quran' In The English Language" by Dr Muhammed Taqi Ud Din Al Hilali & Dr Muhammed Mushin Khan, Published by Darus-Salam, translate the verse as: "And We have sent you {O Muhammed - saw} not but as a mercy for the Alameen {Mankind, Jin, and all that exits}." They affirm that the meaning of the word Alameen is to be taken in the sense of Nations, Peoples, as well as in the meaning of Universe, and Worlds, hence they have confirmed the beleife of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah. The meaning of Rehmatal Lil Alameen, in authentic Hadith, Prophet {SAW} confirmed that he is Prophet sent to all the mankind { and Jinkind}: * "Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: "Who amongst you is Muhammad?" At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, "This white man reclining on his arm." The an then addressed him, "O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib." The Prophet said, "I am here to answer your questions." The man said to the Prophet, "I want to ask you something and will be hard in questioning. So do not get angry." The Prophet said, "Ask whatever you want." The man said, "I ask you by your Lord, and the Lord of those who were before you, has Allah sent you as an Apostle to all the mankind?" The Prophet replied, "By Allah, yes." The man further said, "I ask you by Allah. Has Allah ordered you to offer five prayers in a day and night (24 hours).? He replied, "By Allah, Yes." The man further said, "I ask you by Allah! Has Allah ordered you to observe fasts during this month of the year (i.e. Ramadan)?" He replied, "By Allah, Yes." The man further said, "I ask you by Allah. Has Allah ordered you to take Zakat (obligatory charity) from our rich people and distribute it amongst our poor people?" The Prophet replied, "By Allah, yes." Thereupon that man said, "I have believed in all that with which you have been sent, and I have been sent by my people as a messenger, and I am Dimam bin Tha'laba from the brothers of Bani Sa'd bin Bakr." (Sahih Muslim, Book 3, Hadith 63} * "Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: The Prophet said, "I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me. 1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey. 2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum, therefore anyone of my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due. 3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me. 4. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection). 5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind." (Sahih Muslim, Book 7, Hadith 331) * "Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been given five things which were not given to any amongst the Prophets before me. These are: 1. Allah made me victorious by awe (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey. 2. The earth has been made for me (and for my followers) a place for praying and a thing to perform Tayammum. Therefore my followers can pray wherever the time of a prayer is due. 3. The booty has been made Halal (lawful) for me (and was not made so for anyone else). 4. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation exclusively but I have been sent to all mankind. 5. I have been given the right of intercession (on the Day of Resurrection.)" (Sahih Muslim, Book 8, Hadith 429) In these Ahadith, the questioner as asked about the Prophethood of the Prophet {SAW}, and Prophet {SAW} as affirmed that he as been sent to mankind as a Prophet and he is sent as a rehmat to the alameen, and if the meaning of alameen is accepted as mankind/jinkind then this would be sufficent to prove that his rehmat is connected with his Prophethood, and those who accept his prophethood would receive his rehmat. If the meaning of the word Alameen is accepted as People {i.e.Jin, Mankind} then the question raises in which way is Prophet {SAW} Mercy on to Jin as well as Mankind? If the assumption is accepted that Prophet {SAW} because of the deen which he preaches, because of the Sunnah he gave, deen he preached, he is Rehmat on the Mankind, Jin, and anyone who accepts his deen that will Prophet {SAW} was sent for them as Rehmatal Lil Alameen. Then the question is raises how can Prophet {SAW} be mercy onto those who were born before him? Which aspect of his teaching did directly benefit the nation of Musa {AS}, how did the Anbiyah {AS} and their Ummats benefited from Prophet {SAW}, if only because of deen he was confered the title Rehmatal Lil Alameen, mercy onto the mankind, mercy onto Jin, mercy onto people, then a great portion of these people did not receive the deen which he {SAW} taught had missed on the rehmat, therefore we come to conclusion that this explanation is not satisfactory, because Allah Subhana Wa Tallah states: "We sent you not, but only as Rehmatal Lil Alameen {Mercy Onto Alameen i.e. Jin, Mankind}." The verse states that he is sent as mercy unto alameen, hence he {SAW} is mercy unto the alameen, not just few individuals who have accepted Islam. But the verse reffers to all Mankind, and all the Jinkind, and he {SAW} can only be Mercy Unto All the Mankind, Jinkind that ever walked on earth and that will ever walk on earth, if he {SAW} be the first creation of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah. * As contended by Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah that here in this verse the word Alameen is used in the meaning of Universe, that Prophet {SAW} is Mercy onto the Universe, the sun, Moon, Stars, Trees, Hills, Mars, Rivers, Seas, Lawh Al Qalam, Arsh, Adam {AS}, Angles, the Noors of Angles with which Allah created them, the mud with which Allah created Adam, the material with which Allah created the souls of Jin and Bashr, the material with which Allah created electrons, protons, neutrons, and with these three Allah created all matter, the building blocks of material universe, how is Prophet {SAW} REHMAT ON ALL THESE, he is the first thing which Allah created, he {SAW} was the very basis of entire creation of Allah, with the creation of RasoolAllah {SAW} Allah tallah created the rest of creation, from him Allah tallah created all that exists, and that is the reason for which Prophet {SAW} is adressed as REHMATAL LIL ALAMEEN, rehmat on plants, Jin, Mankind, Stars, angles, planets, muslims, kaffirs, and everything that exists, but those do accept his message his dean, have received another form of rehmat, but with comprehensive understanding of Ahle Sunnat its proven that RasoolAllah sallalahu alayhi wa sallam is rehmat on everything that exists, which is gone is past, is in present and will come in future, and weather one beleives in his message or not, he is REHMAT on them, and thats because his being rehmat isnt restricted to the Deen he taught, but his Rehmat is their very existance as well. Important Note: Some of the points have been omitted deliberately, inshallah tallah ul aziz the loose ends will be tied in the NOORANIAT part of the disccusion. Here I have not delt with the point how did Allah created the creation from Prophet {SAW}. Those who wish to understand the points in the actual context please draw context from the beginning of the article in which explaining the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah. In conclusion to the actual point the verse proves that Prophet {SAW} was the first creation of Allah Subhana wa Tallah. Awali'at: Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam First Mentioned: * Surah Al Ahzaab {33} Verse 7: "And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant:" Note that in this verse of the Quran Allah makes the mention of Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi wa sallam before the list of the Prophets. The word 'thee' here is adressing Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi wa sallam, and then Allah goes on to adress in order, Noah alayhis salam, after whom came Ibrahim alayhis salam, he was fallowed by Musa alayhis salam, and he was fallowed by Isa alayhis salam, indicating that Allah was mentioned the names of Prophets in a order in which each Prophet apeared and mentioning of Prophet sallalahu alayhi wa sallam before all the other is hint that he was before all of them. The Noorani'at Of Prophet {SAW} – In The Light Of Quran. The Awaliyat, the fact that Prophet {SAW} is the first thing which Allah created as been proven in the light of the Quran. A important point remains to be answered, Bashri'at, humanity, mankind started from Adam {AS}, therefore Prophet {SAW} could not be been around as the first creation as a Bashr. The aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah is that Prophet {SAW} was the the first thing which created in the form of NOOR, and then from his NOOR Allah Subhana Wa Tallah created everything else. We have already established his Awali'at now the only pieace to the puzzle reamins is proving that he is NOOR, and this will autometically be sufficent enough to prove that Prophet {SAW} was the first thing which Allah created, and he was created in the form of NOOR. Allah Subhana Wa Tallah states in: Surah Al Maidah [5] Verse 15: "Ya ahlal kitabi qad jaakum rasooluna yubay'yinu lakum kaseeram mimma kuntum tukhfoona minal kitabi wa'ya'Afoo A'An kaseerin qad jaakum mina Allahi nooruv wa kitabun mubeenun. {16} "Yahdee bi'hillahu ma' nit'taba rizwanahu subu las'salami wa yukh'rijuhum minaz'zulumati ilan noori bi'iznihi wa yahdee'him ila siratin mustaqeem." Meaning: “O people of the Book! There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary). There hath come to you from Allah a Noor and Kitab Mubeen,- {16} Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light,- guideth them to a path that is straight.” Allah subhana Wa tallah states: Surah Az'Zummar {39} Verse 23: ”Allah has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide.” - Allah Subhana Wa tallah states that nature of Quran is that it repeats its teaching, repeats its self, whole phrases are repeated, or stated in different words in different context to explain the message of Quran, and we have many examples in the Quran where Allah reffers to Quran al Kareem with many different names, zikr {Rememberance} 21:50 , Tanzil {Revelation} 26:192, Furqaan {Criteria} 25:1, and Allah reffers to Prophet sallalahu alayhi was salam with different titles, and the purpose of this is to inform the beleivers of different responsabilities, qualitites, duties of Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was salam, each time the title is different but the one being adressed is same. So sometime the verses are repeated, sometime the mention of X is repeated with many different titles and names to highlight different aspects of it. The verse of Surah Maidah is one example of such repeat, Allah wanted to highlight, emphacise, to better explain, to make it clear, the qualities of Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was'salam. In the verse, Allah repeats the first part of the verse as the last part of the verse to highlight and emphacise the qualities of Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was'salam, and mention of Prophet Muhammed repeated with a different title, different attribute, different quality, .i.e Noor. - Allah is emphasising the qualities of the RasoolAllah sallalahu alayhi wa sallam and Quran in the above verses. Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, in the beginning of the verse adressing the Ahlul Kitaab {I.e. Yahood} states that: ”There as come to you Our Messenger which reveals to them what they use to hide, and ignores the great amount {which is unnecessary.” Then this part of verse is sumarised in the next part of the verse and for sake of emphasis on the qualities of Prophet Muhammed {peace be upon him} and Quran, he is addressed as Noor in: ”There hath come to you from Allah a Noor ...”, to inform the Yahood that; their came to them from Allah a Noor and a Clear-Book, and because the source of information which allows Prophet {peace and blesing of Allah be upon him} to expose the deceptions of Ahlal Kitab is Quran, therefore this part of the verse: ”revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary).” is summarised for the emphacise the nature of Quran ” ...and Kitab Mubeen.”, that Quran is a clear book, which made clear to Prophet Muhammed {peace and blessings of Allah be upon him} that Jews concealed part of Tawrah, hence he revealed and exposed their deception via Quran. - And the position that first part of the verse was summarised as the last part of the verse to emphasise another quality of Prophet {peace be upon him} and Quran, to pinpoint the source of information which allows him to expose the deception of the Jewish Rabbi's is further solidified on the basis of grammar. Its rule of Arabic grammar that Wao pronounced “Wa” is used when the writer wishes to make another point which is not connected with the previous points as in the case of:
  3. General Info Aqeedah of Noorani'at & Bashari'at, as well as Aw'wali'at {the First} & Akhiri'at { Khatami'at/Finality} are connected with each other. Aw'wali'at leads to the aqeedah of Noorani'at of RasoolAllah {SAW}, and Bashari'at is proven by Akhiri'at. Therefore it will be best to first quote verses of the Quran which prove that Prophet {SAW} was the first Creation of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, and then advance into the subject of Noorani'at and then finally establish the Aqeedah of Bashari'at of Prophet {SAW} from proves of Quran and Sunnah. The Aqeedah Of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah Prophet Muhammed's {SAW} Noor was the first thing created by Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, from this created Noor Allah created the Al Lawh Wal Qalam, Arsh, etc ... And then Prophet {SAW} was sent as a Bashr {human} and as Khatam Un Nabiyeen, as the finale Prophet of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah to mankind. His Bashari'at was comprimising three essential states, Jism, Rooh, and his Noorani'at. Noorani'at and Rooh were concealed by the Jism, but there were times in his life that his Noorani'at revealed it self. Awali'at: Muslims & Islam Before Prophet {SAW}. Allah subhana wa tallah in the Quran explicitly states that the religion of Ambiyah alayhi islam was Islam, and their fallwoers were Muslims. Their being Muslim, and being fallowers of Islam is absolutely essential to the doctrine of Awali'at Of Prophet Muhammed {SAW}, hence this foundational aqeedah will be established first and then inshallah tallah ul aziz the subject of Awaliat will be discussed in detail. * Surah Al' A'raf {7} Verse 126: "But thou dost wreak thy vengeance on us simply because we believed in the Signs of our Lord when they reached us! Our Lord! pour out on us patience and constancy, and take our souls unto thee as Muslims !" Musa {AS} competes with the magicians in the Fir'awns court, and when the staff of Musa {AS} becomes a snake and devours the sorcers snakes, they realise that this is no ordinary person, and this is not a trick, and they become Muslims in the presence of Fir'awn, he threatens them with crucifixion, and cutting of hands and feet, they remain steadfast on their faith and state that they will only return to their Rabb, and in this context the converts, the Muwahideen, the Muslims