کل پوسٹس
261 -
تاریخِ رجسٹریشن
آخری تشریف آوری
سب کچھ RadiatingAli نے پوسٹ کیا
Ilm Al Ghayb: He {SAW} Is Not Bi'zaneen Over Ghayb Part 1: Allah Subhana Wa Tallah in Surah At-Takwir {81} Verses 23 - 25 states: "Wala'qad ra'a'hu bil'ufuqil mubeen. Wama huwa alal Ghaybi biz'zaneen. Wama huwa bi'qauli shay'ta nir'rajeem." Meaning: "And without doubt he saw him on the clear horizon. He does not withold the Knowledg of Ghayb stingly. Nor {the Quran} is the word of Shaytan accursed." Alhamdulillah, Summa Alhamdulillah! This verse is one of the explicit proves of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah by which we established the Ilm e Ghayb of RasoolAllah {SAW}. And Munkireen e Ilm e Ghayb Of RasoolAllah {SAW} have attempted to explain this verse in many ways, trying in vain to reffute the Ilm e Ghayb Of RasoolAllah {SAW}. Accroding to Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah {Barelwi}, the Zameer of "Huwa" {he} is addressing Prophet {SAW}. Tafsiri translation of the verses would be: "And without doubt Muhammed sallal'laho alayhi wa sallam saw Gibraeel alayh salam on the clear horizon. Muhammed sallal'laho alayhi wa sallam does not withold the Knowledg of Ghayb stingly. Nor {the Quran} is the word of Shaytaan accursed." From this we have understood that Prophet {SAW} does not withold the knowledge of Ghayb he shares this knowledge if it is needed. Part Two: Some of the Ulamah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah have taken the position that Zameer of "Huwa" in the verse 24, is reffering to Allah Subhana Wa Tallah, considering this the Tafsiri translation would be: "And without doubt Muhammed sallal'laho alayhi wa sallam saw Gibraeel alayh salam on the clear horizon. Allah Subhana Wa Tallah does not withold the Knowledg of Ghayb stingly. Nor {the Quran} is the word of Shaytaan accursed." If this was the correct interpretation of the verse then it implies that Allah Subhana Wa Tallah does not only keep the knowledge of Ghayb for Him self but shares it with His creation, it reffutes the beleife that "ONLY ALLAH KNOWS GHAYB." And lets reffer to the Quran to find out whom Allah Subhana Wa Tallah gives Ghayb Surah Jin {72} Verses 26- 27: “Alim-ul-Ghaibi fala yuzhiru ala ghaibi’hii ahada, illah manirtada manirasool …” Meaning: “{Allah} Alim Ul Ghayb does not apoint anyone on His Ghayb.” Except a chosen Rasool ..." Allah shares the knowledge of Ghayb not with every Tom Dick and Harry, but with a Rasool whom He as chosen. Allah Subhana Wa Tallah declares the status of Rasool for Muhammed {SAW} in the fallowing words: Surah Ahzaab {33} Verse 40: "Ma'qana Muhammedum aba a'ahadim mir'rijaliqum wala kir Rasool'lallahi wa Khatam Un Nabiyeen." Meaning: "Muhammed is not the father of any men, but he is the Rasool of Allah, and the Khatam {seal} of the Prophets. And Allah has full knowledge of all things." Therefore its prove that Prophet {SAW} as been given the knowledge of Ghayb by Allah who shares Ghayb with His chosen Rasool {SAW}. Part Three: Another group maintains that Zameer of "Huwa" is reffering to RasoolAllah {SAW} and, the word "Ghayb" used in verse 24 is reffering to Quran Al Kareem. Because RasoolAllah {SAW} saw Gibraeel {AS} on the horizon, and he is the angle on whom Allah Subhana Wa Tallah as entrusted the task of Wahi. Therefore the verse 25 is adressing the Wahi which Gibraeel {AS} brings to Prophet {SAW}: "Nor it is the word of Shaytaan accursed." Hence the verse preceeding it must also be reffering to Quran. "And without doubt Muhammed sallal'laho alayhi wa sallam saw Gibraeel alayh salam on the clear horizon. Muhammed sallal'laho alayhi wa sallam[/b does not withold the Knowledg of Quran stingly. Nor {the Quran} is the word of Shaytaan accursed."[/color] Munkireen e Ilm e Ghayb of RasoolAllah {SAW} tend to ascribe to this understanding of the verse, and quote various eminent authorities of exegisis to substantiate their position, in the vain hope of reffuting the aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah. This would be suicide theologically, one who maintains this aqeedah as reffuted the very basis of his beleife. Quran was Ghayb ... and this Ghayb {i.e. Quran} was revealed to RasoolAllah {SAW} ... this too afirms the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah that RasoolAllah {SAW} was given the Knowledge Of Ghayb {.i.e. Quran}. Inshallah tallah Ul Aziz in later parts I will go into detail about the quality of Quran, and the amount of knowledge contained in this Ghayb {Quran}. Part Four: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 87, Number 141: Narrated Abu Huraira: "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "I have been sent with Jawami al-Kalim, and I was made victorious with awe (caste into the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me and were put in my hand." Muhammad said, Jawami'-al-Kalim means that Allah expresses in one or two statements or thereabouts the numerous matters that used to be written in the books revealed before (the coming of) the Prophet." * Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Number 220: "Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them)." RasoolAllah {SAW} as been sent Quran, about whom RasoolAllah {SAW} testifies that its written in shortest expression yet as vast meanings. Thus the given interpretations are all valid and the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah accept all the interpretations which the Mufassireen have made. Wama Alayna Ilal Balagh Ul Mubeen. Muhammed Ali Razavi
Ilm Al Ghayb & Treasures Of Allah Given To Prophet Part One: Allah subhana wa tallah mentions that Kuffar belittled Prophet {peace be upon him} by stating: * Surah Al Furqaan {25} Verse 8: "Or (Why) has not a TREASURE been bestowed on him, or why has he (not) a garden for enjoyment?" The wicked say: "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched." * Surah Hud {11} Verse 12: "... and thy heart feeleth straitened lest they say, "Why is not a TREASURE sent down unto him, or why does not an angel come down with him?" Allah subhana wa tallah instructs Prophet Muhammed {peace be upon him} to reply to them with fallowing: * Surah An'aam {6} Verse 50: "Say: "I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but follow what is revealed to me as Wahi." Say: "can the blind be held equal to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not?" * Surah Hud {11} Verse 31: "I tell you not that with me are the TREASUREs of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor claim I to be an angel. Nor yet do I say, of those whom your eyes do despise that Allah will not grant them (all) that is good: Allah knoweth best what is in their souls: I should, if I did, indeed be a wrong-doer." When the verse was revealed Prophet {SAW} did not know about the treasures reffered in the verse, but later on the treasures of the world were given to Prophet {SAW}. This will be disscussed in detail in the comming disscussion inshallah tallah ul aziz. And the reason for why Prophet {SAW} was commanded to SAY HIMSELF THAT HE DOESNT HAVE TREASURES & DOESNT HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF GHAYB. A quick galance reveals that, Prophet {SAW} is instructed to negate three things, but my understanding is that Prophet {SAW} is commanded to negate two things. Treasures Of Allah is the actual subject, and denial of Ghayb in reality reffers connected with Treasures of Allah, and they are Ghayb. Therefore denial of Ghayb is in reality denial of knowing where the Treasures of Allah are, or denial of having them, or both. Had he {SAW} possesed them he would have known where they are, and his denial of being angle is connected with distributing those threasures, hence he is not angle he is not responsiable for distributing them. But on the principle that Quran as comprehensive meaning, in minimal words, I accept all the possiable meanings which can be derived from this verse. There are multiple interpretations of this single verse, and inshallah tallah ul Aziz, all will be addressed in this article, note that Prophet {SAW} was commanded t negate: * ... the Knowledge Of Ghayb * ... having access to Treasures Of Allah * ... denial of being an Angle And he affirmed: * ... he fallows the Wahi. Part Two {A} - Treasures of Allah: Prophet {peace be upon him} negated having having access to treasures of Allah and having knowledge of Ghayb. Is this negation of Prophet {peace be upon him} a based on reality, or based on humility and obedience to Allah's Wahi. There are various Ahadith in which Prophet {peace be upon him} told the fact that the treasures of earth have been granted to Prophet {peace be upon him, hence the verse can not mean what the opponents of Ahle Sunnat state: * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 3, Number 115: "Narrated Um Salama: One night Allah's Apostle got up and said, "Subhan Allah! How many afflictions have been descended tonight and how many treasures have been disclosed! Go and wake the sleeping lady occupants of these dwellings (his wives) up (for prayers). A well-dressed (soul) in this world may be naked in the Hereafter." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 23, Number 428: "Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: One day the Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayers of the martyrs of Uhud and then went up the pulpit and said, "I will pave the way for you as your predecessor and will be a witness on you. By Allah! I see my Fount (Kauthar) just now and I have been given the keys of all the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth). By Allah! I am not afraid that you will worship others along with Allah after my death, but I am afraid that you will fight with one another for the worldly things." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 59, Number 411: "Narrated Uqba: One day the Prophet went out and offered the (funeral) prayer for the people (i.e. martyrs) of Uhud as he used to offer a funeral prayer for any dead person, and then (after returning) he ascended the pulpit and said, "I am your predecessor before you, and I am a witness upon you, and I am looking at my Tank just now, and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world (or the keys of the world). By Allah, I am not afraid that you will worship others besides Allah after me, but I am afraid that you will compete with each other for (the pleasures of) this world." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 59, Number 660: "Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "While I was sleeping, I was given the treasures of the earth and two gold bangles were put in my hands, and I did not like that, but I received the inspiration that I should blow on them, and I did so, and both of them vanished. I interpreted it as referring to the two liars between whom I am present; the ruler of Sana and the Ruler of Yamaha." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 76, Number 434: "Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: The Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayer for the martyrs of the (battle of) Uhud and then ascended the pulpit and said, "I am your predecessor and I am a witness against you. By Allah, I am now looking at my Tank-lake (Al-Kauthar) and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth). By Allah! I am not afraid that after me you will worship others besides Allah, but I am afraid that you will start competing for (the pleasures of) this world." * Sahih Bukhari, Book 56, Number 795: ”Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amr: The Prophet once came out and offered the funeral prayer for the martyrs of Uhud, and proceeded to the pulpit and said, "I shall be your predecessor and a witness on you, and I am really looking at my sacred Fount now, and no doubt, I have been given the keys of the treasures of the world. By Allah, I am not afraid that you will worship others along with Allah, but I am afraid that you will envy and fight one another for worldly fortunes.” * Sahih Bukhari,, Book 76, Number 590: ”Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir: Once the Prophet went out and offered the funeral prayers for the martyrs of Uhud, and then went to the pulpit and said, "I am a predecessor for you and I am a witness for you: and by Allah, I am looking at my Fount just now, and the keys of the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth) have been given to me: and by Allah, ..." * Sahih Bukhari, Book 87, Number 127: ”Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with awe (cast into the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping last night, the keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me till they were put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle left (this world) and now you people are carrying those treasures from place to place.” * Sahih Bukhari,, Book 87, Number 141: ”Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "I have been sent with Jawami al-Kalim (i.e., the shortest expression carrying the widest meanings), and I was made victorious with awe (caste into the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the earth were brought to me and were put in my hand." Muhammad said, Jawami'-al-Kalim means that Allah expresses in one or two statements or thereabouts the numerous matters that used to be written in the books revealed before (the coming of) the Prophet.” * Sahih Bukhari, Book 87, Number 160: ”Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "We (Muslims) are the last (to come) but (will be) the foremost (on the Day of Resurrection)." Allah's Apostle further said, ''While sleeping, I was given the treasures of the world and two golden bangles were put in my hands, but I felt much annoyed, and those two bangles distressed me very much, but I was inspired that I should blow them off, so I blew them and they flew away. Then I interpreted that those two bangles were the liars between whom I was (i.e., the one of San'a' and the one of Yamama)." * Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1066: ”Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I have been helped by terror (in the heart of the enemy) ; I have been given words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; and while I was asleep I was brought the keys of the treasures of the earth which were placed in my hand.” * Sahih Muslim, Book 029, Number 5651: ”Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: While I was sleeping, the treasures of the earth were presented to me and I was made to wear in my hands two gold bangles. I felt a sort of burden upon me and I was disturbed and it was suggested to me that I should blow over them, so I blew and both of them disappeared. I interpreted them as two great liars who would appear at any time, one is the inhabitant of Sana' and the other is that of Yamama.” * Sahih Muslim, Book 030, Number 5688: ”Uqba b. 'Amir reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) one day went out and he offered prayer over the martyrs of Uhud just as prayer is offered over the dead. He then came back and sat on pulpit and said: I shall be present there (at the Cistern) before you. I shall be your witness and, by Allah, I perceive as if I am seeing with my own eyes my Cistern at this very state and I have been given the keys of the treasures of the earth or the keys of the earth and, by Allah, ..." * Sahih Al Bukhari, Book 92, Number 378: "Narrated Said bin Al-Musaiyab: Abu Huraira said that Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with 'Jawami-al-Kalim ' (the shortest expression with the widest meaning) and have been made victorious with awe (cast in my enemy's hearts), and while I was sleeping, I saw that the keys of the treasures of the world were placed in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has gone, and you people are utilizing those treasures, or digging those treasures out." or said a similar sentence." * Sahih Bukhari, Book 52, Number 220: ”Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand." Abu Huraira added: Allah's Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).” * Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Number 1063: ”Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: I have been commissioned with words which are concise but comprehensive in meaning; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): and while I was asleep I was brought the keys of the treasures of the earth which were placed in my hand. And Abfi Huraira added: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) has left (for his heavenly home) and you are now busy in getting them.” These Ahadith prove that Allah did indeed gave the treasures to RasoolAllah {peace be upon him}, and those who claim otherwise are heretical Innovators opposing the Sahih Mutawatir Hadith., and their rejection of Prophet {peace be upon him} having access to treasures of Allah is based on inaccurate understanding of the verses of Quran. Part Two {B} – Knowledge Of Ghayb: It is established that RasoolAllah {SAW} has been granted the Knowledge Of Ghayb by Allah Subhana Wa Tallah from Kitabullah it self. Yet in this verse of the Quran Allah Subhana Wa Tallah instructs Prophet {SAW} to negate his {SAW} knowledge. If one takes those verses establish the knowledge of RasoolAllah {SAW} then it becomes nesscarry that Taweel {alternative meaning} of these verses is made {discovered}. It is the habbit of the Munkireen e Ilm e Ghayb of RasoolAllah {SAW} that THEY ONLY attempt to make Taweel of those verses of the Quran which establish the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah. This alone is sufficent to prove that who is with RasoolAllah {SAW}, and who opposes him. Allah Subhana Wa Tallah Himself affirms the knowledge of Ghayb of RasoolAllah {SAW} in the fallowing two verses of the Quran: * Surah Ale Imran {3}Verse 179: "Ma qanallahu liyazaral momineena ala ma antum alayhi hat'ta yameezal khabeesa mi'nat'tayyib, wama qanallahu li'yutli'aqum alal ghaybi wala kin'nallah yajtabi mir'rasoolihi may'yashaa ... " Meaning: "Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which ye are now, until He separates what is evil from what is good nor will He disclose to you secrets of Ghayb. But He chooses of His Messenger. (For the purpose) whom He pleases ..." * Surah Jin {72} Verse 26-27: “Alim-ul-Ghaibi fala yuzhiru ala ghaibi’hii ahada, illah manirtada manirasool …” Meaning: “{Allah} Alim Ul Ghayb does not apoint anyone on His Ghayb.” Except a chosen Rasool ..." * Surah At'Takwir {81} Verse 23-25: "Wala'qad ra'a'hu bil'ufuqil mubeen. Wama huwa alal Ghaybi biz'zaneen. Wama huwa bi'qauli shay'ta nir'rajeem." Meaning: "And without doubt he saw him on the clear horizon. He does not withold the Knowledg of Ghayb stingly. Nor {the Quran} is the word of Shaytan accursed." Therefore if one is to accept the negation of RasoolAllah {SAW} to be refflecting the reality, that would contradict what Allah Subhana Wa Tallah Himself stated. And aqeedah of AhlusSunnah Wal Jammah is that Quran is Kalamullah {speech of Allah} hence Allah does not mistake in his