state that they are Muslims. Allah Subhana Wa Tallah in the Quran states: * Surah Yunus {10} Verse 90: "We took the Children of Israel across the sea: Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in insolence and spite. At length, when overwhelmed with the flood, he said: "I believe that there is no god except Him Whom the Children of Israel believe in: I am of those who submit (Muslims)." Note that Fir'awn when the waves over power him, at this critical moment he says that he beleives in Allah, in which Bani Israel beleive in, and he is of Muslimeen.This is also explicitly by Musa {AS} himself in Surah Yunus {10} Verse 84: "Moses said: "O my people! If ye do (really) believe in Allah, then in Him put your trust if you are Muslims." * Surah Yunus {10} Verse 71: "Relate to them the story of Noah. Behold! He said to his people: "O my people, if it be hard on your (mind) that I should stay (with you) and commemorate the signs of Allah,- yet I put my trust in Allah. Get ye then an agreement about your plan and among your partners, so your plan be on to you dark and dubious. Then pass your sentence on me, and give me no respite. {72} "But if ye turn back, (consider): no reward have I asked of you: my reward is only due from Allah, and I have been commanded to be of Muslims {who submit to Allahs Will}." Nuh {AS} declares that he is of the Muslims, even a Prophet of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah is Muslim, he is one who has submited his will to the will of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, and here in this verse of the Quran: * Surah An Naml {27} Verse {29}: "(The queen) said: "Ye chiefs! here is delivered to me - a letter worthy of respect {30} "It is from Solomon, and is (as follows): 'In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful: {31} "Be ye not arrogant against me, but come to me in submission (as a Muslim)." Sulaiman {AS} invites beginning with the Bismillah Shareef: "Allah's Name I begin with, Most gracious Most Merciful." after the Bismillah, the content of the letter is read: ... come to me in submisstion {as a Muslim}.", proving that Sulaiman {AS} invited people to Islam, toward submission to the will of Allah, toward the path of Muslims. * Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 133: "Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one Allah,to Him we {serve/bow} as Muslimoon." * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 67: "Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, as a Muslim {he bowed his will to Allahs Will}, and he joined not gods with Allah." The above verse of the Quran is self explanatory, that Ibrahim {AS} was Muslim, and neither Christian or a Jew, hence the dispute between the two factions about religion of Ibrahim {AS} is pointless. * Surah Al Maidah {5} Verse 111: "And behold! I inspired the disciples to have faith in Me and Mine Messenger. they said, 'We have faith, and do thou bear witness we are MUSLIMs {that we bow to Allah}." The verse of the Quran states that Hawariyoon of Isa {AS} were inspired by Allah Subhana Wa Tallah to beleive in Allah and RasoolAllah Isa {AS}, and they stated that they were Muslims. * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 85: "If anyone desires a religion other than ISLAM (submission to Allah}, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have ..." * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 19: "The Religion before Allah is ISLAM (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through ... But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account." * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 102: "O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam." * Surah Al Baqaran {2} Verse 208: "O ye who believe! Enter into ISLAM whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy." * Surah Al Maidah {5} Verse 3: "... This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you ISLAM as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression,Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." Note that in Surah Al Imran, Allah says that Ahle Kitab didnt deviate from Islam until they envied each other, after the knowledge of Islam had come to them, then in Surah Imran verse 102 and Baqarah verse 208, Allah tallah states that Muslims should die in the state of Islam and enter Islam whole heartedly, and finally in Surah Al Maidah Allah tallah declare that the religion of Ahle Kitab {i.e. Islam}, as well as religion of Ambiyah {AS} the religion of all the fallowers of Prophets, the religion of all the Muslims from Adam {AS} to the last Prophet Muhammed {SAW}, the religion of Prophet Muhammed {SAW}, as been completed, finalised, and Allah says finally: * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 85: ""If anyone desires a religion other than ISLAM {submission to Allah}, never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good)." In the sight of Allah, the religion of fallowers of Prophets, from Adam {AS} to the last Prophet Muhammed {SAW} is Islam, and no other religion, will be accepted by Him on the day of judgement. Its generally accepted among all sects that all the Prophets taught one religion, Islam, and their fallowers were Muslims, as it has been indicated by the quoted verses of Quran. "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I am most akin to the son of Mary among the whole of mankind and the Prophets are of different mothers, but of one religion, and no Prophet was raised between me and him (jesus Christ)." (Sahih Muslim,Book 30, Hadith 5834) "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: I am most akin to jesus Christ among the whole of mankind, and all the Prophets are of different mothers but belong to one religion and no Prophet was raised between me and jesus." (Sahih MuslimBook 30, Hadith 5835) Aw'wali'at: Prophet Muhammed {SAW} - The First Muslim * Surah Al An'am {6} Verse 14: "Say: "Shall I take for my protector any other than Allah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth? And He it is that feedeth but is not fed." Say: "Nay! I am commanded to be the first to bow to Allah {as a Muslim}, be not of the company of those who join gods with Allah." * Surah Al An'Am {6} Verse 163: "No partner hath He: this am I commanded, and I am the first Muslim." * Surah Al Zumr {39} Verse 12: "]"And I am commanded to be the first of Muslims {those who bow to Allah in Islam}."[/b] In the previous part of the article I quoted verses of the Quran which proved that all the previous Ummah's fallowed the religion of Islam, and its the only religion which is accepted by Allah, and also numerous verses of the Quran which prove that the previous nations were Muslims. And above three verses of the Quran have been quoted in which Allah Subhana Wa Tallah commands Prophet {SAW} to declare the reality to people that: "I am commanded to be the first to bow to Allah {as a Muslim}... and I am the first Muslim ... And I am commanded to be the first of Muslims." This is sufficent to prove that Prophet {SAW} was the first Muslim, before all the Muslims from every Ummat, before all the Prophets, before all the Prophets because Allah Subhana Wa Tallah in the Quran states that he took covenant from Ambiyah {AS} when they were not Bashr, but only Souls. * Surah Al Ahzaab {33} Verse 7: "And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant:" * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 81: "Behold! Allah took the covenant of the prophets, saying: "I give you a Book and Wisdom; then comes to you an apostle, confirming what is with you; do ye believe in him and render him help." Allah said: "Do ye agree, and take this my Covenant as binding on you?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses." Allah Subhana Wa Tallah asks the Prophets that do you beleive in Prophet {SAW}, meaning do you beleive in his Prophethood, in his message. Surah Ahzaab reffers to all the Prophets, where as Surah Al Imran specificly mentions a group of Prophet which also took the covenant. Note that the verse reffers states that the Prophets agreed to help Prophet {SAW} as well, one must wonder how they helped RasoolAllah {SAW} when and passed away such a long time ago. What ever the verse proves that the very first group of Muslims mentioned in the Quran, the Prophets, bore witness and took an oath that they will beleive in Prophet {SAW} help him. Leaving the material world, and going to spirit world, its proven that a group of beleivers existed as souls, hence it must be that Prophet {SAW} be the FIRST MUSLIM, even before the souls of Ambiyah {AS}, only then he qualifies to be the First Muslim. Awali'at: Prophet Muhammed {SAW}: First One To Worship * Surah Zukhruf {43} Verse 81: Say: "If ((Allah)) Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worship." And Ibn Abbas {RA} the famous Sahabi for which RasoolAllah {SAW} made special dua to Allah that O Allah grant the knowledge of Quran to Ibn Abbas {RA}, in his, Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn Abbâs, it is stated: "(Say) O Muhammad to al-Nadr Ibn al-Harith and 'Alqamah: (The Beneficent One hath no son. I am first among the worshippers) I am the first to acknowledge that Allah has no son or partner." In Tafsir Jalalayn by Jalal al-Din al-Mahalli, and his student Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, it is stated: "Say: ‘If the Compassionate One had a son, hypothetically [speaking], I would have been first among the worshippers, of that son; but it is established that He, exalted be He, does not have a child and thus there can be no worshipping of such [a child]." And the darling of all Wahabi-Khariji's Ibn Kathir the states: "Say O Muhammad {SAW}: "If Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worshipers.") meaning, `if this were so, then I would worship Him on that basis, because I am one of His servants; I obey all that He commands me and I am not too arrogant or proud to worship Him.' This conditional phrase does not mean that what is described could happen nor that is possible as Allah says: Had Allah willed to take a son, He could have chosen whom He willed out of those whom He created. But glory be to Him! He is Allah, the One, the Irresistible.) (39:4)" There are three Tafsirs of this verse, if Allah had a son Prophet {SAW} would have been the first person to worship the son, the second meaning of the verses is that if Allah had a son then Prophet {SAW} would have been the first one worship Allah with the beleife that Allah which he {SAW} worships has a son. Where as Ibn Abbas {RA} explains that the verse is negation of Allah having a son, in his understanding the word "in ..." in the phrase "Qul in qana ..." is Nafia {Negative} rather then Shartia {Conditional}, in other words the verse means: "The Rehman has no son ..." and the word Abid means witness,or acknowledge, hence the verse means: ""Say! I am first one to, bare witness/acknowledge Rehman has no son." Where as Imam Qurtbi in his Tafsir 'Al-Jami li-Ahkam al-Qur'an' states the word "... Abideen" is used in the meaning of "Aaanifeen.", which means rejector and he also maitains that "in" is used as nafia, where as the verse would mean: "Say: Rehman as no son, I am first of rejectors {of the beleife that Allah as a son}" And Imam Jarir At-Tabri in his Tafsir states something to this effect: "I am the first one of Rehman's Worshippers who deny and reffute this claim of yours and first one to beleive in Allah Alone and testify that he has no children." A - * "I am the first to acknowledge that Allah has no son or partner." B - * "Say: ‘If the Compassionate One had a son, hypothetically [speaking], I would have been first among the worshippers, of that son; ..." C - * "... if this were so, then I would be first to worship Him {Allah} on that basis, because I am one of His {Allah's} servants; ..." D - * "Say! I am first one to, bare witness/acknowledge Rehman has no son." E - * "Say: Rehman has no son, I am first of rejectors {of the beleife that Allah has a son}" F - * "I am the first one of Rehman's Worshippers who deny and reffute this claim of yours and first one to beleive in Allah Alone and testify that he has no children." TafsirA - Prophet is the first one in the creation of Allah to acknowledge Allah has no partner, no son. TafsirB - If Allah had a son, a partner, Prophet {SAW} would have been the first person in the creation of Allah to worship the partner, the son. TafsirC - Prophet {SAW} is the first one in the creation of Allah to worship Allah subhana wa tallah knowing that Allah as a partner, a son. TafsirD - he {SAW} is the first one in the creation of Allah to say that Rehman as no son, TafsirE - he {SAW} is the first one in the creation of Allah to reject the beleife that as got a son, a partner. TafsirF - he {SAW} is the first one of Rehman's worshippers who deny and reffute the claim of Christians that Allah has a son and first one to beleive in Allah Alone. In every Tafsir of the verse of the Quran, the words "... fa'ana aw'walul abideen." are pointing at Prophet {SAW}, meaning that he is, THE FIRST. Is he {SAW} the first from his {SAW} Ummah, or to those he {SAW} is commanded to respond to? Note he is replying to the CHRISTIANS, hence his saying I would be the first one worship Allah, worship the son, first one to deny, first one to reject, pre-supposes that he was in position to act as such, or did as such. If you keep in mind that the addressed in the verse were the Christians the tafsirs would mean, O Christians, I am the first one in my Ummat and first one in creation of Allah to acknolwedge tha tAllah as no son or Partner in, o Christians if Allah had a son I would have been the first one to worship the son. Note in this case its only possiable that Prophet {SAW} was the first creation of Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, beacuse if the son deserved worship, then Prophet was the finale Prophet, but those who had come before him would have also worshiped the son, hence Prophet {SAW} had to be before the Prophets, before the creation. Even before the sun, the moon, the stars, the hills, the trees, the animals, before the mankind before and before everything which renders worship to him, before anything in heavens and in earth, before the angles, before the jin, before everything, and only then Prophet {SAW} can be the first one to worship the son. Hence this proves that if Allah had a son, Prophet {SAW} would have been the FIRST one from the entire creation to worship the son. And according to the Tafsir Ibn Kathir that Prophet {SAW} will be the first one to worship Allah subhana wa tallah with the beleife that Allah also has a son, this would be incorrect if we apply the meaning to only his Ummat or Christians, because everyting worships Allah Subhana Wa tallah, the entire creation worships Allah Subhana Wa Tallah: * Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 116: "They say: "(Allah) hath begotten a son" Glory be to Him. Nay, to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: everything renders WORSHIP TO HIM." * Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 18: "Seest thou not that to ALLAH BOW DOWN in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number ... can raise to honour: for Allah carries out all that He wills."
  4. Sawal jawab kay qabil hee nahin. Aap apnay ultay pultay sawlaat meh meri taraf say chand ka izafa ker lenh, jab farishta Bashr ban ker aya toh woh peda kis aurat kay reham say huwa ... kia farishtay kee maan aur baap hen, Bashr ban ker aya toh farishtay kee maanh kitnay maheenay hamila rahi ya 9 maheenay ya ziyada/kam, agar farishtay kee maan nahin toh kesay Bashr ban ker ayah, jism e Bashr mat'ti say bana heh, yehni khanay peenay kee cheezoon say joh vitamins proteins weghera toh batahen kay farishtay kee maan nay kia khaya thah, fruite ya vegetables ya dalda gee kee fried cheezen, aur saath hee, Quran hadith say daleel deh denh ... Bashari'at majmoo'a heh jism aur rooh ka aap ko is ka inqaar heh, aur kia aap ko Farishtay kay Noor honay per be ihtiraaz heh ... Agar aap ko donoon per ihtiraaz nahin toh batahen kay Farishtay kee haqiqat Noor heh, jab woh Bashr ban ker aya toh kia woh sirf mera teray jesa bashr thah ya Noori be thah ... Jistera Farishtay kee zaat Noor thee, haqiqat Noor thee, lebas e bashri meh ayah ... hawaleh bot hen ... aap is qabil nahin kay itni mehnat kee jahay ... Aap meray point ko ghalat samjay hen, RasoolAllah Noor e Mujassim thay yehni Noor be thay aur Bashr be thay, RasoolAllah Khalis Noor ban ker dunya meh tashreef farma nahin huway thay, aur aap sirf Bashr ban ker dunya meh tashreef farma nahin huway thay ... balkay aap dunya meh Bashr be thay aur aap dunya meh Noor be thay ... RasoolAllah kee haqiqat Noor heh aur woh Noor e Haqiqi, puray Noor, khalis Noor hen, magar Bashr bana ker behjay gahay toh Bashr be thay, Jistera Jibraeel Noor be thah aur saath ee Bashr be thah, Noor honay say us kee Bashariat kee nafi ya ada noor ada bashr nahin keh saktay, farishta poor nOoor aur pura Bashr be heh jab bashr ban ker ahay, yeh adah idhar ada udhar nahin. Aap asool e Tafsir say waqif nahin hen is leyeh aap kay yeh likha heh: "jis se ye bat confirm ho jae jo apne oper kahi hai (na bashar thay or na poray noor thay balkay noor Majuassam thay?) yani tinoo ko apne mix kia hai Kia aap farishtay ko Noor sabat ker saktay hen, kon see ayaat heh jis meh Allah nay likha heh farishta Noor thah jis ko ham nay Bashr bana ker behja ... es'si kohi ayaat nahin, balkay ek Hadith ko mix keeya gaya jis meh faristoon ko Noor bataya gaya heh aur ayaat e Quran ko mix ker kay aqeedah bana deeya kay Farishta Noor thah jis ko Allah nay bashr bana ker behja. Surah 19 Verse 17: "She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects." * Sahih Muslim, Book 40, Hadith 7134: "A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: The angels were born out of Noor and the Jinns were born out of the spark of fire and Adam was born as he has been defined (in the Qur'an) for you (i. e. he is fashioned out of clay)." Jab ek jama ek = doh Farishtoon kay leyeh theek aur bila tankeed o tankees o tehqeeq o soch o fikr o ghor o pet'h me dard qabool ho gahi toh RasoolAllah kay leyeh pet'h meh dard aur maror keyun peri, ... jistera Jibraeel kay leyeh ayaat o hadith ko jor ker ek understanding nikaali jaa sakti heh toh phir Rasoolallah kay leyeh agar wohi keeh jahay toh aap kay aur baqiyoon kay pet'h meh keyun maror peray. Aap asool e Tafsir say waqif nahin, Allah ek heh, la shareek heh be misl o misaal heh, awal heh aakhar heh, zahir heh batan heh, ahad heh samad heh, shahid heh sami heh baseer heh, yeh sab ka aqeedah heh, magar yeh sara aqeedah, pata nahin kitni ayaat ka nachor heh ek ayaat meh nahin millay ga yeh sab kuch ... Tafsir ka asool heh kay khitab agar X ho aur X kay baray meh bot see point hoon toh sab ko X kay baray meh agar agatha mana jahay aur likha jahay toh is meh kohi wrongness nahin. RasoolAllah kay Noor honay, aur RasoolAllah kay Bashr hona toh meh nay sabat ker deeya Quran say aur Ulamah kee Tafasir say ... jis kay munkir mutazili aur khariji hen baqi kohi be nahin. Yeh masla aap kee naqas aqal say bahir heh ... Is leyeh kay neend ana, bhook lagni, chot lagna Bashariat kay leyeh heh, kabi aap nay kohi hadith peri kay farishta a raha thah aur us ka foot injured ho gaya, farishtay ko pachaas tankay lagay aur us ka emergency operation keeya gaya ... tumara damagh gaas charnay toh nahin gaya huwa nah ... kabi hadith peri kay farishta so gaya ... farishta ka khoon itna baha kay bicharay ko khoon kee botal lagahi gahi ... agar aap insaanoon meh say hotay toh insaaniat aur Bashriat ka kuch pata hota .... aur yeh woh raaz heh joh kissi ko pata nahin meh nay chalees saal jangloon kee khaaq chaani, aur 55 saal meh nay pahar ko khoda aur neechay say ek bari nayaab kitab nikli us meh yeh sab kuch likha thah kay insaan ko khoon behta heh, neend aati heh, aap baray khus kismat hen kay meh naay aap ko yeh raaz bataheh warna meh toh charge krta hoon, fees leta hoon, 25.oo pound ek 5 mint kay lesson kay ... jahalat aur stupidity kee be had hoti heh meh nay socha kay aap kay toh had'h phalang dee is leyeh meh nay be koshish ker deeh ... Jee yeh aap ka sawal good sawal heh, meh Tafsir perh ker batahoon ga kay mufassireen nay is ka kia jawab deeya heh meh nay joh kuch biyaan keeya thah woh Tafsir say biyaan keeya thah meray zehn meh bee yahee baat aahi thee ... abh meh perh ker batahoon ga ... Is ka jawab pehlay say deh deeya heh .... jab zaat badalti heh toh sifaat badalti hen, jab danda thah toh khata nahin thah aur jab Musa say asdaha banaya toh khanay be laga ... aur baqi point ka jawab be guzr chuka heh ... Mukhtasar RasoolAllah ka Noor sab say pehlay sari makhlooq say pehlay banaya gaya is ko Haqiqat e Muhammedi kehtay, hen, RAsoolAllah kee Noorani'at haqiqat heh awal makhlooq kay lihaaz say, aur RasoolAllah kee Bashariat haqiqat heh khatam Un Nabiyeen kee hasiyat say yehni jab aap aakhiri Nabi ba hasiyat e bashr ban ker tashreef farma huway ... Agar esay samja jahay toh Nooraniat aur Bashariat donoon haqiqat hen. Meh aap ko doh munazireh recogmend kerta hoon, Maulana Shoqat Sehalvi, aur dosra Mualana Ghulam Mustafa Noori donoon kay munazireh Sadiq Kohati say huway thay Noor Bashr per, donoon nay alhamdulillah Ahadith e Sahih say is maslay ko dankay kee chot per sabat keeya thah ... Baqi meray pass time nahin ... meray pass donoon munazireh hen ... magar Mustafa Noori wala bot kharab heh agar kissi kay pass better copy ho toh upload ker deh ...
  5. Rizwan@ Aap meh ek Deobandiyoon wali fitrat heh joh shahid aap ko nazr nahin aa rahi, aur jitnay be Sunni hen sab samaj rahay hen joh aap ko apnay aap kay baray meh maloom nahin aur jis khoobi ko Qadri Attari baee nay high light keeya heh, kay aap meh samaj nahin kohi point kesay be samjaya ja sakkay Deobandi aur Wahabi kabi be samaj nahin sakta ... us kee waja RasoolAllah nay pehlay bata deeh heh ... Quran peren gay magar khalq say neechay nahin utray ga aur deen esay kharij hoon gay jesay teer kaman say ... Quran dil waloon kay leyeh heh keyun kay yeh utra hee qalb, dil per heh, keyun kay yeh samaj wala, deep thought rakhnay wala organ heh {2:97}. mind per be utara gaya heh {26:194}, magar samaj us'si waqat ahay gee jab dil taq be punchay ... abh jis kee ek aankh qaani ho woh dekh to sakta heh magar doh ankhoon wala behtr dekh sakta heh, is'see tera Quran ko achi tera samajnay kay leyeh ayaat e Qurania ka dil taq bee punchna zeroori heh, jistera ek aankh wala dekh toh sakta heh magar 2 ankh walay kay barabar nahin, is'see tera aap kay dil taq Quran kee ayaat nahin punchi is leyeh aap Quran ko us tera nahin samaj saktay jis tera dil o damagh say samajnay wala samaj sakta heh. Yeh Hadith e RasoolAllah kee tashri Quran kay saath huwi, jistera perfect vision kay leyeh don ankhen darkaar hen is'see tera Quran ko perfect samajnay kay leyeh intelligent mind aur zinda dil aur ayaat kee dil taq rasahi darkaar heh ... agar nah ho toh Quran ko perfect nahin samaj saktay. aur Rizwan sahib aap kee fitrat meh ek baat heh ... Quran aap kay dil taq nahin punch sakta awal woh heh hee murda ... darood shareef pera keren aur Surah Fateha kee qasrat keren, inshallah aap ko kuch faida hee hoga esa kernay say ...
  6. Acha toh ek gustakhana ibrat kay 99 buray matlab hoon aur ek acha ho toh aap acha lenh gay ... acha aap kee meh tasalli ker deta hoon ... "Bella sahib ya Sahiba aap kay walid baray hee haram kee ulaad hen, aur aap kee walida bee." Aap batahen yeh aap kay walid ko gali deeh heh ya tareef kee heh aap 99 ko choren joh ek acha nikalta heh us ko leh lenh aur ainda aap ko agar meh esay ilfaaz say bulahoon toh aap neh gali gali ka shor nahin kerna theek heh nah ??
  7. Tumara sawal kia woh gustakh thay ka scanned pages say kohi talluq nahin wahan per un ko Wahabi likha gaya heh ... yaqeenan yeh refference thah Shah Ismail Dehalvi gustakh kaffir kee taraf joh Shah WaliUllah kay mutaliq ghalti say likh deeya gaya heh ya printers kee ghalti hogi ... Scanned pages meh nah un ko gustakh likha gaya heh sirf un ko Wahabi likha gaya heh ... toh aap ko sawaal kerna thah kia Shah Waliullah Wahabi thay ... magar joh tum nay sawaal keeya heh kia woh gustakh thay is ka talluq scanned pages say nahin ...Is leyeh ham nay scanned pages meh joh likha heh us ka jawab deeya heh aur tumari mantaq jis kee samaj kissi ko nahin aahi us ka jawab kissi nay nahn deeya. Meh refference woh doon jis say sabat ho kay Shah WaliUllah pakistan kay rehnay walay hen, aur sawaal keroon kay kia woh farishtay angle thay? toh kia sense banta heh ... sawaal refference kay mutabiq hona chahyeh lihaza joh tum nay refference deeya thah ham nay us refference ka jawab deeya heh aur jis sawal ka talluq hee refference say nahin ham nay us kay mutaliq kuch nahin likha ... Tum meh itni aqal nahin kay kuch samaj sako, Allah Hafiz
  8. Mujjay Allama Saeed Ahmad Qadiri, MUSANAF, Raza Khan Mazhab ka number chahyeh, maloom kerna heh woh hayaat hen agar hen toh chand sawalat hen ... kohi baee maloom ker sakta heh joh Gujranwala ka ho ...
  9. Salam Alayqum Wr wB Jee baee Fateh Jalandri ka tarjumah kay taqat ho phir be roza nah rakhay toh kafara ada keray, Sayyedi Ala Hazrat ka tarjumah kay bemar ho aur taqat nah ho toh phir kafara ada keray ... Fateh Jalandari Deobandi thah ... ilmi yateemi heh in meh, Aap Imam Ahmad Raza kay muqabileh meh inko ko mat lahen ... Imam ka muqabilah un kay hamasar say keren yeh thanvi, fateh jalandari ... agay peechay kay baywuq'at muqabileh meh nah laya keren, in kee hasiyat kuch nahn.
  10. * Surah Al Azaab {33} Verses: {32} "O Wives of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do fear ((Allah)), be not too complacent of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just. {33} And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, members of the Ahli Bayt, and to make you pure and spotless. {34} And recite what is rehearsed to you in your homes, of the Signs of Allah and His Wisdom: for Allah understands the finest mysteries and is well-acquainted (with them)." Surah Al Ahzaab kee ayaat 33: Azwaaj e RasoolAllah, kee shaan meh bee nazil huwi, Ahli Bayt aurat, biwi ko be farmaya gaya heh ... jistera urdu zaban meh: "Gar wali" {Ahli Bayt} ka lafz biwi kay leeyeh bola jata heh ... * Surah Hud {11} Verse: {69} "And verily, there came Our Messengers [Angles] to Ibraheem with glad tidings. They said: Salam, He answered, Salam and he hastened to entertain them with a roasted calf. {70} But when he saw their hands went not towards it (the meal), he felt some mistrust of them [Angles], and conceived a fear of them [Angles]. They said: "Fear not, we have been sent against the people of Lout (Lot)." {71} And his wife was standing (there), and she laughed. But We gave her glad tidings of Ishaque, and after him, of Yaqoob. {72} She said (in astonishment): "Woe unto me! Shall I bear a child while I am an old woman, and here is my husband, an old man? Verily! This is a strange thing!" {73} They said: "Do you wonder at the Decree of Allah? The Mercy of Allah and His Blessings be on you Ahlal Bayt. Surely, He is All-Praiseworthy, All-Glorious." Note here the one holding conversation with the angles is wife of Ibraheem alayhis salam, hence the refference of ahlul bayt is to her, even if u include Ibrahim alayhis salam in the adress of angles still the wife is included. Is leyeh yeh ayaat Ummahat Ul Momineen aur Panjtan kay leyeh be nazil huwi heh. Wama Alayna Ilal Balaghul Mubeen. MUhammed Ali Razavi
  11. Meray pass Deobandi Hayatiyoon kee kitab heh jis meh unoon nay Yazeed ko lanati, sharabi, weghera likha heh ... aur zalim etc... badsha likha heh magar khalifah nahn likha ...
  12. Wahabiyoon say guzarish heh, kay agar 20 taraweeh Hazrat Umar radiallah tallah anh ya kissi be Sahabi say sabit ho jahen: * toh kia un kee namaz e taraweeh Kabool huwi? * kia woh Biddati hoon gay? * Biddati Jahanumi hoga ya Nahin?