speech, nor He contradicts His own words, neither does He command RasoolAllah {SAW} to say anything against His own words, putting it more accurately, neither does He command RasoolAllah {SAW} to say something which contradicts the meaning of Verses in which He stated something explicitly nor Allah would instruct RasooolAllah {SAW} to state something contradictory. Hences its essential that those verses seem to contradict each other a plausiable explaination be provided. Note that its not only responsiability of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammah to resolve the seemingly contradictory verses of Quran, buts its the responsiability of all the Muslims to interpret these verses, in a manner which removes the difficulties, regardless of their sectarian back ground. Yes there is ikhtilaaf {dispute/disagreement} among Muslims, but holding to one set of verses and ignore the other isnt the way to eliminate this ikhtilaaf, its essential that people put aside the mentality ...Barelwi's beleives this ... Wahabi's beleive this ... Deobandi's beleive this ... our aim should be finding the truth which is from Quran, and not finding the true sect, we should aspire to find the Quranic truth, rather then sectarian truth. Part Three – Tafasir's In The Light Of Quran & Sunnah: - Another group the Munafiqeen would come to RasoolAllah {SAW} and demand miracles, but their demands were not that they wish to acheive material success in this world or they wished to beleive the Prophethood of Muhamed {SAW}. They would come and demand miracles so they can redicule Prophet {SAW}, make jokes about him in their own meetings, like the people of present erra, use derogratory language for the Awliyah-Allah and about their Karmaat. When they would come Allah commands to say to them that I have not claimed that I have Treasures Of Allah, had I made the claim then it was my responsiability to substantiate my claim: "I do not say to you that I have treasure of Allah, nor i said I know Ghayb ..." teaching us a principle that one who claims something must substantiate his claim. Suppose a billionair is approached by a person and he says you have lot of money I will beileive you that youa re a billionair if you show me your money, and if in return the billionair responds: "I do not say to you that I have alot of money?" would that mean he doesnt have the money or doesnt want to show him the money because he neither as made the claim that he as got hence he doesnt have to substantiate his claim. In the same manner the Ahadith affirm that RasoolAllah {SAW} was given the TREASURES OF EARTH the very treasures which the Mushrikeen wanted but RasoolAllah {SAW} didnt had to demonstrate ownership because he didnt claim it in the first place. - According to the historical context, the Jahiliyah society of Arabs was in continous struggle against each other, all trying to out do the other in wealth, and other desirable things. Their beleifes system did not have the concept of Judgement Day, but rather they beleived that their life in this world was all they had, hence they competed with each other to out do each other for the sake of fame, honour, prestiege, wealth. And when Prophet {SAW} began to propogate the message of Islam the Mushrikeens would come to Prophet {SAW} and ask him to do miracles and wonders so they can certify his claim to Prophethood. Mushrikeen came to Prophet {SAW} and placed materialistic conditions that if you fullfil these conditions then we will accept your message of Islam otherwise there is no materialistic benefit in accepting your message of Islam. Mushrikeen came to Prophet {SAW} and placed materialistic conditions that if you fullfil these conditions then we will accept your message of Islam otherwise there is no materialistic benefit in accepting your message of Islam. Allah replies to their this point: * Surah Al Isra {17} Verse 100: "Say: "If ye had control of the TREASUREs of the Mercy of my Lord, behold, ye would keep them back, for fear of spending them: for man is (every) niggardly!" The verse continues: “... nor do I know what is Ghayb {Hidden} ...”, and Prophet {SAW} negates Knowledge of Ghayb also, indicating that Khazaynullah are reffered as Ghayb, the usage of word Ghayb for Khazaynullah is for emphasis, and Prophet {SAW} does not know them, then it goes on to say that I am not angle, and the reason for this is, that angles are on the duty of distributing the Treasures Of Allah, its not my duty to distribute those treasures, I am fallowing commands of Wahi, implying that I am only a warner, and I have no authority to give anything or take anything from anyone unless insturcted by Allah to do so: * Surah Hud {11} Verse 12: "But thou art there only to warn! It is Allah that arrangeth all affairs!" I am here to teach you the "Sirtum Mustaqeem" to teach you the Tawheed, to warn you about Hell, and give you the good news of Heaven for the Momineen. My job isnt to benefit you materially but I am only here for social reform, spiritual reform, the angles are on the duty of material distribution, not me. - Before I write the last part and the most important part ot this artilce I would like to remind the readers of the fallowing facts: * RasoolAllah {SAW} is commanded to say that he doesnt have Treasure Of Allah, * RasoolAllah {SAW} is commanded to deny his knowledge of Ghayb * RasoolAllah {SAW} is commanded to deny being an Angle, * RasoolAllah {SAW} is affirming the Treasure of Earth in the Hadith for himself, * Allah is Himself stating that He grants Knowledge Of Ghayb To The Chosen Rasool, Regardless of what you ascribe to, three denials or even two denials in the verse, the fact remains the same, RasoolAllah {SAW} has been given knowledge of Ghayb, and has been given Treasures of Earth after the revelation of the verse. Therefore now what does the verse mean, and why did Allah subhana wa tallah command RasoolAllah {SAW} to deny the three for himself while they are apparent? The reason is quite simple, Allah subhana wa tallah knew that at a later stage RasoolAllah {SAW} will be given the treasures of earth, hence RasoolAllah {SAW} should negate himself having access to treasures of Allah. At the time of revelation of verse, it was his reality that he didnt have treausre of earth, but knowledge of Ghayb he had even then. Now please bare in mind that when a Professor says I have no knowledge, or when a Aalim says I am Jahil I have no knowledge of deen. Would that be his reality or would he be lieing? It is impossiable for an Aalim to be Jahil {uneducated} but he can be a liar, but would he be lieing about something while giving Khutbah in Masjid infront of a crowd, it would be a daring lie. RasoolAllah {SAW} does not lie, nor Allah commands another to tell a lie, and Allah commanding RasoolAllah {SAW} to say that he {SAW} doesnt have treasures of Allah, and knowledge of Ghayb, was only for one purpose that when Prophet says I dont know Ghayb it will be understood as humbleness, and when Allah says that RasoolAllah {SAW} knows Ilm e Ghayb that would be his reality, so we know that RasoolAllah {SAW} as got Knowledge of Ghayb, because Allahs says so, and the reason why RasoolAllah {SAW} was saying in the Quran that he doesnt know Ghayb is because he is being humble, he is being instructed to be humble about his knolwedge. And Allah Tallah reveals in the Quran that He sends suffering and adversity to nations to teach them humility, to make them humble and not arrogant and boastful: * Surah Al An'am {6} Verse 42: ”Before thee We sent (apostles) to many nations, and We afflicted the nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn HUMILITY.” * Surah Al An'am {6} Verse 43: ”When the suffering reached them from us, why then did they not learn HUMILITY? On the contrary their hearts became hardened, and Satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them.” * Surah Al A'raf {7} Verse 94: ”Whenever We sent a prophet to a town, We took up its people in suffering and adversity, in order that they might learn humility”. Even though Allah addresses the Ummats prior to this one, but the principle is same that every Ummah is inflicted with adversity to make them humble, and importance of humility is highlighteb by prohibition of Shirk Riya {Shirk Of Pride}. Thus the Prophets are tested and put in trials via their Ummats to teach them humility and elivate their ranks higher. And Prophet {peace be upon him} was tested and put in trial via the Kuffar, they asked him questions about Treasures of Allah, Ghayb, etc … rather then him boasting about his knowledge and the treasures, Allah told him what to say in humility to the demands of Mushrikeen O Kuffar. And Allah states about the Abd'Alah's, the Servents of Allah's that they are humble: * Surah Al Furqaan {25} Verse 63: ”And the servants of Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in HUMILITY, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!" Part Four: The Conclusion It has been proven that Prophet {peace be upon him} was given the treasures by Allah, its been proven that Allah grants the Knowledge of Ghayb to Prophet {peace be upon him}, hence the verse: "Say: "I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel” was revealed to teach humility and Prophet's {peace be upon him} denial was not due to him not having access to treasures of Allah or not knowing Ghayb, his denial was his humility. Wama Alayna Ilal Balagh Ul Mubeen. Muhammed Ali Razavi