  13. Meri ra'hay be yahee heh kay yeh kissi Deobandi kee begherati heh ... Dawood Paltalk per Deobandi heh ... un kee rooms meh hota heh ... aur lehjay say lag raha heh kay acting heh. Dosri baat jab taq Wahabi is kuffri baat ko sarahen nah, apna maslak nah batahen yehni Umar radiallah tallah nay mangarat amal keeya 20 taraweeh ka us waqt taq is ko Wahabiyoon say mansoob kerna khadam kay nazdeeq jaiz nahin. Paltalk per Deobandi-Mamati bot hee begherat kism kay logh hen jesa kay Chand Muhammed kay man'nay walay ... aur yeh begherat kuch be ker saktay hen ... Dosra "Muwahid" aur deghir Wahabi yahan per hen agar yeh is kee tardeed nahin kertay aur esa kehnay walay ko kaffir nahin mantay ya difa kertay hen toh phir mujrim hen, agar yeh tardeed ker denh toh phir begher kissi jurm kay in kay galay meh yeh kuffr ka haar dalna khadam theek nahin samajta ... Aur bajahay is pehas kay kay yeh Wahabiyoon ka fatwah heh ya nahin Wahabi sirf yeh batahen kay esa kehnay wala gustakh e Sahabi heh ya nahin, aur Kaffir heh ya nahin. Khadam kay aqeedeh meh aur Ahle Sunnat kay aqeedeh meh kissi Nabi ya Sahabah kee shaan meha anda see be gustakhi kuffr heh, aur agar jantay huway aur niyat say keray toh kaffir aur wajib ul qatal heh, aur agar khata say gustakhi ka lafz bol deh toh toba lazam heh aur agar toba nah keray aur us per dat jahay toh kaffir heh ... Is leyeh Wahabi batahen kay yeh Kaffir heh ya nahin aap kay mazhib meh ... Topic starter say arz heh kay aap batahen yeh aap ko kahan say milli kis nay deeh weghera details denh meh tehqeeq kerna chahta hoon is per ...
  14. Sunni Bahiyo, ... Bicharay ko kuch nah kahen ... is ko urdu nahin aati. Allah kee makhlooq meh anparh aur jahil bee hen, is ka matlab yeh thora heh kay aap un ka mazak banahen ... Ilmi Yateemi heh yeh achi baat nahin kay sab Sunni is kee jahalat per hans rahay hen. RasoolAllah ka farmnaan intihahi bewaqoof hoon gay Wahabi .... haq heh! haq heh! haq heh!
  15. Shah Wali Ullah Muhadith Dehalvi uqabir Ulamah e Ahle Sunnat meh say hen ... Maqyas e Hanafi'yat meh ghalti heh, yaqeenan yeh Nashar {printers} kee ghalti heh ... behtreen yahee hoga kohi purana nuskha dekh leeya jahay ... Aur joh refference deeyeh gahay hen us kay ek doh pages qabal aur bad bee dekhay jahen ho sakta heh context say bahir ho ... Shah Wali Ullah Muhaddith Dehalvi kamil WaliAllah aur Sunni aur Jayyid Ulamnah meh say thay un kay mutaliq yeh kehna kay Wahabiat unoon nay pehlahi heh ghalat heh.
  16. Kal kohi ahay ga joh meray response kay pehlay hissay ka jawab deh ga ... puray response ka jawab likh ... ...
  17. Woh Sahabah kistera RasoolAllah per imaan la'hay unoon nay toh RasoolAllah kay bachay huway wudu kay paani ko tabburak samaj ker jismoon per malna shoroon ker deeya, Sahabah nay RasoolAllah kay juthay pani meh kuch fazeelat toh dekhi thee nah toh tab hee pani ko apnay jism per mala, array jahil Wahabi Kaffir, RasoolAllah nay jis paani ko choowa woh tabbaruk ho gaya, magar Nabi kee Bashariat ko Nabi kay jism ko tum per kohi fazeelat nahin ... yeh kia kuffria aqeedah heh ... agay per qanay dajjali Kaffir ... teray mazhib meh toh shahid Sahabah nay Shirk keeya ho ... agay RasoolAllah nay qulli kee, aur us paani ko lotay meh wapis daal deeya aur farmaya abh is paani ko piyo aur apnay chehray aur seenay per mal doh, meray Rasool Qulli keren aur woh pani tabburak ho jahay, woh paani baqi paniyoon say ala aur fazeelat wala ho jahay, magar Wahabi kay mazhab meh RasoolAllah kee Bashariat ko kissi aur per kohi fazeelat nahin. Meray Nabi kee Bashariat kee fazeelat yeh kay jis paani ko haath laga denh qulli kr kay paani lotay meh dalen aur farmahen Sahabah peeh jahen, jismoon per malen, yeh meray Nabi kee Bashariat kee fazeelat, teri oqaat, tooh jis glass meh paani peeyeh, mujjay wahdahu la shareek kee kasam kutta, khanzeer, randi ka bacha, randi bee paani nahin peeyeh gee ... teri kulli ka paani pena toh door kee baat. RasoolAllah nay apni fazeelat baqi sab per biyaan kee: * Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Hadith 5653: Wathila b. al-Asqa' reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Verily Allah granted eminence to Kinana from amongst the descendants of Isma'il and he granted eminence to the Quraish amongst Kinana and he granted eminence to the Quraish amongst Banu Hashim and he granted me eminencece from the tribe of Banu Hashim." RasoolAllah nay khud farmaya Allah tallah nay RasoolAllah ko fazeelat Banu Hashim say deeh, RasoolAllah kee pedaish un kee Bashariat ko fazeelat Banu Hashim kee tribe meh peda honay say bi mili. Tooh abh itna bara kuffr baq ker, kaffiroon kee naqal ker kay, kaffiroon naqal kertay huway, wohi ilfaaz bolay joh ilfaaz RasoolAllah kee fazeelat ka munkireen kaffiroon nay bolay, unoon nay kuffr baqa, yeh ham jesa Bashr heh, is ko ham per kohi fazeelat nahin, unoon nay Rasool nah man ker yeh kuffr baqa tum nay Rasool maan ker yeh kuffr baqa, Allah kay Rasool ko apnay jesa Bashr kaha jistera Kaffir keh rahay thay .... ek hadith pesh kero jis meh Abu Bakr radiallah tallah anh ya kissi Sahabi nay RasoolAllah ko apnay jesa Bashr farmaya ho, ek hadith pesh kero, jurat kero ek hadith pesh kero 1 lakh kay qareeb hadith hen un meh say ek doond ker pesh kero kissi Sahabi tabi nay kaha ho RasoolAllah ham jesay Bashr hen, meray jesay Bashr hen ... RasoolAllah kee Bashariat kee fazeelat ka inqaar ker kay, abh naateh suna raha heh kaffir, Dajjali kaffir, RasoolAllah kee toheen tankees, ker kay abh ankhoon meh dhool mat janko. Allah tallah nay farmaya: * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 100: "O ye who believe! If ye listen to a faction among the People of the Book, they would (indeed) render you apostates after ye have believed!" Allah farmata heh kay Ahle Kitaab kee batoon ko mat suno, agar suno gay toh murtad ho jaho gay ... tum nay Yahoodiyoon, Christians waloon kee naqal kee un kee tera, Mushrikeen walay ilfaaz RasoolAllah kee shaan meh bolay, aur Munkir e fazeelat be ho, aur gustakhi bee kertay ho apnay jesa Bashr samajtay ho jistera Ahle Kitab aur Mushrik kehtay thay yeh toh ham jesa Bashr heh is ko ham per kohi fazeelat nahin, un kee naqal ker kay tum be murtad huway, aur Allah tallah nay un logoon kay mutalaq farmaya joh imaan lanay kay baad be RasoolAllah meh nuqs aur khatahen, toheen kertay hen: * Surah Tawbah {9} Verse 66: "Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it {islam}. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin." Tooh kia janay meray Nabi ka maqam kia heh, un kee Bashariat kee fazeelat kia heh, apnay kuffr per perda dalnay kay leyeh, logoon kee ankhoon meh dhool jhonknay kay leyeh abh Naateh likh rahay ho, Allah ka fesla, apnay kuffr per perda dalnay kay leyeh excuse mat banaho tum kaffir ho chukay imaan lanay kay baad. Noorani'at kee nafi meh aap nay Bashariat ko daleel banaya yeh esay heh jesay kohi RasoolAllah kay Rasool honay kee nafi meh Nabi wali ayaat pesh keray. Baja'hay is kay, kay woh RAsoolAllah ko Rasool aur Nabi donoon manay woh Rasool maan ker Nabi honay ka rad kerna shoroon ker deh. Noorani'at be sabit heh aur Bashariat be sabat heh, ek ko dosri kay khilaaf istimaal kerna tareeka e kuffar toh heh Musalmaan nahin. Aur alhamdulillah meh nay dankay kee chot per, RasoolAllah kee Noorani'at ko sabt keeya, aur Noori ka Bashr ban ker ana aur tableegh e deen kee waja say Sahih Hadith say sabat keeya. Joh la jawab raha aur inshallah la jawab rahay ga. * Surah Al Qamar {54} Verse 1: "The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is CLEFT asunder." Jee ayaat kay Siyaaq o Sabaq kay mutabiq yeh waqia Qayamat kay qurb per hoga, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat ka bee yeh aqeedah heh, magar Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat ka yeh aqeedah be heh joh Sahih Hadith say sabat heh: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 831: "Narrated Anas: That the Meccan people requested Allah's Apostle to show them a miracle, and so he showed them the splitting of the moon." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 345: "Narrated Abdullah: Five things have passed, i.e. the smoke, the defeat of the Romans, the splitting of the moon, Al-Batsha (the defeat of the infidels in the battle of Badr) and Al-Lizam (the punishment)' ..." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 349: Narrated Abdullah: Allah sent (the Prophet) Muhammad and said:-- 'Say, No wage do I ask of you for this (Qur'an) nor am I one of the pretenders (i.e. a person who pretends things which do not exist). (38.68) When ... ... ... ... something like smoke was coming out of the earth. So Abu Sufyan came to the Prophet and said, "O Muhammad! Your people are on the verge of destruction! Please invoke Allah to relieve them." So the Prophet invoked Allah for them (and the famine disappeared). He said to them. "You will revert (to heathenism) after that." 'Abdullah then recited: 'Then watch you for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible.......but truly you will revert (to disbelief).' He added, "Will the punishment be removed from them in the Hereafter? The smoke and the grasp and the Al-Lizam have all passed." One of the sub-narrater said, "The splitting of the moon." And another said, "The defeat of the Romans (has passed)." * Sahih Muslim, Book 039, Hadith 6721: * Sahih Muslim, Book 039, Hadith 6728: - Meray Nabi ka Qamar ko cheer ker rakh dena aur woh be Kaffiroon kee farmahish per Hadith say sabat heh tum kehtay ho mojzaat nahin ker saktay ijazat nahin, har giz es'see baat nahin, magar joh un kay mutalbaat jaiz thay woh puray keeyeh, aur joh najaiz thay, yehni farishta, Allah dekhaho, in ko nah kernay meh hikmat thee is leyeh nah pura keeyeh. Tooh meray Nabi kay ek mojzay ko dil meh jaga nah deh saka us mojzay kay khilaaf bee tooh nay keeray nikalna cha'hay, taqay kissi nah kissi tera Rasoolallah kee shaan meh kami ho un kee fazeelat meh kami ho, aur teray dil ko thandaq ho. Tooh nay kitni Tafseeroon meh search keeya hoga kay kohi esa muffasir millay jis nay is kee nafi kee ho, search kay doraan teray dill meh yeh baat nahin aahi kay meh nay un sab Tafsiroon ko ignore keeya heh jin meh is ka mojza hona sabat heh aur koshish meh laga hoon kay kissi nah kissi tareekeh say un kee is fazeelat ka rad mil jahay, tumaray dil meh yeh kabi baat nahin aati kay tooh Barelwi'at kee dushmani meh is qadar anda ho chuka heh kay RasoolAllah say dushmani ker betha heh. Ham ko RasoolAllah say muhabbat aur tumari ham say dushmani, magar tooh hamari mukhalfat meh, is qadr anda ho chuka heh kay RasoolAllah kee shaan be tumaray dil ko nahin bahati, achi nahin lagti. Dekh zera apni fitrat ko, Wahabi dekh apni fitrat ko, kohi ek waqia, teri puri koshish hoti heh kay tooh jin waqi'at say RasoolAllah kee fazeelat sabat hoti heh un ko ghalat sabat keeya jahay, tooh nahin chahta kay kissi be tareekay say Nabi kee shaan sabat ho, teray andar kay kaffir kee khawahish yahee hoti heh kay kissi nah kissi tareekay say RasoolAllah kee jis ayaat say jis Hadith say shaan sabat hoti ho us ko ghalat sabat kia jahay, aur woh waqi'at ya woh points pesh kertay ho jis say RasoolAllah ek aam aadmi sabat hoon. Teri sari zindgi, aur teri puri koshish ek maqsid kay leyeh, kissi nah kissi tareekay say RasoolAllah ko ek aam aadmi jis meh kohi khasoosiyat nahin, sabat keeya jahay, aur meri kia koshish kay apnay Nabi kee shaan biyaan keroon, apnay Nabi kee khasoosiat, fazeelat kay munkireen ko un kee fazeelat batahoon. Dill per haath rakh ker Allah ko Sami o Baseer jaan ker zameer say pooch aaj agar Hazrat Umar radiallah tallah anh hotay, mera sar qat'tay ya tera. RasoolAllah ka mojza kerna sabat heh, aur woh be Sahih Bukhari O Muslim kee Ahadtih e Sahiha say, tumara indirect dalahil say is per nuqs kerna be'fizool heh. - Baqi tum nay likha kay Allah kee sunnat heh jab bee mojza dekhaya gaya agar Ummat nay inqaar keeya toh un ko sazza huwi, yeh be ghalat heh, Isa alayhis salam kee Ummat kay mutaliq Allah ka yeh farmana sabat heh kay agar tum nay nah mana toh sazza hogi magar RasoolAllah kee Ummat ko yeh warning nahin deeh gaee thee, yeh tumara qiyaas heh kay ek hee hokam har Ummat kay leyeh hoga. - Aur tum nay likha heh kay shaak ul qamar ka mojza is ayaat kay khilaaf heh: Surah Al An'am {6} Verse 35: "If their spurning is hard on thy mind, yet if thou wert able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the skies and bring them a sign,- (what good?). If it were Allah's Will, He could gather them together unto true guidance: so be not thou amongst those who are swayed by ignorance (and impatience)!" Dar asal mojza e shaak ul qamar joh Ahadith e Sahiha say sabat ho chuka heh is ayaat kay khilaaf har giz nahin, balkay aap kay qiyaas kay khilaaf heh joh aap nay is aayaat per keeya huwa heh. Aap nay is ayaat say yeh muraad leeh heh kay RasoolAllah ko bilqul kohi mojza kernay kee ijazat nahin thee, halan kay yeh sirf ek moqa thah jahan per mojza kernay per pabandi lagi thee, warna meh toh pehlay hee bees pachees Sahih Hadith pesh ker chooka hoon jin meh Rasoolallah ka Mojzaat kerna sabat heh, zera guzri huwi posts meh check toh kero, aur mojza e shak ul qamar Quran aur Hadith say sabat heh aap is ko Quran kee ayaat kay khilaaf mat tehrahen balkay apni mangarat aqli, filosophical, mantaqi, understanding kay khilaaf tehrahen toh behtr hoga aap kay leyeh. Agar tum apnay aap ko Ahle Hadith kehalwatay ho toh sharm kee baat heh kay nahin, tummeh toh khbar honi chahyeh Hadith kee tum toh koray kaaghaz sabt huway ho Hadith kay ilm meh. - Tujjay yeh dushmani mehngi peray gee, aaj tooh Shirk Biddat, Kuffr, kay fatway laga laga ker Ahle Sunnat ko gali deta heh deh leh, Allah tera hisaab keray ga, aaj internet per mera mukhalif tooh heh Qayamat kay din be tooh Muhammed Ali Razvi ko apna mukhalaft pahay ga, tooh badmast haathi kee tera soch raha heh kay bas teri Deobandiat/Wahabi'at Tawheed o Islam kee peker heh. Yeh nahin sochta 73 firqeh aur un meh say ek jannati ... bura ho andi'atm, qani aqal ka jis meh itni samaj nahin kay agar surkh rang kay sheeshay ko meh green rang kay sheeshay say dekhoon ga toh woh kuch aur hee nazar ahay ga, tooh Ahle Sunnat ko Deobandi'at kay sheeshay say dekh raha heh Wahabi'at kay sheeshay say dekh raha heh, Ahle Sunnat ko Wahabiat aur Deobandiat kay asooloon kay mutabiq judge ker raha heh, jistera America ka Kaffir, apnay mulk kee tehzeeb apnay culture, apnay mulk kay mahol kay qareenay kay saath jab Musalmaan aurat ko dekhta heh toh woh pakeeza aurat us ko opperessed, backward, ignorant, freak, weirdo, jahil, apnarh, alien nazar aati heh, is'see tera tooh Ahle Sunnat ko Wahabiat, Deobandiat, un kay mahol un kay asooloon kay mutabiq dekh raha heh, agar green sheeshay ko asli rang meh dekhna heh toh phir red sheeshay kay through say dekhna chor, sirf us ko green ko utha aur neutral rang kay sheeshay say dekh, agar Ahle Sunnat ko samajna heh toh phir jistera Kaffir Islam ko apni tehzeeb kay mutabiq judge kertay hen esa nah ker, tooh Ahle Sunnat ko agar samajna chahta heh toh phir Deobandiyoon Wahabiyoon kay asoloon say Ahle Sunnat ko mat judge ker, balkay Ahle Sunnat ko Ahle Sunnat ko Ahle Sunnat kay asooloon kay mutabiq judge ker. Aur jab tooh sab kay asool samaj jahay points samaj jahay toh phir Quran o Hadith say sab ko judge ker. Yeh tareeka mera thah meh nay sab ko un kay mutabiq samja, aur phir un kay points ko Quran o Hadith say compare keya ... akhar meh nateeja ... Muhammed Ali 12 saal kee tehqeeq kay baad Sunni huwa ... bas yeh mera advice thah ... qabool kero gay aur talash e haq meh sitimal kero gay toh inshallah hidayat paho gay. - Awal tum nay muj per ilzaam lagaya kay meh nay Hazrat Ibn Abbas radiallah tallah anh say ek mangarat Tafsir mansoob kee, yeh tumari ziyadti heh jis ka jawab tummeh Allah tallah kay darbaar meh dena hoga. Muhammed Ali Razavi kee ghairat gawara nahin ker sakti kay kissi Sahabi say woh baat mansoob keroon joh un ka farmaan nah ho. Agar meray maslak jhoot per khara hota toh aaj meh Sunni nah hota ... Allah ka karam heh kay kizb biyaani say Allah nay mafooz rakha aur Allah say dua heh kay apnay mazhib kay difa meh kabi kizbiyaani kernay kee tofeeq nah deh. - Khadam nay directly toh Hazrat Ibn Abbas kee Tafsir pesh nahn kee thee, keyun kay refferences bot ho chukay thay, balkay ek aur Mufassir jis nay Masalu Noorihi kee tafsir kertay huway Ibn Abbas ka qawl naqal keeya thah: * تفسير المحرر الوجيز في تفسير الكتاب العزيز/ ابن عطية (ت 546 هـ) مصنف و مدقق { نور السماوات والأرض } ، قال ابن عباس هادي أهل السماوات والأرض والأول أعم للمعاني وأوضح مع التأمل، وقرأ عبد الله بن عياش بن أبي ربيعة وأبو عبدالرحمن السلمي الله " نَوّرَ " بفتح النون والواو المشددة وفتح الراء على أنه فعل، وروي أن اليهود لما نزلت هذه الآية جسموا في تأوليها واعترضوا محمداً عليه السلام بأن قالوا كيف هو نور الأرض والسماء بيننا وبينه، فنزلت حينئذ { مثل نوره كمشكاة } الآية أي ليس الأمر كما ظننتم وإنما هو نور بأنه قوام كل شيء وخالقه وموجده { مثل نوره } كذا وكذا، واختلف المتأولون في الضمير في { نوره } على من يعود، فقال كعب الأحبار وابن جبير هو عائد على محمد عليه السلام أي مثل نور محمد، وقال أبي بن كعب وابن جبير والضحاك هو عائد على المؤمنين، وفي قراءة أبي بن كعب " مثل نور المؤمنين " Magar abh keyun kay tum nay mujjay majboor keeya heh toh khadam tum ko Hazrat Ibn Abbas Radiallah tallah anh kee Tafsir pesh kerta heh: * Tafsir Ibn Abbas: "Allah then mentioned the honour and blessings that He had bestowed upon the believers, saying: (Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth) He is the guide of the dwellers of the heaves and earth. Guidance from Allah is of two types: clarification and making things known; it is also said that the verse means: Allah is the embellisher of the heavens by means of the stars and the embellisher of the earth by means of plants and water; it is also said that this means: Allah enlightens the hearts of the believers among the dwellers of the heavens and the earth. (The similitude of His light) the light of the believers; it is also said that this means: the light of Allah in the heart of the believer (is as a niche wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass) made of gems. (The glass is as it were a shining star) one of the following five planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn. All these planets are luminous. ((This lamp is) kindled from a blessed tree) from the oil of a blessed tree, (an olive neither of the East nor of the West) in an open space, not touched by the shade of the East nor by the shade of the West; it is also said that this means: in a location which is untouched by the sun when it rises and when it sets, (whose oil) the oil of the tree (would almost glow forth (of itself)) from behind its rind (though no fire touched it. Light upon light) the lamp emits light and the glass emits light and the oil emits light, (Allah guideth unto His light) Allah honours with knowledge; it is also said that this means: Allah honours with His religion (whom He will) whoever deserves it; it is also said that the verse means: the likeness of the light of Muhammad in the loins of his forefathers is like this, up to Allah's saying (… kindled from a blessed tree). He says: the light of Muhammad in Abraham was an upright religion (olive tree), and Abraham was neither Jew nor Christian (neither of the East nor of the West), the works of Abraham would almost glow forth in the loins of his forefathers like this (would almost glow forth (of itself)), up until Allah's saying (kindled from a blessed tree) He says: as if it is the light of Muhammad (pbuh) and if Abraham was not a prophet, he would still have this light (though no fire touched it); it is also said that the latter passage means: Had Allah not honoured Abraham, he would not have had this light; it is also said: if Allah had not honoured His believing servant with this light, he would not have had it." * Tafsir Al Tustari: "That is, the One Who has adorned the heavens and earth with lights. The likeness of his light means the likeness of the light of Muhammad (s). Hasan al-BaSrī said, 'He intended by this the heart of the believer and the luminescence (Diyā?) of professing the divine oneness (tawHīd), for the hearts of the prophets ('a) are far too brilliant in their light to be described in terms of the likeness of these lights. He said, 'The similitude of the light of the Qur'ān is a lamp (misbāh), a lamp whose candle (sirāj) is gnosis (ma'rifa), whose wick (fatīl) is the religious obligations (farā'id), whose oil (duhn) is sincerity (ikhlās) and whose light (nūr) is the light of spiritual attainment (ittiṣāl). Whenever the sincerity increases in purity, the lamp increases in brightness (Diyā'); and whenever the religious obligations increase in [inner] realisation (Haqīqa), the lamp increases in light (nūran)." Aur sab mufassireen say ittifaq kerta heh aap kay gar ka behti, aap kay Deogandi mazhab ka guru, Taqi Usmani, Surah 26: Verse 219 meh likhta heh * Tafsir e Usmani: "یعنی جب تو تہجد کو اٹھتا ہے اور متوسلین کی خبر لیتا ہے کہ خدا کی یاد میں ہیں یا غافل (موضح) یا تو جب نماز کے لئے کھڑا ہوتا ہے اور جماعت کی نماز میں نقل و حرکت (رکوع و سجود وغیرہ) کرتا ہے اور مقتدیوں کی دیکھ بھال رکھتا ہے۔ اور بعض سلف نے کہا کہ ساجدین سے آپ کے آباء مراد ہیں یعنی آپ کے نور کا ایک نبی کی صلب سے دوسرے نبی کی صلب تک منتقل ہونا اور آخر میں نبی ہو کر تشریف لانا، بلکہ بعض مفسرین نے اس لفظ سے حضور ﷺ کے والدین کے ایمان پر استدلال کیا ہے۔ واللہ اعلم۔ - Is kay bad arz heh kay baqi mufassireen nay joh kuch likha heh khadam us per ihtiraaz nahin kerta keyun kay Khadam ka aqeedah heh kay Quran kee ek ayat kay bot say mafoom ho saktay hen aur sabi darust ho saktay hen. Is leyeh jin mufassireen nay Masalu Noorihi say muraad RasoolAllah ka Noor, weghera weghera leeya heh sab darust hen. Ham Ahle Sunnat wal Jammat hen, aur Jammat kay aqahid ko sath leh ker chaltay hen. Yeh tarjeeh dena aap kay mazhab meh heh, aap kay mazhab meh joh ap ko pasand aya woh theek heh aur joh aap kay mazhab kay khilaaf heh cha'hay kohi be ho Biddati, Mushirk ho jata heh. Mufassireen nay biyaan keeya kay RasoolAllah ka Noor apnay aba o ijdad meh thah, Hazrat Ibn Abbas aur deghir Mufassireen nay issay biyaan keeya, abh Sahih Hadith say indirect daleel lenh: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 757: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent (as an Apostle) in the best of all the generations of Adam's offspring since their Creation." Ambiyah kay rehmoon say Noor e Muhammed Hazrat Abdullah aur Hazrat Aaminah kay reham meh dala gaya aur phir Noor e Muhammed Lebaas e Bashri meh dunya meh aya. Yeh mat kehna kay mazallah astaghfirullah RasoolAllah kay waliden Mushrik Kaffir thay, keyun kay kaffir ho jaho gay, keyun kay RasoolAllah nay farmaya heh meh ba hasiyat e Nabi behtreen meh dala gaya ... mazallah agar RasoolAllah kay waliden Mushrik hotay toh woh badtreen thay ya behtreen? Aap hawahi firing kerna chor denh, Shahid aap kay tamam mufassireen woh hen joh aap kay ham rai hen, meh nay RasoolAllah Noor honay ka saboot Tafsir say peh ker deeya heh jurrat ker kay tum Ibn Abbas radiallah tallah ko biddati, Mushirk, Kaffir, Hindu, Christian ka fatwah laga doh is kay ilawa tum ker kia saktay ho haq kay khilaaf? Hazrat Ibn Abbas Radiallah Tallah Anh nay farmaya kay Noor e Muhammed apnay buzurgoon kay rehmoon meh thah ... aap batahen Reham meh Hissi Noor kay tor per thay ya Manavi Noor kay tor per, hidayat toh baqaul aap kay RasoolAllah nay 40 saal kee umar kay baad dena shoroon kee, aur baqaul aap kay RasoolAllah is say pehlay gumra thay un ko khud maloom nahin thah kay Tawheed etc kia heh ... jesa kay tamam Biddati nay tarjuma keeya heh: * Surah 93 Verse 7: "And He found you unaware (of the Quran, its legal laws, and Prophethood, etc.) and guided you?" Ham gumra ker rahay hen kay Wahabi aur Deobandi gumra ker rahay hen jis aqeedeh per Wahabiat aur Deobandiat kee pedaish say pehlay kabi ikhtilaaf nahin huwa thah aaj aap us per ikhtilaaf ker rahay hen. Warna Wahabiat kee pedaish say pehlay kissi ek Aalim ka bataho joh Sunni huwa ho, Khariji, Mutazili nah huwa ho jis nay Nooraniat kay aqeedeh per ihtiraaz keeya ho. Yeh gumrahi kay gates aap kee taraf say khulay hen. Mufassireen nay Hissi noor Manavi noor kee behas hee nahin kee keyun kay us waqt ikhtilaaf hee nahin thah is per ... sab Hazrat Ibn Abbas say leh ker Ibn Katheer taq sab Noor mantay thay RasoolAllah ko Noor e Mujassim mantay thay ... magar munkireen ka fitna new fitna heh jinoon nay Mutazila kay nazriyat ko apnaya, aur Kharijiyoon kay nazriyat ko apnaya, sirf Khariji firqa aur Mutazili firqeh Noor e Muhammed ka munkir thay, tum logoon nay un kay mazboon ko phir zinda ker deeya. Is kay ilawah tum nay joh ayaat copy paste kee hen kay Noor say muraad hidayat heh toh, jahan per Noor say muraad Hidayat heh wahan per hidayat hee heh, is ka matlab yeh nahin kay tum un ayaat per qiyaas ker kay Surah Maidah or Surah Noor ko be Noor e Hidayat tehra rahay ho, kissi muffasmagar: * Surah Al Maidah [5] Verse 15: "Ya ahlal kitabi qad jaakum rasooluna yubay'yinu lakum kaseeram mimma kuntum tukhfoona minal kitabi wa'ya'Afoo A'An kaseerin qad jaakum mina Allahi nooruv wa kitabun mubeenun. {16} "Yahdee bi'hillahu ma' nit'taba rizwanahu subu las'salami wa yukh'rijuhum minaz'zulumati ilan noori bi'iznihi wa yahdee'him ila siratin mustaqeem." - Meaning: “O people of the Book! There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary). There hath come to you from Allah a Noor and Kitab Mubeen,- {16} Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light,- guideth them to a path that is straight.” Meh Noor say muraad Hissi Noor aur Manavi Noor donoon hen, yehni Noor e Hidayat aur Noor e Mujassim. * Surah An Noor {24} Verse 35: "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things." Aur "Masalu Noorihi" {parable of His Noor is} say muraad RasoolAllah kee zaat e muqadsa be heh, aur is say muraad Hissi Noor heh joh ek generation say dosri generation meh muntaqil huwa. * Surah Al Ahzaab {33} Verse 45 "O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner, {46} And as one who invites to Allah.s (grace) by His leave, and as a Siraaj {Lamp} spreading Munir {light}." Allah tallah nay RasoolAllah ko Siraaj aur Muneer farmaya, yehni chand aur sooraj, Chand mat'ti ka bana heh, woh sooraj say noor leta heh aur khud be Noor ho jata heh. Jistera Sooraj Matti kay Chand ko Noor kerta heh, is'see tera RasoolAllah ka Noor Bashriat e RasoolAllah ko be Noor ker deta heh, aur jistera Sooraj ka Noor Mat'ti kay Chand ko Noor ker deta heh, is'see tera RasoolAllah ka Noor Bashariat e RasoolAllah ko be Noor ker deta heh. Is ayaat say RasoolAllah kee doh jehtenh sabit hoti hen, Noor aur Bashri'at meh Noor ka somona, aur RasoolAllah ka Noor kabi zahir be hota thah: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 8, Number 454: "Narrated Anas bin Malik: Two of the companions of the Prophet departed from him on a dark night and were led by two lights like lamps (going in front of them from Allah as a miracle) lighting the way in front of them, and when they parted, each of them was accompanied by one of these lights till he reached their (respective) houses." * Sahih Bukhari, Book 56, Number 833: RasoolAllay nay apna ek danday ko haath lagaya aur woh roshan ho gaya, aur Sahabah nay is kee roshini meh gar ka safar keeya. Nooraniat kee debate kay baad tum Awali'at e RasoolAllah per behas ker lena, yehni RasoolAllah ko Allah nay sari Mukhlooq say pehlay peda keeya, aur jab Awali'at e RasoolAllah sabat ho gaee toh phir RasoolAllah kee Haqiqat Noor hona aur lebaas Bashri hona, Misl e Bashr ban ker tashreef lana ... khud ba khud sulj jahay ga. Allah tallah tum ko haq baat samajnay, aur haq ko qabool krnay kee tofeeq deh, ameen. Wama alayna ilal balaghul mubeen. Muhammed Ali Razavi
  18. Khazaynullah deh deeyeh, dunya jahan kay khazanay ata ker deeyeh, abh jis Nabi ko Allah tallah nay itna kuch ata ker deeya woh joh mango deh ga, Abu Huraira ko Ilm e Hadith deeya: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 3, Number 119: "Narrated Abu Huraira: I said to Allah's Apostle "I hear many narrations (Hadiths) from you but I forget them. "Allah's Apostle said, "Spread your Rida' (garment)." I did accordingly and then he moved his hands as if filling them with something (and emptied them in my Rida') and then said, "Take and wrap this sheet over your body." I did it and after that I never forgot any thing." * Sahih Bukhari 8, Book 73, Number 78: Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Allah's Apostle passed by two graves and said, "Both of them (persons in the grave) are being tortured, and they are not being tortured for a major sin. This one used not to save himself from being soiled with his urine, and the other used to go about with calumnies (among the people to rouse hostilities, e.g., one goes to a person and tells him that so-and-so says about him such-and-such evil things). The Prophet then asked for a green leaf of a date-palm tree, split it into two pieces and planted one on each grave and said, "It is hoped that their punishment may be abated till those two pieces of the leaf get dried." * Sahih Muslim Book 004, Number 0990: "Rabi'a b. Ka'b said: I was with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) one night. and I brought him water and what he required. He said to me: Ask (anything you like). I said: I ask your company in Paradise. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Or anything else besides it. I said: That is all (what I require). He said: Then help me to achieve this for you by deyoting yourself often to prostration." Allah tallah nay RasoolAllah ko Kawthar, Khair e Kaseer, abundance of good, dunya jahan kay khazanay deyeh, yeh meh nay sirf teen Hadith pesh keen hen jin say Rasoolallah ka in khazanoon ka istimal SABAT hota heh. Azmaish bilqul hoti heh, magar is ka matlab yeh nahin kay Nabi kee azmaish ho toh aap un kay fazail aur shaan kay munkir ho jahen, azamahish meh aap RasoolAllah ka saath denh, kaffiroon ka saath mat denh. RasoolAllah per kitni azamahish kee gariyan aaheen magar aap nay kaffiroon ka saath hee deeya, Hazrat Aysha Allah be please with her aap nay munafiqeen ka saath deeya kaffiroon ka saath deeya aur aap nay is fahash buhtaan ko RasoolAllah kay Ilm e Ghayb kee nafi kay leyeh istimaal keeya, Kaffiroon nay RasoolAllah kee izat per haath dala, aap nay is maslay say RasoolAllah kay ilm per haath dala, jistera woh kaffir thay, is'see tera is maslay ko uchalnay walay Wahabi, Deobandi, Shia be kaffir hen, keyn kay Allah nay farmaya heh kay context meh Allah nay farmaya heh kaffiroon kay leyeh bara sakht azaab heh, yehni jin logoon nay is fahash buhtaan ko hawa deeh woh kaffir hen aur un kay leyeh azaab heh. Ambiyah per azmahishen aati hen, mushkalat ka samna kerna perta heh magar is ka matlab yeh nahin kay aap un mushkalat ko daleel bana ker un kee shaan o shaqat fazeelat ka inqaar ker denh. Wah ray Wahabiyat tera bera gharq ho, ameen. Jee bilqul meh nay kis jaga per yeh likha heh kay Isa alayhis salam nay keeya, Isa alayhis salam ka example deeya is leyeh thah kay yeh sabat kernay kay leyeh kay Allah Qadir heh, woh Jannat say khanay behij sakta heh pahar sonay kay bana sakta heh, woh khajooroon kay baghaat laga sakta heh, ... woh paani kay chashmeh jaari ker sakta heh woh Allah, La shareek Allah, yeh sab ker sakta heh, Allah kaffiroon kay saray mutalbay puray ker sakta heh Allah is per qadar heh, RasoolAllah ko sirf dua kerni thee Allah dua puri farmata, keyun kay Allah apna muqarib kee dua sunta heh aur yeh hadith e qudsi joh guzri heh us say sabat heh. Ambiyah ka dua meh Allah say mangna, aur begher dua kay mojzaat kerna bee sabat heh: * Surah Al Imraan {3} Verse 49: "And (appoint him) an apostle to the Children of Israel, (with this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and BREATHe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah's leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe;" Isa alayhis salam farmatay hen meh parinda banata aur bi'iznillah jaan pookta hoon us meh, meh handoon ko binaee deta hoon meh loolay langroon ko kamal banata hoon, meh murdoon ko zinda kerta hoon, mojza Isa alayhis salam ka heh aur izn bari tallah kee taraf say hen, ijazat Allah kee taraf say heh, taqat Allah kee taraf say heh. Meh nay sabat keeya thah kay RasoolAllah nay Hazrat Abu Huraira radiallah tallah anh ko hafza deeya kohi dua nahin mangi, Sahabi ko jannat deeh kohi dua nahin mangi, weghera weghera ... Hamari zubaan meh kehtay hen: choro manj tallay janda qattay tallay heh. Yehni jis per ikhtilaaf hee nahin jis per behas hee nahin joh point banaya gaya thah us ko Wahabi Najdi samja hee nahin, meh nay yeh sabat krna thah kay Allah qadir heh jab Rasool us say dua mangta heh jab Rasool gir gara ker iltijaah kerta heh, toh Allah dua sunta heh. Isa alayhis salam kee dua qabool huwi, keyun un'noon nay dua mangi thee, meray Nabi mangtay toh Allah saray mutalbay puray ker deta, magar Nabi sirf wohi kerta heh joh ussay