Knowledge Of Ghayb: How Much Does Nabi {SAW} Know? The Beleives Of Ahlus Sunnah: 1} Allah Subhana Wa Tallah's speech, the Quran has all the details of universe it has with in it knowledge of past present future, what ever as happened in past what is happening currently and what ever will happen in future knowledge of it is in the Quran. 2} Allah taught the entire Quran to Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was salam. 3} When the last Quranic verse was revealed, then Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was salam was aware of the events which happened in past, events which were happening in the present and he had the knowledge of future events. Any objections about Prophets knowledge a person attempts to raise can be reconciled by the fact that Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat believes that Prophets knowledge only reached perfection after entire Quran was revealed prior to that, if its proven that he knew it we affirm it and if its proven that he didnt have knowledge of certain event, we affirm that has well, but on issues on which there is no clear cut answer we remain silent, neiter affirm nor deny his knowledge, but after the final verse was revealed we believe that he knew everything at that time. Evidence Of Ahlus Sunnah's Aqeedah: Allah tallah says this about Quran: Surah Al An'am ayaat 59: " ... Wala ratbin wala ya'bisin illa fikitabim mubeen." MEANING: "... every dry or green object their mention as been made in kitab e mubeen." Surah Yunus ayaat 61: " ... Wala as'ghara min zalika wala akbara illa fi kitabim mubeen." MEANING: "... what ever big or small object their mention has been make in KITAB E MUBEEN." Surah Hud {11} Verse 6: "Wama min dabaa'batin fil'ardi illa alal'lla'hi rizquha wa'yalamu musta'qarraha wa mustaw'da aha." MEANING: "There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance dependeth on Allah. He knoweth the time and place of its definite abode and its temporary deposit: All is in KITABIM MUBEEN." Surah Saba {34} Verse 3: "... Alim ul Ghaybi la ya'zubu anhu misqalu zarratin fis'samawati wala fil ardi wala asghara min zalika walaa akhbaru illa fi kitabum mubeen." MEANING ":.. by Alim Ul Ghayb { i.e. Allah} from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: Nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the KITAB E MUBEEN." Surah An'Naml ayaat 75: "Wama min Ghaa'ibatin fis'samaahi wal ardi illa fi kitabim Mubeen." MEANING: "And what ever Ghayb there is in HEAVENS and EARTH it mention has been made in KITAB E MUBEEN." Allah says that WHAT EVER SMALL OR BIG, DRY OR GREEN, THE SUSTANANCE OF CREATION, AND ALL THAT IS GHAYB IN UNIVERSE is mentioned in the KITAB E MUBEEN. A point to note, our AMAAL ARE RECORDED IN KITAB E MUBEEN ALSO. Our Amal are Ghayb from one and other. IF THEY ARE GHAYB THEY ARE IN KITAB E MUBEEN. Your actions are ghayb from me, my actions are ghayb for you ... therefore AMAAL OF ALL CREATURES are recorded in KITAB E MUBEEN. Further Allah tallah says: Surah Yusuf {12} ayaat 111: "Laqad kana fee qasasihim ibratuli' awlee alalbab, ma kana hadeesan yuftara walakin tasdeeq'allazee bayna yadayhi wa'tafseela kulli shay'in wahudan warahmatalli qawmin yuminoon." MEANING: "There is, in their stories, instruction for men endued with understanding. It is not a tale invented, but a Tasdeeq {confirmation} of what went before it,- a Tafseel {Detailed Exposition} of all things, and a guide and a mercy to any such as believe." Surah Yunus {10} ayaat 37: "Wama kana hazal quranu aey'yuftara min dooni Allahi walakin tasdeeq'allazee bayna yadayhi wa tafseelal kitabi la rayba feehi mir'rabbil alameen." MEANING: "This Qur'an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah. on the contrary it is a Tasdeeq {confirmation of revelations) that went before it, and a Tafseel {Fuller explanation} of the Book - wherein there is no doubt - from the Lord of the worlds." * Surah An Nahl {16} Verse 89: “One day We shall raise from all Peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: and We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): and We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.” Quran as detailed exposition of all things, regardless of what the size of that object, big, small, dry or green, or even ghayb ... quality of Quran is that it as detailed explanation of everything. QURAN is; "FULLER EXPLANATION OF BOOK IN WHICH THERE IS NO DOUBT." Quran is Tafseel of AL LAWH AL MAFOOZ. Because the sentence can not be reffering to QURAN it self ... in the beginning Allah says that Quran is Tasdeeq ... and ... then Tafseel ... of the book. Quran confirms other scriptures and its TAFSEEL of Al Lawh Al Mafooz {'Perserved Tablet' on which A-Z about creation is written.} and Quran is a book which Allah sent explaning all things. Allah Subhana Wa tallah explains the characteristics of Kitab e Mubeen, then Allah states that Quran is Tafseel of Al Lawh Al Mafooz, and the same point of view is enforced by the fallowing verses: Surah Maidah ayaat 15: " ...qad jaakum mina Allahi nooruv wa kitabun mubeen." MEANING: "... there as come to you from Allah a Noor and Kitab e Mubeen {Quran}." Surah An'Naml ayaat 1: "Ta Seen tilka ayatul qurani wa kitabin mubeen." MEANING: "Ta Seen, these are verses of the Quran and {which is} Kitab e Mubeen {clear book}." Now comming to the reality of Kitab e Mubeen, the two quoted verses of the Quran attest to the fact that Quran is Kitab e Mubeen, and it contains information about big, small, dry, green, and all the ghayb which is in heaven and earth, and this is quality of Al Lawh Al Mafooz also ... thus the verses of Surah Yusuf VERSE 11 and Yunus VERSE 37 both affirm the same fact with explicit refference. We have identified that Kitab e Mubeen is Quran {.I.E. TAFSEEL OF AL LAWH AL MAFOOZ} therefore it means that ALL THE MENTIONED ARE IN THE QURAN. If its proved that knowledge of Quran was given to Prophet {SAW} that will mean. WHAT EVER SMALL, BIG, DRY, GREEN, WET, ALL THE GHAYB THERE IS IN HEAVEN AND EARTH IS GIVEN TO PROPHET {saw}, or in other words all the KNOWLEDGE which is contained in AL LAWH AL MAFOOZ was given to Prophet {SAW}. Surah Al Qiyamah {75}Verse: "{16} La tuharrik bihi lisanaka litaj'ala bih. {17} Inna alayna jam'ahu wa quranah. {18} Fa'iza karana'hu fatta'bih kuranah. {19} Summa inna alayna bayanah." MEANING: {16} "Move not your tongue concerning (the Qur'ân, O Muhammad SAW) to make haste therewith.{17} It is for Us to collect it and to give you (O Muhammad SAW) the ability to recite it (the Qur'ân), {18} And when We have recited it to you [O Muhammad SAW through Jibrael (Gabriel)], then follow you its (the Qur'ân's) recital. {19} Then it is for Us (Allâh) to make it clear to you." Allah takes the responsiabilty of explaining the Quran, and indeed Allah explained the entire Quran to Prophet {SAW}. Allah does not leave His job undone, He is able to do what He wishes so. Allah subhana wa tallah affirms in the Quran that only the Mutahiroon {Purified, Clean} will gain access to Quran and to its INNER meanings, which are refflection of Al Lawh Al Mafooz. Surah Al Waqiyah {56} Verses 77-79: "In'nahu la'Quran'nun Kareem. Fi kitabim Maknoon. La yamassahu illa mutahiroon." MEANING: "A Quran most honourable. In a well guarded book. Which none shall touch but except those who are Mutahiroon {pure, clean}." Two interpretations of this verse, and Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat affirms both of them as valid. 1 - "A Quran most honourable. ... Which none shall touch but except those who are Mutahiroon {pure, clean}." 2 - "A Quran most honourable. In a well guarded book [i.e. Al Lawh Al Mafooz]. ... Al Lah Al Mafooz Which none shall touch but except those who are Mutahiroon {pure, clean}." Allah Subhana Wa Tallah states that in Masjid Al Haram there are men who love to purify them selves: Surah Tawbah {9} Verse 108: "Never stand thou forth therein. There is a mosque whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of the standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and Allah loveth those who make themselves pure." By Allah from all those purified men and woman whom Allah adresses the most honoured the beloved Messenger of Allah is more purified then all, he's the best example, which we are instructed to fallow, he can not be less then his fallowers, the purification he as reached none of his fallowers can reach. Hence the access to the knowledge of Quran and access to the Lawh Al Mafooz is perfected in him." Allah Subhana Wa Tallah states: Surah Nisa {4} Verse 113: "But for the Grace of Allah to thee and his Mercy, a party of them would certainly have plotted to lead thee astray. But (in fact) they will only Lead their own souls astray, and to thee they can do no harm in the least. For Allah hath sent down to thee the Book and wisdom and taught thee what thou Knewest not (before): And great is the Grace of Allah unto thee." Allah Subhana Wa Tallah states that he taught Prophet Muhammed all that he did not know, and He gave him book and wisdom, in another verse Allah instructs: Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 239: "If ye fear (an enemy), pray on foot, or riding, (as may be most convenient), but when ye are in security, celebrate Allah's praises in the manner He has TAUGHT you, which ye knew not (before)." O Muhammed praise Allah Subhana wa Talah in that manner he as taught you which you did not know. And this Aqeedah is confirmed by Authentic Ahadith: * Tirmadhi Shareef: “Narrated AbdurRahman ibn A'ish: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: I saw my Lord, the Exalted and Glorious in the most beautiful form. He said: What do the Angels in