hokam hota heh, agar RasoolAllah ko dua mang'nay ka hokam hota dua meh kaffiroon kay mutalbat puray hona mango toh RasoolAllah dua kertay, magar izn e illahi nahin thah. Joh meh nay likha thah us ko tumari moti aqal samaj nahin saki. Aur meh nay yeh be likha thah ek ameer aadmi, bari maal o dolat wala ek Chef rakha us say khana tiyar kerwahay, magar malik gar meh kuch sabzi weghera nah lahay aur jab mehmaan aahen aur khana mangeh toh agar khana nah ho toh malik kee ghalti heh ya Chef kee? Chef kee job heh pakana khareed ker lana nahin us kee job pakana heh agar maliknahin lata toh malik kee ghalti heh. Bila tashbih, Allah toh har cheese per qadar heh, agar kaffiroon kay mutalbaat RasoolAllah puray nah ker sakkay toh finger kis per point kero gay, Allah per ya RasoolAllah per, Allah meh nuqs thah ya RasoolAllah meh, Allah mutalbaat puray kernay per qadar nahin thay ya RasoolAllah nahin thay ... astaghfirullah ul azeem Allah be qadar thah aur RasoolAllah ko sirf dua kerni thee sab mutalbaat puray ho jatay magar joh mutalbat ho rahay thay woh ek ba'hasiyat e darama aur tamasha thay aur RasoolAllah ko aajzi ka hokam huwa. Dua ka kohi munkir nahin aur meh nay daleel be pesh kee thee, magar lanat firqa parast dajjal per jis nay haq baat say be ikhtilaaf keeya. Baat ko kahan say kahan leh gahay pehlay samjoh likha kia heh aur socho keyun likha heh ... wesay teer mar rahay ho, kisyaweenh billi khamba nochay ... yeh joh tum nay taqreer likhi heh is per kis bunyaad say kon si meri likhi huwi baat is ka inqaar kerti heh. Jab meray point ka rad nah ker sakkay aur kohi jawab nah ban sakka toh apni taraf say un points ko sabat kerna shoron ker deeya jis per ikhitlaaf hee nahin aur jin kay baray meh likhnay kee zeroorat hee nahin balkay is point jis kay mutalaq tum nay pachaas say ziyada lines likhi hen is ka likhnay ka kohi sense nahin banta. Han sirf yeh kaha ja sakta heh kay is nay kuch nah kuch likha heh, kam say kam Wahabi yeh toh kahen gay kuch jawab nahin likha, aur yeh sab likhnay kee yahee tuq banti heh kay kuch nah kuch likhoon aur apni izat bachahoon, kuch nay likha toh besati hogi, is leyeh Ambiyah ka dua mang ker mojzaat kernay per tafseel say likha ... aur haqiqat meh likhnay kee kohi tuq bee nahin banti, khud hee ek base banaya jis ka meray response say bilqul kohi talluq nahin. - Abh atay hen aap kee quoted ayaat kee taraf: * Surah Al An'am {6} Verse 35: "And if their evasion is difficult for you, then if you are able to seek a tunnel into the earth or a stairway into the sky to bring them a sign, [then do so]. But if Allah had willed, He would have united them upon guidance. So {o people} never be of the ignorant." Is ayaat say sabat heh kay RasoolAllah kee dilli khawahish thee kay woh Kaffiroon kay leyeh woh mojzay ker denh jin ka unoon nay mutalba keeya thah taqay kaffir Imaan lahen, aur yahee rahay aur logoon kee be thee kay agar RAsoolAllah mojzaat pesh kertay, toh kaffir Imaan latay, Allah tallah nay RasoolAllah kee arzooh ka zikr keeya ... aur joh Sahabah yeh ray rakhtay thay kay RasoolAllah ko mojzat kernay chahyeh ya jin kay dilloon meh khiyaal thah un ko Allah tallah nay khabrdar keeya kay agar Allah chahta toh sab ko Imaan per lata ... Aur ayaat ka yeh hissa: "So never be of the ignorant." RasoolAllah kay leyeh nahin bola gaya balkay un logoon kay leyeh bola gaya heh joh khawahish rakhtay thay kay RasoolAllah mojzat deh ker apni Nabuwat ka saboot denh. Is say hamaray aqeedeh ka rad nahin hota balkay sabat hota heh. Awal is ayaat ka matlab yeh heh kay chand Sahabah RasoolAllah kee khidmat meh haazar huway aur farmaya kay hammeh Jihaad per saath leh chalen, ham Allah kee rah meh laren gay. Woh Sahabi bot ghareeb thay aur jangi samaaan aur ghoray oonth weghera nahin thay traveling kay leyeh ... RasoolAllah nay farmaya kay transport kay leyeh camles horses nahin hen warna saath leh chalta, woh Sahabah rotay huway wapis chalay gahay. Meray Nabi kay sahabah is ghauf say roh rahay thay kay ham itnay ghareeb hen kay jihaad per nahin ja saktay Allah kay hokam per amal nahin ker saktay. Ayaat ka nuzool kay leyeh waqia ka hona zeroori heh, jistera bemari kay ilaaj kay leyeh bemari ka hona zeroori heh, cause & effect, cause kia, tang tooti, effect patti lagahi gaee, cause kia Sahabah ghareeb thay jangi saman nahin thah effect kia huwa: * Surah At Tawbah {9} Verse 93: "The cause [for blame] is only upon those who ask permission of you while they are rich. They are satisfied to be with those who stay behind, and Allah has sealed over their hearts, so they do not know." Allah tallah nay apnay Nabi kay un Sahabah ko azaad ker deeya jin kay pass kuch bee nahin thah, joh ghareeb thay farmaya aap per kohi blame nahin aap per kohi gunnah nahin meray mehboob kay Sahabah, magar asal mujrim toh Abdullah Ibn Ubiy waladul haram heh jis kay pass pesa mal ho dolat hotay huway bee Jihaad meh shareek honay say mazrat kee. - Meh nay bilqul nahin farmaya kay RasoolAllah kay pass tamam jahan kay khazanay hen, balkay yeh toh Allah aur us kay Rasool nay farmaya heh, meh toh Hadith panchween daffa quote ker chuka hoon. - Awal nah denay say khazayn kay nah honay kee nafi nahin hoti, aap ka aqeedah heh nay kay Allah kay pass sab jahan heh Allah sab kuch deh sakta heh joh mango deh sakta heh, jissay chahay mar deh, jissay chahay joh deh ... yahee aqeedah heh nay aap ka Allah kay baray meh, toh aap Allah say yeh dua mangen kay: "Ya Allah, agar tooh har cheese per qadar heh, tumaray pass sab kuch kernay kee taqat heh toh Muhammed Ali Razavi ko mera yehni Ya-Allah-Madad ka ham maslak bana deh ek doh din meh." Allah nay tumari dua qabool nah keeh toh kia nateeja nikalo gay Allah kay mutaliq, agar meh yeh likhoon toh: " Keyun nah dua puri kee, keyun us dua ko qabool nah keeya joh tum nay roh kay gir'gara kay, sajday meh mangi thee, keyun nah Allah nay Muhammed Ali Razavi ko tumara ham-kaffir bana deeya, Allah toh farmata heh meh muj say joh mango kay doon ga."[/b] Toh kia Allah ka tumari dua ko qabool nah kerna yeh mana rakhta heh kay Allah is per qadar nahin, ya yeh kay Allah kee marzi nahin. Agar RasoolAllah kee khawahish hoti kay yeh Sahabi saath chelen toh kissi aur say kehtay aap nah jahen in ko chalnay denh. Agar woh kehtay ya RasoolAllah ham ko goray ata keren ham jang meh shareek hona chahtay hen, toh ho nahin sakta kay RasoolAllah nah kertay, joh Nabi Abu Huraira ko hafza deh sakta heh aur Jannat deh sakta heh, aur paani kay chashmeh hathoon say jaari ker sakta heh aur joh nabi deegir mojzat ker sakta heh woh is per be qadar thah. Magar keyun kay ghareeb per Jihaad farz nahin thah is leyeh RAsoolAllah nay un ko wapis behij deeya, aur Allah tallah nay un kay leyeh Jihaad maaf ker deeya. Aur Hadith say sabit heh kay Allah tallah nay RasoolAllah ko dunya jahan kay khazanay ata ker deeyeh hen, kia tum munkir ho un Hadisoon kay, kia Nabi nay jhoot bola, kia Allah nay Nabi say jhoot bolwaya ... RasoolAllah kay pass khazanay honay ka saboot mutawatir heh mutawatir is ka munkir KAFFIR ho jata heh. RasoolAllah nay goray nah deeyeh toh yeh matlab nahin kay woh deh nahin saktay thay, khazanay thay ... nah dena un kee marzi, keyun nah deeyeh un kee marzi Allah janay, aur us ka Rasool janay, ham Sunni, Musalmaan, yeh kahen gay Allah tallah nay RasoolAllah ko dunya jahan kay khazanay deeyeh, hamara yahee aqeedah heh ... yahee hadith say sabit heh ham is'see per imaan lahen gay, aap apni aqal, filosophy, mantaq, logic, kalam, kee bunyad per munkir hen toh khadam yahee kahay ga, tumaray kuffr meh shak be kuffr heh, aur joh ittibah e Shariat kay baad bee tumaray kuffr ka inqaar keray woh be Kaffir heh. Ham Ahle Sunnat, yehni RasoolAllah kee Sunnat {hadith}, qawli, fehli, wasfi, taqreeri ho sab ko mantay hen, aur ham Ahle Sunnat kay saath Wal Jammat be hen yehni Jammat e Sahabah kay aqahid per, aur baqi Ummat kay aqahid per gamazaan hen, aqli, falsafi, mantaqi, kalami horses ham nahin doratay ... ham Quran o Hadith kay paband hen ... aqal joh kuch kahay, Muhammed Ali aqal ko nahin manta Muhammed Ali Quran aur Hadith ko manta heh, aur Ahadith e Sahiha Mutawatira say khazaynullah ka ata hona sabit heh, aur RasoolAllah ka Qasim hona, taqseem kernay walay kay mansub per hona be sabat heh, abh jis ko joh milna thah joh khazana jis kay leyeh heh RasoolAllah ata kertay hen. Abu Huraira radiallah tallah nay hafza manga RasoolAllah nay ata ker deeya, deghir jangoon per Sahabah kee zerooriat puri keen. - Allah tallah kay Nabi kee fazeellat shaan biyaan kerna aur man'na Wahabi aur Deobandi kay bass kee baat nahin, aap kay mazhib meh mazallah astaghfirullah RasoolAllah kee toheen kerna heh, aap kay mazhab meh RasoolAllah ka khiyaal namaz meh ahay toh biwi say ###### kernay aur behal gadday kay khiyaal meh mustagharq honay say bura heh ,,, baray say baray insaan {yehni RasoolAlah} aur muqarib farishta {jibraeel} aap kay mazhib meh mazallah astaghfirullah chamar say zaleel hen, aur aap kay mazhib meh RasoolAllah kay ilm ko mazallah pagaloon bachoon janwaroon meh kohi farq nahin ... aur aaj kay RasoolAllah ko post man be likha ja raha heh, Abdul Wahab Najdi kutta Kaffir RasoolAllah ko mazallah astaghfirullah idol kehta thah aur khud soowar kee mot'h, kuttay kee shakal, jangli soowar kee shakal huwi toh mara thah aur Allah tallah nay kaffir ko qana ker deeya, aur Allah kee lanat peri is kay puray khadaan per kay jitnay be is khadaan kay wahabi hen qanay kaffir peda hotay hen. Aap kay mazhib meh RasoolAllah ka kohi martba nahin kohi tazeem nahin aap kay mazhib meh ghairullah kee tazeem Shirk heh ... Firawni Dajjal, RasoolAllah kee toheen ker kay, un ko apnay jesa Bashr keh ker, un kay mutaliq yeh likh ker kay un ko ham per kohi fazeelat hasal nahin. * Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 187: Narrated Abu Juhaifa: Allah's Apostle came to us at noon and water for ablution was brought to him. After he had performed ablution, the remaining water was taken by the people and they started smearing their bodies with it (as a blessed thing). The Prophet offered two Rakat of the Zuhr prayer and then two Rakat of the 'Asr prayer while an 'Anza (spear-headed stick) was there (as a Sutra) in front of him. Abu Musa said: The Prophet asked for a tumbler containing water and washed both his hands and face in it and then threw a mouthful of water in the tumbler and said to both of us (Abu Musa and Bilal), "Drink from the tumbler and pour some of its water on your faces and chests." * Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 188: * Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 189: * Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 195: Teray nazdeeq toh RasoolAllah kee fazeelat kuch nahin thee, magar qurbaan jahoon Sahabah per, un Sahabah per, jin ko Allah kay mutaliq Allah farmata heh, heh meray Nabi kay Sahabah: * Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 137:"So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allah will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower." [Continued ...]