the presence of Allah contend about? I said: Thou art the most aware of it. He then placed HIS PALM between my shoulders and I felt its coldness in my chest and I came to know what was in the Heavens and the Earth. He recited: 'Thus did we show Ibrahim the kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth and it was so that he might have certainty.' (6:75) * Tirmadhi Shareef: “Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal: Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) was detained one morning from observing the dawn prayer (in congregation) along with us till the sun had almost appeared on the horizon. He then came out hurriedly and Iqamah for prayer was observed and he conducted it (prayer) in brief form. When he had concluded the prayer by saying As-salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah, he called out to us saying: Remain in your places as you were. Then turning to us he said: I am going to tell you what detained me from you (on account of which I could not join you in the prayer) in the morning. I got up in the night and performed ablution and observed the prayer as had been ordained for me. I dozed in my prayer till I was overcome by (sleep) and lo, I found myself in the presence of my Lord, the Blessed and the Glorious, in the best form. He said: Muhammad! I said: At Thy service, my Lord. He said: What these highest angels contend about? I said: I do not know. He repeated it thrice. He said: Then I saw Him put His palm between my shoulder blades till I felt the coldness of His fingers between the two sides of my chest. Then everything was illuminated for me and I could recognize everything. He said: Muhammad! I said." Thus proven that Prophets knowledge was comprimising every detail, small, big, green, wet,dry, all the ghayb of heaven and earth, which is contained in the Kitab Al Mubeen i.e. Quran as been given to Prophet {SAW}. And Allah Subhana Wa Tallah states: * Surah Al A'ala {87} Verse 6: "By degrees shall We teach thee to declare (the Message), so thou shalt not FORGET, ..." And what ever he was taught by Allah Subhana Wa Tallah he will not forget, hence his knowledge will remain with him till the day of judgement, and his knowledge comprimises, what ever is big, small, wet, green or dry, all the ghayb in heaven and earth, Allah granted the knowledge of all these to Prophet Muhammed sallalahu alayhi was'salam. Wama Alayna Ilal Balaghul Mobeen. Muhammed Ali Razavi
Noman sahib aap nay uper likha, awal aap nay Zaati & Atahi, ka likha, kia aap Qulli & Baaz kay munkir hen, Allah kee har sift Qulli heh aur makhlooq kee har sift Baaz heh, aap agar munkir hoon toh Mushrik o Kaffir hen. Yeh es'say heh jesay, Maths kee puri dosri, tesri, chawthi, panchi'ween sab kitabeh yaad ker kay un ka sara ilm hasal ker kay, phir be kohi kahay, Master jee nay Maths kee khabr deeh heh, Maths kee kitaboon per mutaleh keeya heh, yeh Ilm e Maths jan'nay kee daleel nahin. Master jee Ilm denh ya khud seekhen, nateeja yahee hhe kay perh lenay say, jaan lenay say, Ilm milta heh aur agar Kitab Maths kee heh toh phir Maths ka ilm aap nay per ker jana, aur agar khabr, Itlah, Mushayda, Akhbar, Amba, ghayb kay hen toh phir Ghayb ka Ilm mila. Dosra tum nay likha: Awal aap ka tarjumah darust nazr nahin aata, keyun kay aap kay tarjumeh say yeh tasur milta heh kay Allah zameen wala aur asmaan wala heh, yehni Makhlooq ka hissa heh, joh kuffr heh. Dosra aap ka dawah ghalat heh, keyun kay Allah tallah farmata heh: “Alim Ul Ghayb [Ghayb jan'nay wala, yehni Allah} zahir nahin kerta apnay Ghayb kissi ek per. Siwa'hay chunnay huway Rasool per ...” {72:26-27} Ayaat meh “Ghaybihi” zameer heh, ishara heh, Alim Ul Ghayb kee taraf, keyun kay Allah tallah kay apnay Ghayb kee baat heh, Toh ayaat kee tafseel istera hogi: "Alim Ul Ghayb [Ghayb jan'nay wala, yehni Allah} zahir nahin kerta apna Ilm e Ghayb kissi ek per. Siwa'hay chunnay huway Rasool per ...” RasoolAllah ka Ilm e Ghayb jan'na is ayaat say sabat ho jata heh. Muhammed Ali Razavi
Salam Alayqum Wr WB Sarfaraz Khan aur Gangohi donoon Kaffir hen, Gangohi nay apnay kuffr say toba nahin keey aur sarfaraz nay Ibarat e Akabir meh kuffriat ka difa keeya is leyeh woh be Kaffir heh. Yaad rakhyeh joh shakhs kuffria ibarat kay mutaliq ilm rakhta ho aur phir be un ka difa keray woh be ibarat kay likhnay waloon kee tera Kaffir heh. Kam say kam ibarat ko kuffria man'na chahyeh agar kohi ibarat ko kuffria manta heh aur ibarat kay likhnay waloon ko kissi waja say kaffir nahin kehta toh esa jaiz heh. Magar joh ibarat kay kufrria honay ka munkir heh woh Kaffir heh, shart yeh heh kay woh ibarat kay kuffria pehloon kay mutaliq ilm rakhta ho, aur in kay khilaaf dalahil e shariat say waqif ho. Muhammed Ali Razavi
Sunni Bahiyoon say apeal heh kay aap meh say kohi be is thread meh dakhal nah deh, aap kee mahirbani hogi, mujjay aur is donoon ko is thread meh filhal akela rehnay denh. Janab meh bee bot lambi, chori, kohi 50 pages kay qareeb, Ghayb per material pesh ker sakta hoon agar aap kee khawahish ho toy batayeh ga, meh kal hee paste ker doon ga. Aap kee post meh joh meh nay thori peri heh us meh aap nay bot say ikhtilafat ko chera heh, jis ka ek hee thread meh aur ek hee disscusion meh sort out kerna mushkil aur muhaal heh. Maslan aap nay Qulli ilm kee behas cheri, aap ko yeh bee pata nahin kay, Qulli Ilm e Ghayb istilah e khaas heh aur aap ko yeh bi pata nahin kay Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat ka aqeedah qulli ilm ba mukabila e bari tallah nahin, agar is aqeedah ka kohi qahil hota toh Kaffir o Mushrik, Murtad hota. Balkay Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat ka aqeedah Qulli Ilm e Ghayb ba Mukabila e Lawh e Mafooz heh. Jab aap ko is baat ka hee pata nahin toh hamaray aqeedeh ka rad kesay keren gay. Agar khud ko pata nah ho toh joh jantay hen un say pooch leeya keren. Dosri aap nay shoroon hee meh, Itla e Ghayb, Izhar e Ghayb, Mushayda e Ghayb, Amba e Ghayb, Akhbar e Ghayb, jis kee zeroorat nahin, keyun kay RasoolAllah ka Ilm e Ghayb aur Ilm e Zahir,balkay sari makhlooq Itla, izhar, amba, mushayda, ya akhbar, say ilm hasal kerti heh. Aap ko kissi nay Khabr deeh, khabr say aap ko Ilm hasal huwa, Khabr; karachi meh damaka huwa, is say ilm yeh hasal hua kay karachi meh bomb damaka huwa. Itla, Mushayda, Akhbar, Amba, aur Izhar sab ilm hasal kernay ka zeriyah hen, agar aap nay mushayda keeya toh dekh ker kuch nah kuch ilm hasal keeya kohi nah kohi information hasal kee. RAsoolAllah ko Itla, Mushayda, Amba, Akhbar e Ghayb deeyeh gahay, yeh zarahay mukhtalif hen magar hasal ek hee heh, Ilm hasal hota heh, Agar Itla Ghayb kee heh aur Itla agar sadiq ho toh Itla say Ilm e Ghayb hasal huwa, agar Mushayda Ghayb ka heh toh phir Mushayda e Ghayb say, Ilm e Ghayb hasal huwa heh. Ahle Sunnat kehtay hen, RAsoolAllah ko 'Ilm e Ghayb' hasal heh, aur daleel kay tor per woh hadith pesh kertay hen jis meh RasoolAllah nay namaz kay musalay per kharay ho ker jannat, aur jahanum meh dekha. Aur aap kehtay hen RasoolAllah ko Mushayda e Ghayb huwa magar Ilm e Ghayb nahin thah aur daleel kay tor per wohi hadith pesh kertay hen, un'ni dalahil say aap apna maslak sabat kertay hen aur un'ni say ham, farq istilah e khaas ka heh. Aur kuch esa jahil Wahabi bee dekhay hen joh kehtay hen RasoolAllah ko Ilm e Ghayb hasal nahin, keyun kay unoon nay dekh leeya aur joh dekha woh Ghayb nahin, aur khadam ka jawab hota heh, Allah Alim Ul Ghayb Wa Shoodah heh, woh Ghayb jan'nay walay heh, kissi kism ka ho, woh dekhta aur sunta heh, toh Allah jab sari makhlooq ko dekhta sunta heh toh phir Alim Ul Ghayb kesay ho gaya, is ka matlab yeh huwa kay Allah be Ghayb nahin janta keyun kay woh be dekhta sunta sab kuch heh, la'jawab. Khadam kee wazahat, Joh kuch Muhammed Ali kay leyeh Ghayb heh us Ghayb ko RasoolAllah nay dekha, Ghayb RasoolAllah say nahin, Ghayb Muhammed Ali say heh aur joh kuch Muhammed ali say Ghayb heh us ko RasoolAllah nay dekha, joh kuch Ghayb Muhammed Ali say heh us Ghayb ko Allah janta heh, dekhta heh, sunta heh, jab Allah aur us kay RAsool kay Ghayb kee baat ho toh murad makhlooq say ghayb heh, Allah aur Rasool say nahin. Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat nay Itla, Ambah, Akhbar, Mushayda, Izhar, say nateja nikala kay details mukhtalaf hen magar hasal yahee heh kay in say ilm hasal hota heh, is leyeh is fact ko mad e nazr rakh ker ikhtisar kay tor per Ilm e Ghayb ka lafz istimal keeya. Is ikhtilaaf kee noyit esi heh kay ek aadmi kehta heh, Pani ka glass ada bara heh, aur dosra kehta heh, nahin jee aap bewaqoof hen pani ka glass ada khaali heh. Yeh ikhtilaaf sirf judgement ka heh aap kay baqaul Ilm e Ghayb woh janta heh joh zaati tor per janta ho aur qulli tor per janta ho, aur yeh qedh aap kee aqal say nikli, aur Ahle sunant ka nazdeeq, Zaati, Qulli, aur Atahi, Baaz wala be jaan sakta heh. Mukhtasar, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat aur Wahabiat meh Aqeedah e Ghayb e RasoolAllah per ikhtilaaf nahin sirf Istilah per ikhtilaaf heh, dohim joh aham ikhtilaaf heh aur waqia hee meh ikhtilaaf heh woh Aqeedah e Ilm e Ghayb Qulli Ba Muqabila e Lawh e Mafooz heh, yehni RasoolAllah har woh cheese jantay hen joh Al Lawh Al Mafooz meh heh. Agar aap is aqeedeh per debate kerna chahen, toh batayeh ga meh ek seperate thread bana ker Apna aqeedah, Dawah, aur aap jawab e dawah aur phir meh dalahil pesh keroon ga aap rad ker kay dekhana, munkir ho ker dekhana, tooh agar Allah kay Quran per imaan rakhta heh, aur Nabi kay farmaan per toh phir kabi bi munkir nahin ho sakkay ga, aur agar tumaray khuda aur rasool tumaray mazhab kay paadri hen toh phir kohi ajeeb baat nahin kay tum Allah aur us kay Rasool kee mukhalfat ker doh. Balkay mujjay toh dar heh tum yeh nah keh betho, Allah tallah Barelwi thah is leyeh us nay Quran ko Barelwiyoon jesa likh deeya, yaqeenan Ahmad Raza nay sari dunya kay Quranoon ko badal deeya heh. Tooh jurat ker kay is subject per debate ka challenge kabool ker leh, phir tum ko pata lagay ga kay Muhammed Ali Razawi nay Wahabi'at ko laat mar kay Maslak e Sayyidi Ala Hazrat, Fakhr o Mujadid e Ahle Sunnat, ko qabool keyun keeya,