  19. Mazrat chahta hoon in taweel muddat kay baad jawab post keeya, deegir masroofiyat kay ilawah tehqeeq ker kay mawad be jamah kerna hota heh is leyeh time ziyada lag jata heh. - Awal arz heh kay meh nay RasoolAllah kay RasoolAllah kay mojzaat woh hen jis ka mushayda Kaffiroon ya Sahaba, ya Munafiqeen nay keeya, jis ka mushayda kissi dosray nay keeya balkay sirf RasoolAllah kay batanay say maloom huwa khadam kay nazdeeq woh mojza nahin, Misl e Mojza behtr lafz heh. Mojza woh heh jis ko ihtimam e Hujjat kay leyeh Ambiyah nay keeya, jesay Isa alayhis salam nay apni walidah kay difa meh bolay aur apni Risalat ka zikr keeya, Musa alayhis salam nay asaa mubarak ko saaamp e haqiqi banaya ... weghera ... in ko kaffiroon nay mushayda keeya aur baqi logh gawah thay, magar jin Ahadith ko khadam nay daleel banaya heh us meh RasoolAlah kay saath kohi aur shareek nahin, RasoolAllah nay Jannat meh dekha toh kohi aur kaffir jannat meh nahin dekh raha thah joh tasdeeq keray kay waqia RasoolAllah nay jannat ko dekha, agar RasoolAllah nah batatay toh kissi aur ko pata nah chalta is leyeh yeh Misl e Mojza hen meray nazdeeq. Aur Khadam nay Rasoolallah kee shaan ko biyaan kernay kay leyeh Misl e Mojza kay Hadith pesh keeyeh thay keyun kay tum nay RasoolAllah kee Bashariat meh joh fazilat heh us ka inqaar keeya thah: RasoolAllah kee Fazeelat ka inqaar keeya aur RasoolAllah ko apnay jesa likha aur likha kay un ko sirf ham per Risalat per bartari hasal heh, meh nay sabat keeya kay RAsoolAllah ko sirf Risalat per hee nahin har sift meh tum per aur aam insaan per bartari hasal heh. Misl-Mojzaat e RasoolAllah ka talluq RasoolAllah kee Bashariat aur un kee sifaat say heh, RasoolAllah ka dekhna, sun'na, jagna, sona, roza rakhna, ibadat, har sift meh RasoolAllah ka kohi hamsar nahin. Is leyeh tum nay joh likha heh us ka talluq meray point say nahin, meray point yeh thah kay rAsoolAllah ko insaanoon per basharoon per woh fazeelat hasal heh jis ko kohi aur punch nahin sakta. Meray Rasool nay Abu Huraira kay qadmoon kee awaaz jannat meh suneeh, qabroon meh azaab waloon kee awaaz sunneeh, RasoolAllah nay Jannat ko dekha, miraaj per gahay, Allah say mulaqat huwi aur Allah ko dekha: * Sahih Muslim Book 001, Number 0334: "It is narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he (the Holy Prophet) saw (Allah) with, his heart." * Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0335: "It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abbas that the words:" The heart belied not what he saw" (al-Qur'an, Iiii. 11) and" Certainly he saw Him in another descent" (al-Qur'an, Iiii. 13) imply that he saw him twice with his heart." Meray nabi kee fazeelat ka munkir ho ker, un kee Bashariat ka munkir topi pehna'nay laga heh, pagal bana raha heh asal point ka tum nay jawab nahin deeya. Woh itnay saray dalahil joh meh nay pesh keeyeh thay RasoolAllah kee Bashariat kee fazeelat ko sabat kernay kay leyeh, un ka rad nahin ker sakta. - Dohim, Amiyah e Kiram joh mojzaat kertay hen woh izn e illahi kay saath kertay hen, yahi Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat ka Aqeedah heh. Jee Isa alayhis salam nay dua mangi thee, is ka inqaar toh bilqul nahin kerta magar tum nay sirf Isa alayhis salam kee misaal ko keyun pakra, baqi ahadith joh pesh theen jis meh begher dua kay, Rasoolallah nay mojzaat keeyeh us per be kuch likhtay nah. Meh nay RasoolAllah kay mojzaat per daleel qahim kee, tum daleel pesh kero nah kay RasoolAllah nay dua mangi ho kay ya Allah meh jannat meh dekhnay laga hoon ijazat deh, qabr kee awaaz sun'nay laga hoon ijazat deh, har giz nahin ker saktay, Allah tallah nay RasoolAlllah ko ikhtiyaar deh deeya thah, RasoolAllah nay Allah tallah ka qurb hasal thah, aur muqaribeen kay mutaliq Allah farmata heh Hadith e Qudsi meh: * Sahih Al Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 76, Number 509: "Narrated Abu Huraira: "Allah's Apostle said, "Allah said, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. And the most beloved things with which My slave comes nearer to Me, is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil till I love him, so I become his ears with which he hears, and his eyes with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My protection, I will protect him; and I do not hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take the soul of the believer, for he hates death, and I hate to disappoint him." Misl e Mojzaat kee quv'wat Allah tallah sirf Ambiyah ko hi nahin balkay aam Awliyah, Saliheen, ko bee deeh heh. RasoolAllah toh sab say afzal hen, is leyeh un meh yeh sift darja e kamal {perfection} taq punchi. Allah faramata heh ankh ban jata hoon jis say dekhta heh, Allah Makhlooq toh nahin banta balkay muraad heh Allah mojzati karami sift atah kerta heh jis say door kareeb, qabr kay andar, janat ko dekh sakta heh, aur Ahadith pesh ker chuka hoon is kay saboot meh kay waqia hee RAsoolAllah kee quwat e baseerat extra ordinary thee, qaan say sunnay kay hadith bee pesh ker chuka hoon, haath say denay ka pesh kerta hoon: Sahih Bukhari, Book 3, Number 119: "Narrated Abu Huraira: I said to Allah's Apostle "I hear many narrations (Hadiths) from you but I forget them. "Allah's Apostle said, "Spread your Rida' (garment)." I did accordingly and then he moved his hands as if filling them with something (and emptied them in my Rida') and then said, "Take and wrap this sheet over your body." I did it and after that I never forgot any thing." Abu Huraira nay dua nahin kee ya Allah mera hafza kamzor heh magar RasoolAllah say apni mushkil pesh kee aur RasoolAllah nay Muskhil kushaee kee, farmaya Abu Huraira chaadar becha, bichaee, hawah meh esay motion banaya jesay kuch pakar ker daal rahay hoon chadar meh phir farmaya seenay say laga leh, laga leeh toh kabi boolay nah. Allah RasoolAllah kay haath banay yehni denay wali shaan atah farma deeh, jis kay haath kay peechay khazanay Allah kay hoon woh kia kia nahin deh sakta. RasoolAllah kay mojzaat ka zikr nahin keeya thah balkay woh Hadith pesh keeyeh thay jin say RasoolAllah kee Bashariat, quwat e samah, aur Baseerat, weghera kee baqi ummatiyoon per fazeelat sabat ho. Asal joh point thah kay tum nay RasoolAllah kee Bashariat meh joh fazeelat heh us ka inqaar keeya aur kaffir murtad huway us ka toh tum nay jawab nahin deeya is ko pata keyun shoroon ker leeya. Dar asal jahalat ka ghalaba heh aur kuffr kee anderi heh tummeh yaad be nahin rehti kay point kee bunyaad kia thee. Tum nay point ko ilada keeya aur naya subject shoroon ker deeya, subject ko context kay mutabiq discuss kero, ek baat ko pakra us per kuch likho toh bunyadi point ko chor ker dosray point per behas shoron ker detay ho. Ab dekho meh nay kesay gaseet ker original point kee taraf laya heh. Jhootay per Allah kee lanat, meh nay kissi be jaga nahin likha kay Nabi kay pass chari hoti heh woh gooma ker mutalba pura kerta heh, balkay meh nay wazia ilfaaz meh yeh likha thah: Allah kay Nabi Allah say dua be kertay hen, dua meh be Allah say mangtay hen, magar esa incident hen jin meh Allah kay nabi nay begher dua kay jab chaha begher ijazat kay Sahabah ko atah keeya, inshallah is kay dalahil agay hoon gay. Ham log sirf wohi samajtay hen joh Quran o Hadith meh heh, aap ko kis nay bataya kay ham samajtay hen kay RasoolAllah kay pass jadooh kee chari heh? Kia tum ko ghayb kee khabr aahi heh ya farishta aya heh joh tummeh bata ker gaya heh ... sab apni baqwas ker rahay ho. Apnay damagh kee ghalazat kuffr baqwas ham say mansoob ker rahay ho, yeh aap kee gatia soch, kuffiria soch jadoo kee chari wali heh hamari aqal soch be nahin sakti esi kuffriat. Ham Sunni kia samjen hen aur kahan say samjay hen dalahil pesh hen. Allah tallah nay Quran meh farmaya: * Surah Al Kauthar {108} Verse 1: "We have assuredly given you Abundance." * Tafsir Ibn Abbas: "And from his narration on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas that he said about the interpretation of Allah's saying (Lo! We have given thee Abundance): '(Lo! We have given thee Abundance) He says: We have given you, O Muhammad, abundant good and included in this abundant good is the Qur'an; it is also said that Abundance (al-Kawthar) refers to a river in Paradise which was given to Muhammad (pbuh);" * Tafsir Al Jalalayn: "We have assuredly given you, O Muhammad (s), Abundance — [the name of] a river in Paradise and his [the Prophet’s] pool around which his community shall gather; al-kawthar also means the abundant good [that has been given to the Prophet], such as prophethood, the Qur’ān, intercession, and the like." * Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi: "(Lo! We have given thee Abundance…) [108:1-3]. Said Ibn 'Abbas: “This Surah was revealed about al-'As ibn Wa'il. He met the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, as he was entering the Sacred Mosque while the Prophet was coming out of it. They met at the gate of Banu Sahm and started talking to each other while the chiefs of Quraysh were sitting in the mosque. When al-'As entered the mosque, they asked him: 'Who were you talking to?' He said: 'I was talking to that man without posterity', meaning the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace. The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, had lost 'Abd Allah, his son from Khadijah, and so Allah, exalted is He, revealed this Surah”. Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Fadl informed us> Muhammad ibn Ya'qub> Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Jabbar> Yunus ibn Bukayr> Muhammad ibn Ishaq> Yazid ibn Ruman who said: “Whenever the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, was mentioned, al-'As ibn Wa'il al-Sahmi used to say: 'Leave him be, he is just a man without posterity; he has no offspring: If he were to die, no one would mention him again and you will be rid of him'. And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed (Lo! We have given thee Abundance…) to the end of the Surah”. 'Ata' reported that Ibn 'Abbas said: “Al-'As ibn Wa'il used to pass by the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, and say: 'Indeed I am insulting you, and truly you are without posterity, without no male offspring to survive you'. And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed (Lo! it is thy insulter) i.e. al-'As (who is without posterity) insofar as the good of this world and of the life to come are concerned." * Tafsir Ibn Kathir: "(The one who eats them (i.e., the people of Paradise) will be more beautiful than them, O `Umar.) Al-Bukhari recorded from Sa`id bin Jubayr that Ibn `Abbas said about Al-Kawthar, "It is the good which Allah gave to him (the Prophet).'' Abu Bishr said, "I said to Sa`id bin Jubayr, `Verily, people are claiming that it is a river in Paradise.''' Sa`id replied, `The river which is in Paradise is part of the goodness which Allah gave him.''' Al-Bukhari also recorded from Sa`id bin Jubayr that Ibn `Abbas said, "Al-Kawthar is the abundant goodness.'' This explanation includes the river and other things as well. Because the word Al-Kawthar comes from the word Kathrah (abundance) and it (Al-Kawthar) linguistically means an abundance of goodness. So from this goodness is the river (in Paradise). Imam Ahmad recorded from Ibn `Umar that the Messenger of Allah said, ..." Is ayaat kee teen Tafasir hen, pehli kay Kauthar say muraad Lake-Kauthar heh, dosri tafsir kay is say muraad "khair e kaseer" {abundance of good} heh, tesri Tafsir Asbab e nuzul kay mutabiq yeh banti heh kay jab Kaffir Mushrikoon nay RasoolAllah per tana zani kee kay is kay han beta nahin heh, aur Arab aur subcontinent meh baap betay kee pedaish per fakhr kertay thay/hen: * Surah At-Tawbah {9} Verse 55: "Let not their wealth nor their (following in) SONS dazzle thee: in reality Allah's plan is to punish them with these things in this life, and that their souls may perish in their (very) denial of Allah." Aur betay kee pedaish ko mardangi aur honour samajtay thay, aur keyun kay baap ka nasb betay say jari rehta heh aur Hazrat Ibrahim radiallah tallah anh ko pedaish kay baad fot'h ho janay say kaffir RAsoolAllah ko tana deeya kertay kay aap kay han beta nahin heh aap kee nasl khatam ho jahay gee, kaffir kay is tanay per Allah tallah nay farmaya kay ham nay aap ko "Abudance" {Kauthar} deeya heh, yehni ham nay aap ko bot bari Ummat deeh heh joh aap nay naam ko khatam nahin honay deh gee, aap ko logh bhoolen gay nahin. Allah kee keror rehmateh hoon Imam Ahmad Raza per jis nay mujjay sunni banaya, aur Nabi ka maqam aur kaffron kay khilaaf jang ka tareeka bataya. Kaffir kehtay aap ko logh bhool jahen gay aap ka nishaan mit jahay ga, magar jab taq Sunni heh nahin mit sakta keyun kay ham toh apnay Nabi ko rozana har dam yaad rakhtay hen: "Allahuma sal'li'ala sayyedina wa maulana Muhammedim, wa ala aali sayyedina wa maulana muhammdim wa barik was'salam." pernay walay hen, aur kaffiroon ko jhoota sabit kernay walay hen. Abh atay hen Allah tallah nay Kauthar yehni abudance, khair e kaseer, kay saath aur kia deeya: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 23, Number 428: "Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: One day the Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud and then went up the pulpit and said, "I will pave the way for you as your predecessor and will be a witness on you. By Allah! I see my Fount (Kauthar) just now and I have been given the keys of all the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth). By Allah! I am not afraid that you will worship others along with Allah after my death, but I am afraid that you will fight with one another for the worldly things." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 59, Number 411: "Narrated Uqba: One day the Prophet went out and offered the (funeral) prayer for the people (i.e. martyrs) of Uhud as he used to offer a funeral prayer for any dead person, and then (after returning) he ascended the pulpit and said, "I am your predecessor before you, and I am a witness upon you, and I am looking at my Tank just now, and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world (or the keys of the world). By Allah, I am not afraid that you will worship others besides Allah after me, but I am afraid that you will compete with each other for (the pleasures of) this world." Mazeed: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 59, Number 660: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 76, Number 434: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 92, Number 378: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Number 220: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 56, Number 795: * Sahih Bukhari,, Book 76, Number 590: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 87, Number 127: * Sahih Bukhari,, Book 87, Number 141: * Sahih Bukhari, Book 87, Number 160: * Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1063: * Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1066: * Sahih Muslim, Book 029, Number 5651 * Sahih Muslim, Book 030, Number 5688 [Continued ...]
  20. Ghulam Qadiyani Aqeedeh meh Wahabi thah ... Wahabiyoon ka Seikh e Qull Nazeer Hussain Dehalvi us ka dost aur usee nay Qadiyani ka nikkah perwaya thah ... Is kay aqahid aur Fiqha Wahabiya thee ... is nay sirf Khatam Un Nabiyeen kay mafoom per ikhitlaaf keeya aur nabuwat ka dawa keeya ... yeh kaffir apnay zamanay ka Zakir Naik thah
  21. Yeh Ashaar Muhammed Yar Ghari kay hen, aur Sayyedi Ala Hazrat kay nahin hen.
  22. Shahid Nazeer@ Urdu zubaan meh woh asool biyaan kero jis say ek jumlay ko gustakhana samja ja sakta heh, woh asool biyaan kero jis kay istimal say ham jumloon ilfaaz meh gustakhi ko samaj saken. Yaqeen heh tum nahin bata saktay, tum sirf chiitay koray kaghaz ho.
  23. Baee ham nay is anparh kay leyeh phd likh deeh, abh anparh heh toh is kee ghalti heh phd meh ghaltiyan nikaal ker apni jahalat ka saboot deh raha heh ...
  24. Salar Raza baee aap nay abh itna keeya heh toh meh aap kay keeyeh per thori say decoration ker doon. 'Magpie' ko meh nay online Arabic dictionary meh keyin keeya toh yeh ARabic ilfaaz niklay, pesh e khidmat hen: * http://www.babylon.com/define/98/English-Arabic-Dictionary.html Abh bee yeh apnay jahil Gandgohi kee tera Magpie ko Crow likhay aur Crow tehrahay toh jahan per millay, Allah ka naam leh ker is ko goli maar denh, inshallah aap ka jannat ka ticket book hoga.
  25. Begherati kee be kohi had hoti heh, Gangohi nay Zagh e Maroofanh per fatwah deeya ... jis ka tarjumah banta heh 'popular crow' ya 'common crow' us kay dosray fatway meh desi kav'way kay baray meh poocha gaya thah us nay ussay halal bataya ... ham ko bataho Zaagh e Maroof kon sa kav'wa heh zera us kee foto dekhaho ... Deobandi mazhib meh kutta be halal heh han sirf sefead rang ka kalay ka haram heh, safaid is leyeh halal heh kay woh bakri jesa lagta heh ... [] joke Besharam bedaharham, Deobandi Darham! Deobandi Darham!
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