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Mera Computer kharab ho gaya thah, new leeya heh, aur phir online aya hoon. Awal, Quran kee sab say motbar Tafsir Quran kee Tafsir Quran say heh, phir Quran kee Hadith say aur phir baqiyoon ka darja. Is leyeh meh nay Quran kee Tafsir ko Quran kay asool ko mad e nazr rakh ker yeh sawal keeyeh they joh la'jawab rahay aur inshallah rahen gay: Is leyeh aap yeh shor mat keren kay Surat 21 ayat 98, meh Ambiyah ka zikr nahin, agar aap un ko Mindunillah mantay hen toh phir Quran kee Tafsir Quran kay sath kay Asool kay mutabiq aap ka yahi aqeedah hoga kay Ambiyah Alayhis Salam Jahanumi hen. Aap in sawaloon ka jawab motbar asool ko mad e nazr rakh ker denh. Meh nay bataya kay Ambiyah alayhis Salam Mindunillah nahin hen, nah woh jahanum meh jahen gay, balkay jahanum meh woh but'h jahen gay jin kee ibadat Mushrikeen kertay thay, ya Yahood, Isaee kertay thay ya hen, woh but'h jis ko Catholic church waloon nay banaya huwa heh woh but'h joh Maryam alayhis salam kay banahay huway hen. Allah tallah nay jahanum kee aag kay eendan kee tafseel farmatay huway farmaya: * Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 24: "But if ye cannot- and of a surety ye cannot- then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and STONES,- which is prepared for those who reject Faith." * Surah At'Tehreem {66} Verse 6: "O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and STONES, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded." Jahanum kee aag ka eendan mard aur pathar hen yenhni woh idols woh stone made idols jin ko log poojtay thay. Najdi\at ka aqeedah, Ambiyah Mindunillah hen: Ahle Sunnat wal Jammat ka aqeedah heh kay Ambiyah Alayhis Salam Mindunillah nahin hen un kee life meh un ko Mindunillah nahin banaya gaya, balkay un kay dunya say rukhsat ho janay kay baad logoon nay un ko Mindunillah bana leeyah, yehni un kay but'h bana ker Ambiyah say mansoob keeyeh aur un ko martba e rab taq puncha deeya. Mushrikeen nay un kay but'toon ko khuda banaya aur in kay butoon kee ibadat kee. Ambiyah meh say kohi be Mindunillah nahin. Allah tallah nay Isa alayhis salam say sawal keeya kay kia tum nay apni Ummatiyoon ko kaha thah kay mujjay aur meri maan ko Allah kay khilaaf khuda mano, yeh istera heh jesay meh ek wahabi say sawaal kerta hoon, kia tum nay kaha apnay dostoon say kay woh tummeh wahabi chor ker tummeh barelwi man, sawal ka jawab kay mutabiq phir haqiqat ko samja jahay ga, agar aap kehtay hen kay jee meh nay kaha thah toh sabit ho gaya kay aap Barelwi hen, aur agar aap nafi ker denh kay meh neh esa nahin kaha toh phir aap kay dostoon ko aap ka Barelwi kehna darust nahin aur aap Barelwi hoon gay bee nahin. Is'see tera Isa alayhis salam say sawal huwa heh aur agar woh iqrar kertay hen kay jee meh nay kaha thah toh phir toh aap ka aqeedah aur mazhab sabat heh kay woh Mindunillah hen, aur agar woh nafi ker denh aur is buhtaan say apnay aap bari kahen toh phir un ko Mindunilah kehna aap kee ziyadti hogi: Surah Al Maidah {5} Verse 116: "And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of MARY! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden." Isa alayhis Salam, bilqul nafi ker denh kay, aur deghir Quran kee ayaat meh Allah tallah nay Isa alayhis salam kay Nabi bar haq honay ka zikr keeya heh. Is leyeh un kay mutaliq yeh aqeedah rakhna kay woh Mindunillah hen, kuffr say kam nahin, Isa alayhis salam kabi be Allah kay khilaaf khuda nahin thay aur nah hoon gay, yeh Mindunillah woh but'h hen jin ko Isa'hiyoon nay baad meh banaya, aur yahee but'h joh Mindunillah hen jin ko bana ker Isa alayhis salam o Ambiyah ka naam un per chispan ker deeya gaya. Aap yeh mantay hen kay Isa alayhis salam kee zaat e muqadsa Mindunillah heh, aur saath hee Hazrat Isa alayhis salam kay joh IDOLs banahay gahay hen un ko jahanum meh behij deeya. Sawal yeh heh agar Isa alayhis slaam kee zaat Mindunillah heh toh sirf but'h jin kee pooja hoti heh woh jahanum meh keyun jahen gay, keyun kay Allah tallah nay toh Mindunillah ko jahanum be dalnay ka bataya heh. Dosra yeh kia stupidity heh kay agar ham Isa alayhis Salam ko Mindunillah nahin maneh gay toh Isa'hiyoon ka aqeedah theek heh, Isa'hiyoon ka aqeedah aap kay aqeedeh kay mutabiq darust hota heh, zera Quran peren, ap ka Aqeedah Amibyah alayhis slaam Mindunillah hen, aur Mindunillah kay baray meh Allah ka farmaan heh: * Surah Al Furqan [25] verse 3: “Yet have they taken mindu’nillah [Against Allah] gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.“ * Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73: "O men! Here is a parable set forth! listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create (even) a FLY, if they all met together for the purpose! and if the FLY should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the FLY. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition!" Abh agar baqaul aap kay Isa alayhis salam Mindunillah hen toh yeh ayat peren: * Surah Al Imran {3} Verse 49: "And (appoint him) an apostle to the Children of Israel, (with this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a BIRD, and breathe into it, and it becomes a BIRD by Allah's leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah's leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe; ..." Awal is say sabat hota heh kay Isa alayhis salam Mindunillah nahin hen agar hotay toh kuch be nah bana saktay, makhi be nah bana saktay, magar aap ka aqeedah heh kay woh Midnunillah hen, aur unoon nay parinda bana deeya, toh phir aap ko Isa alayhis salam ko khuda maan ker Isa'hi hona chahyeh nah, keyun kay mindunillah woh heh jis ko khuda kay muqabileh meh khuda banaya gaya ho, aur agar woh Allah kay kalam kay khilaaf kuch sabat ker deh toh phir us kee khudai sabat hoti heh, is leyeh aap Wahabiyat say niklen aur Isa alayhis salam kee pooja shoroon ker denh khoob sajday keren aur 'Lord's Prayer' aur bible gali gali koochay koochay peren. Jee aap nay jawab nahin deeya, aur joh deeya woh woh ada deeya, awal sawal yeh thah kay kia Hazrat Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadsa Mindunillah heh ya un kay naam say joh but'h banahay gahay thay, aur meh is meh izafa kerta hoon, ya Ibrahim alayhis salam zaat e muqadsa be mindunillah hen aur un kay naam say joh but'h banahay woh be mindunillah hen. Aap kee taraf say pehlay dosray sawal ka jawab nahin aaya balkay aap nay Tafsir directly pesh kee jis meh likha heh kay IDOLS AUR jamadat jahanum meh dalay jahen gay ... meray pehlay aur tesray sawal ka jawab hazam, dosra aap nay daleel pesh keren kay kay Nabi Mindunillah heh aur kis daleel say, aur Tasweer/Idol Mindunillah heh toh kis daleel say, aur agar donoon kay Mindunillah honay kay leyeh ek hee ayaat heh toh phir donoon kay jahanumi honay kay leyeh be ek hee ayaat heh. Aur baray shok say, meh nay Ibn Kathir ko, Biddati, Jahanumi, likhta hoon, aur agar us ko ek dafa ihtimam e hujjat ker sakta aur phir us kay baad be Allah kay Quran ko tasleem nah kerta toh Kaffir be likhta, Reh gaya Shokani toh woh Ibn Taymiyah ka ham maslak Mujassimi aur Mushrik aur Allah kay but'h ko man'nay wala thah esa har shakhs kaffir murtad heh. Meray sawalat ka jawab clearly, to the point denh, agar yeh jurrat nahin ker saktay toh phir rasta napen. Abh apna pansi kay phanday meh pansa toh Asbab e nuzul ko pakr leeya, jab ham asbab e Nuzul kee baat kertay hen toh phir tum khabeeso kehtay ho Quran meh yeh likha heh ham asbab e nuzul ko nahin mantay. Chalo tum nay abh Asbab e Nuzul kee baat cheri toh jurrat ker aur ek be is ayaat ko joh tum Awliyah Allah kay khilaaf istimaal kertay ho, sabat kero kay kissi Sahabi, Tabi, Nabi, kay leyeh utri ho, yaad rakhna jawab Tafsir aur Asbab e Nuzul say dena: * Surah Nahl [16] verses 17: "Is then He, Who creates as one who creates not? Will you not then receive admonition? [20]. Those whom they invoke against Allah have not created anything, but are themselves created. [21]. (They are) dead, lifeless, and they know not when they will be raised up." * Surah Fatir [35] verse 40 states: “Say: "Have ye seen (these) Mindu'nillah 'Partners' of yours whom ye call upon. Show Me what it is they have created in the (wide) earth. Or have they a share in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book from which they (can derive) clear (evidence)?- Nay, the wrong-doers promise each other nothing but delusions.“ * Surah Al Furqan [25] verse 3: “Yet have they taken mindu’nillah [Against Allah] gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.“ * Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73: "O men! Here is a parable set forth! listen to it! Those on whom, besides Allah, ye call, cannot create (even) a FLY, if they all met together for the purpose! and if the FLY should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the FLY. Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition!" Wahabiat apnay mazhab ko Asbab e Nuzul ko mad e nazr rakh ker kabi bee sach sabat nahin ker sakti. Tum logoon kay kohi asool nahin jab pans gahay toh Asbab e Nuzul aur Tafasir ko pakar leeya jab woh tumaray mazhab kay khilaaf ho, Tafsir ho, kuch be ho bas chor detay ho. Tawheed ka munkir, kohi be ho apnay aap ko Nabi kahay, wali kahay, Ghaus, kuch be label deh joh logoon ko kahay kay meri ibadat kero, mujjay khuda mano, us ka IDOL ho ya nah ho, woh Mindunillah meh say heh, jahanumi heh. Magar joh Allah ka muqarib ho, joh Allah ka nek, Abid, abd, ho us ko mindunillah tehrana, joh Allah kee ibadat keray, joh Allah ko ek maanay, nah zaat sifaat o afaal meh us ka kohi shareek manay, us ko Allah ko Mindunillah man'na agar woh mindunillah mani janay wali zaat Nabi kee heh, toh phir Kuffr heh, Wali, heh toh gustakhi heh aur Allah Allah ka us per ilaan e jang heh. Meh aakhar meh ek dafa phir sawal kerta hoon aur izafa kerta hoon: * Ibrahim Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya ya nabi aur idols/tasweer donoon mindunillah hen? * Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Isa Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya ya nabi aur idols/tasweer donoon mindunillah hen? * Isa alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Allah farmata heh mindunillah kuch nahn bana saktay, agar jissay mindunillah manay jahay woh kuch bana deh toh Mindunillah heh ya nahin? * Allah farmata heh Mindunillah murda hen be jaan hen un ko khabar nhn kab utha'hay jahen gay, Ambiyah o jin o Bashr ko maloom heh qayamat kay din utha'hay jahen gay, kia esa jan'nay wala Mindunillah heh? * Allah farmata heh kia ham nay Mindunillah ko Kitab deeh heh jis say woh sabot pesh kertay hen {yehni Allah nay Mindunillah ko nahin deeh} agar Mindunillah say Kitab sabat ho jahay toh phir woh mindunillah hen? * Allah farmata heh Mindunillah kee ko good or hurt, chot, zarb, dard nahin deh saktay, agar kohi deh sakta ho toh Mindunillah heh ya nahin? * Allah farmata heh Mindunillah kay pass zindgi aur mot'h ka kohi control nahin, agar Allah tallah kee ata say Farishta aur Ibrahim, Isa say yeh sabat ho jahay toh kia woh Mindunillah hoon gay? Wahabiyo jurrat ker kay jawab doh, yeh nahin sirf ek sawab ka jawab, balkay saray sawaloon ka jawab doh, ghor o fikr, soch bichar kay baad dena. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Meh nay Fast Reply ka option istimal keeya aur tafseelan jawab likha magar jab post keeya toh yeh message ayah: Aur sara likha huwa zaya ho gaya jab back botton press keeya toh, abh inshallah kal. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Baqaul aap kay Ambiyah alayhis Salam Mindunillah hen, aur Allah farmata heh Mindunillah jahanum ka eendan hen, is per sawalaat hen * Ibrahim Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Isa Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Isa alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? Abh toh kohi ba-gherat jawab deh, kuch toh sharm kero, kohi toh halali hoga jis kee gherat abhi baqi hogi, wohi aa ker jawab deh deh. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Aur aap kay Shokani joh Khariji thah, us nay bee yahee likha heh kay Mushrikeen e Makkah aur un kay Idols donoon jahanumi hen, aur yahee baat Allah tallah nay Quran meh farmahi: * Surah Al Anbiya [21] 98: “Verily ye, and the gods that ye worship Mindunillah [against Allah], are FUEL for Hell! to it will ye (surely) come! Shokani nay bee ayat kee tafsir meh aap kay khilaaf fesla deeya aur likha kay Mushrikeen aur un kay Asnaam Idols jahanum meh jahen gay, sabat huwa kay us kay mutabiq Mindunillah Ambiyah o Awliyah nahin balkay IDOLS AUR UN KAY MAN'NAY WALAY HEN. Meh nay pehlaya bataya thah aur phir bata raha hoon jis ka jawab kissi wahabi nay nahin deeya aur deh sakta bee nahin. Min ka mafoom "joh" doon ka mana qata/khilaf, aur mindunillah ka mana, joh Allah say qata, joh Allah kay khilaaf, nah Nabi Allah kay khilaaf hen aur nah Awliyah e Kamileen, Allah kay mukhalifeen Idols aur Mushrikeen hen, is leyeh mindunillah wohi hen. Baqi kissi Wahabi meh rat'ti bar toh sharm hogi, kissi ba gherat maan nay ek Wahabi toh jana hoga jis meh itni gherat ho kay meray sawaloon ka jawab deh, das dafa lal'kar chuka hoon kay Wahabiyo jawab doh magar maan mar rahi heh jawab detay huway. Yeh sirf chaar sawal hee nahin mot'h heh Wahabiat kee, Deobandiat kee, khudkashi heh Najdiat kee, sawaloon kay jawab deh ker toh dekho, mujjay wahdahu la Shareek kee kasam tum per be donoon meh say ek baat roshan ho jahay gee, khud bee apnay aap ko Kaffir tasleem ker loh gay, ya apnay mazhab kay aqeedeh ko batal tasleem ker loh gay. Wahabi apni maan aur behan say ham-bistri toh ker sakta heh magar Muhammed Ali Razawi kay sawaloon ka jawab jistera banta heh kabi nahin deh ga. Tafasir pesh ker kay mujjay daraho mat, meh nay tehqeeq ka falooda nikal ker, shikanji bana ker, sharbat bana ker in chaar sawaloon meh daali heh, jis ko Allah kee taraf say hidayat heh woh in kay jawab likhtay hee haq aur batal ko pehchaan jahay ga, aur jis nay marna hee kuffr o ilhad meh heh, us kay leyeh LAAKH dafa Quran bee pera jahay toh kaafi nahin. Jab Wahabiat kay aba o ajdad nay RasoolAllah kay ilm meh keeray nikalna shoroon ker deeyeh, aur yeh gustakhana tareeka apnaya toh Allah tallah nay un kay mutaliq farmaya: Surah Tawbah {9} Verse 66: "Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin." Aur tum joh Ambiyah alayhis Salam, Allah kay jaleel ul qadr Ambiyah ko Ibrahim alayhis salam ko Isa alayhis salam ko Mindunillah tehra rahay ho aur jahanum ka eendan tehra rahay ho, Allah kee lanat kaffiro, tum per Allah kee lanat, tum Kaffir ho chukay ho, mujjay meray Rab kee kasam tum Kaffir ho chukay ho, agar tumaray dil meh rati bar bee imaan thah toh is say bee haath doh bethay ho, tum Kaffir ho chukay ho Imaan lanay kay baad. Khariji'at kee nishani, Allah kay nabi kay gustakh, Zul Khawaisirah Kaffir nay RasoolAllah kay khilaaf awaaz buland kee aur kuffr baqa aur kaha insaaf kero Allah kay Nabi tum nay insaaf nahin keeya. Aur tum Kaffir, murtad Allah kay Nabiyoon ko abh Jahanum ka eendan bee tehranay lagay, kaffiro tumari itni jurrat, Allah tummeh gharq keray jin auraatoon kay rehmoon nay tummeh jana Allah un meh keeray dalay, ameen. Meray bass meh nahin warna mera rab gawa heh tum logoon ko meh doond ker, tikka tikka boti boti keroon, sirf us din say daro jab tum teen char mujay mil gahay toh. Muhammed Ali Razavi -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Meh nay farz ker kay yeh sawaal poochay thay, jin ka jawabat denh: * Ibrahim Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Isa Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Isa alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? Allah tallah nay Quran meh farmaya Mindu'nillah jahanum ka eendan hen, is leyeh meh nay sawalat keeyeh tum nay jawab nahin deeyeh. Yeh sawalat tarp rahay hen jawab kay leyeh, magar Wahabi zahir ka piyala peeh leh ga magar jawab to the point nahin deh ga. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Shokani Kharji thah woh murtad mara, tumari baat kee taheed Musalmaan ker rahay hen is leyeh Kaffiroon ko hujjat mat banaho. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Surah 25 Verse 17: "The day He will gather them together as well as those whom they worship besides Allah, He will ask: "Was it ye who let these My servants astray, or did they stray from the Path themselves?" Tafsir Ibn Abbas: "(And on the day) which is the Day of Judgement (when He will assemble them) i.e. those who worship idols (and that which they worship instead of Allah) of idols (and will say) Allah will say to the idols; and it is said: He will say to the angels: (Was it ye who misled these my slaves) from My obedience and commanded them to worship you (or did they (themselves) wander from the way) and worshipped you out of their own whims?" Aap kee tamam tafasir Tafsir Ibn Abbas kay dahiray meh hen, Ambiyah kay naam joh Idols banahay gahay thay, aur un kay poojnay waloon ko, aur phir jin kay idol banahay gahay thay sab ko jamah keray ga, aur teenoon meh fesla ker deh ga, aur joh Mindunillah hen woh Jahanum ka eendan baneh gay. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Meh nay farz ker kay yeh sawaal poochay thay, jin ka jawabat denh: * Ibrahim Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Isa Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Isa alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? In sawalat kay jawabat Tafasiroon kee khud wazahat ker denh gay. Aur aap kee pesh kerda daleel joh pehlay quote kee thee: Sabat huwa kay Mindu'nillah Ambiyah alayhis Salam nahn hen magar woh IDOLS hen jin per Ambiyah kee Tasaweer lagai gaeen theen. Aur aap kee pesh kerda Tafasir meh sirf Mukhtasar Ambiyah ka zikr heh warna tafseelan zikr meh Mufasireen nay Ambiyah kay joh IDOLS BANA'HAY GAHAY THAY UN KO MINDUNILLAH kee wazat meh pesh keeya heh. Aap Nabi ko Mindunillah mantay hen, aur ham Nabi kay naam per joh But'h banaya jata heh ya kissi bee idol per un kee khiyaali tasweer chispan kee jaati heh us IDOL ko mindunillah mantay hen. Aap kay mazhab meh nateeja yeh niklay ga kay Nabi joh baqaul aap kay Mindunillah heh, woh Allah kay farmaan kay mutabiq Jahanumi hoga: * Surah Al Anbiya [21] 98: “Verily ye, and the gods that ye worship Mindunillah [against Allah], are FUEL for Hell! to it will ye (surely) come! Aap kay Wahabi mazhab kay Ambiyah jin ko aap mindunillah mantay hen woh Allah kay farmaan kay mutabiq jahanumi hen aur Islam aur Musalmaan kay mazhab meh, Ambiyah kay jesay, ya Mushrikeen kay khiyaali but'h jin ko unoon nay Ibrahim Alayhis Salam, aur Isa alayhis Salam weghera jesa banaya heh, woh Idols jahanumi hen. Muhammed Ali Razawi -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Baqaul aap kay Ambiyah alayhis Salam Mindunillah hen, aur Allah farmata heh Mindunillah jahanum ka eendan hen, is per sawalaat hen * Ibrahim Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Isa Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Isa alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? Na Khanjar uthay ga nay talwar tum say, yeh bazooh meray azmahay huway hen, Meh nay Deobandiat aur Wahabiat, kay guru e azeem shagird bana huway hen, Kia batahoon meh apni ilmi oqaat, guru e Najdia munazireh say bagay huway hen, Muhamed Ali Razawi -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Saaf likha heh kay unoon nay IDOLS per tasweeren lagahuwi theen ... aur Tasweren is leyeh lagaheen theen keyun kay un ka aqeedah thah kay is kee waja say idols Allah ko pasandeeda hoon gay .... Yeh Ahle Sunnat kay maslak ko sabat ker raha heh kay Mindunillah IDOLS hen. Joh topic heh us ka saboot aap kee daleel say mil gaya kay Midnunillah Idols hen, shukria. Subject yeh heh Awliyah e Kamileen aur Ambiyah Mindunillah hen ya nahin. Wahabiat ka aqeedah heh kay woh Mindunillah hen joh khadam nay mutabiq Kufr heh aur hujjat e ihtimam kay baad musalmanoon ka farz banta heh kay esa aqeedah rakhnay walay ko qatal keeya jahay aur us kay maal o dolat ko zabt keeya jahay. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Baqaul aap kay Ambiyah alayhis Salam Mindunillah hen, aur Allah farmata heh Mindunillah jahanum ka eendan hen, is per sawalaat hen * Ibrahim Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? * Isa Alayhis Salam Idol hen, ya woh tasweer,mati ka putla joh un kee yaad meh banaya gaya? * Isa alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? Na Khanjar uthay ga nay talwar tum say, yeh bazooh meray azmahay huway hen, Meh nay Deobandiat aur Wahabiat, kay guru e azeem shagird bana huway hen, Kia batahoon meh apni ilmi oqaat, guru e Najdia munazireh say bagay huway hen, Muhamed Ali Razawi -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Urdu ya English translation ... Dosri baat jis baat per meh challenge doon sari Deobandiat Wahabiat mil ker be aa jahay jawab nahin deh sakti. Tumara guruwoon kay muqabileh meh khadam mujadid e azam ka darja rakhta heh. -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Jhootay Kaffir per Allah kee lanat, ayaat pesh kero, jis meh Isa alayhis salam ko Mindunillah likha gaya heh. Mujjay rab kee kasam tera qatal musalmanoon per farz ban chooka heh joh tujjay qatal keray ka khuda kee khasam Allah say us ko jannat meh reward millay ga. Dosra Allah tallah nay Quran meh farmaya heh kay Mindunillah kuch nahin bana saktay, aur Quran meh Isa alayhis salam nay mati kay parinday ko jaan bakhsi, tum bataho mindunillah agar esa ker leh toh phir Isai mazhab sacha heh, keyun kay Allah nay farmaya kay Mindunillah kuch nahin bana saktay keyun kay woh khuda nahin Allah nahin, agar bana lenh toh phir Allah ka Quran jhoota aur Isa alayhis salam khuda sabat huway, aap mujjay nah kahen aap Isa alayhis salam ko Khuda maan lenh aur Isa'hiyit qabool ker lenh, keyun kay aap kay mazhab jin ko aap mindunillah mantay hen unee ko isaee khuda mantay hen aur Allah nay mindunillah kee khudaee kay rad meh farmaya woh kuch nahin bana saktay aur agar bana lenh toh phir un kee khudaee sabat heh. Aap ka mazhab ap kay mazhab hee say batal sabat hota heh aur christianity sach sabat hoti heh agar Wahabiat ka mowaqif qabool keeya jahay. Tum jahil ho tumaray pass meri kissi bee point daleel, ka kohi jawab nahin bas sirf bachoon kee tera meh nah mnaoon, nahin nahin esa nahin, har giz nahinmanoon ga, Rasoolallah nay farmaya thah intihahi bewaqoof hoon gay Najdi Wahabi, aur please tum jari rakho, jitni bewaqoofiyan aur bongiyan tum maro gay itni hadith kee ziyada tashri hogi, tumari bewaqoofiyan aur RasoolAlah ka farmaan impress me with anohter stupidit of yours, i bet u didnt hit me with ur best stupidity yet, meh samajta hoon kay tum nay abhi taq ek secret stupidity rakhi huwi heh joh tum last resort istimal kertay ho, come out with your sepcial stupidity, its time that u use it on me i promose yu i will rate ur stupidness on Stupidio-Metre and tell u how stupid you have been. Muhammed Ali Razawi -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Aa jahay ga Sirat e Mustaqeem pay batoon hee batoon say, Gunsay say nah mana toh, maan jahay ga haq kee latoon say, Awal kissi be Hadith meh joh tum nay quote kee heh Tasweer ko But'h nahin bola gaya yeh aap kee qiyaas heh jis per kohi saboot aap pesh nahin kr saktay. Dohim kissi be Hadith say Tasaweer ka but'h hona, idol hona sabat nahin, but'h woh cheese joh pathar say bani ho, Tasweer but'h nahin, kabi dictionary khol ker per lena But'h, Idol, Asnaam, kee definition kia hoti heh. Yeh Biddat aap kee gari huwi heh kay Tasweer but'h ho sakti heh. Aur chalo farz ker loh kay Tasweer but'h heh, toh Ibrahim alayhis Salam kee Tasweeri-but'h jahanum meh jahay ga, ya Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee zaat e muqadisa? Yaad rahay kay Allah tallah nay farmaya jin ko tum poojtay ho woh Jahanum ka eendan hen. Aap kay pass doh choices hen, Tasweer kee zahiri pooja hoti thee is leyeh woh jahanum meh jahay gee, Ibrahim Alayhis Salam kee pooja haqiqi mafoom meh hoti thee is leyeh woh jahen gay. Agar aap Allah kay Nabi ko jahanum behjen toh bila shak o shuka kaffir murtad ho jahen gay phir toh tummeh be apnay kuffr pay shaq nahin hoga. Aur agar Tasweer jahanum meh jahay jee joh aap kay mutabiq but'h heh toh phir yeh sabat huwa joh meh nay shoroon meh likha thah kay Mindunillah but'hoon ko farmaya gaya heh. Tesra Mindunillah agar kuch nahin ker saktay, kuch bana nahin saktay toh Ibrahim Alayhis Salam nay murda parindoon ko awaaz deeh woh urh ker aa gahay: * Surah Al Baqarah {2} Verse 260: "Behold! Abraham said: "My Lord! Show me how Thou givest life to the dead." He said: "Dost thou not then believe?" He said: "Yea! but to satisfy My own undertaking." He said: "Take four BIRDS; Tame them to turn to thee; put a portion of them on every hill and call to them: They will come to thee (Flying) with speed. Then know that Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise." Magar Allah Mindunillah kay baray meh Quran meh farmata heh kay woh mot'h aur hayat per qadir nahin hen: * Surah Al Furqan [25] verse 3: “Yet have they taken mindu’nillah [Against Allah] gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor can they control death nor life nor resurrection.“ Is leyeh Ambiyah alayhis Salam, aur Awliyah e Kamileen, Saliheen, ko Mindunillah tehrana kuffr heh, keyun kay yeh un kee shaan meh gustakhi heh. Mindu'nilllah kuch bana nahin saktay, ka achay buray, mot hayat, per control nahin, woh kuch be nahin bana saktay hatta kay makhi bee nahin bana saktay, woh jahanum ka eendan hen, magar Ambiyah alayhis Salam un ko Allah ke taraf say mot aur hayat per be control heh, woh makhi toh kia joh chahen bi'iznillah bana denh. Aakhar meh ek dafa phir, Min ka mana 'joh', doon ka mana 'qata/khilaaf' yehni joh Allah say qat gaya woh yehni Mushrikeen woh Allah say qatay thay, aur Allah kay khilaaf thay, aur un kay but'h Allah kay khilaaf Ila banahay gahay thay, is leyeh linguistic hee sabat kerta heh kay Mindunillah kon hen.Allah kay Ambiyah na toh Allah kay khilaaf hen, nah Allah say qatay hen, woh Alllah kee hee Ila mantay hen aur lyke e ibadat mantay hen is leyeh Ambiyah alayhis Salam, aur Awliyah e Kamileen, Saliheen per woh ayaat fit ker joh but'toon kay leyeh nazil huwi, Sahih Bukhari kee Hadith, Ibn Umar radiallah tallah kay mutabiq: "Qaynaat e bari tallah meh sab say ziyada shareer hen." Muhammed Ali Razawi -
Inshallah, baqi meh Quran say in Tafseelan article likh ker sabat keroon ga kay Mushrikeen Allah ko toh mantay thay magar unoon nay apnay IDOLS ko, alat, uzat,manat ko Allah ka Shareek banaya thah. * Surah al-Saffat, verse 35: “And when it was said to them, `La ilaha illa Allah’ they would become arrogant” Jab Mushrikeen ko Allah kee Ahadiyat, Wahdaniyat kee taraf bulaya gaya toh unoon nay inqaar ker deeya. * Surah Al Maidah {5} Verse 73: ”They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.” * Surah Al An'am {6} Verse 19: "Say: "What thing is most weighty in evidence?" Say: "(Allah) is witness between me and you; This Qur'an hath been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness that besides Allah there is another Allah." Say: "Nay! I cannot bear witness!" Say: "But in truth He is the ONE ALLAH, and I truly am innocent of (your blasphemy of) joining others with Him." * Surah At-Tawbah {9} Verse 31: ”They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One Allah. there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him).” * Surah Yusuf {12} Verse 39: "O my two companions of the prison! (I ask you): ”Are many lords differing among themselves better, or the One Allah, Supreme and Irresistible?” * Surah An Nahl {16} Verse 51: "Allah has said: "Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One Allah. then fear Me (and Me alone)." * Surah Fussilat {41} Verse 6: “Say thou: "I am but a man like you: It is revealed to me by Inspiration, that your Allah is one Allah. so stand true to Him, and ask for His Forgiveness." And woe to those who join gods with Allah,-” * Surah al-Baqarah (2) 22: Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allah when ye know (the truth). Surah Ibrahim {14} Verse 30: "And they set up (idols) as equal to Allah, to mislead (men) from the Path! Say: "Enjoy (your brief power)! But verily ye are making straightway for Hell!" * Surah al-An’am; 100: “And they made partners besides Allah, jinns even though He created them; and they invented sons and daughters for Him! Exalted and Glorifed is He above what they say”. Surah 7 Verse 190: "But when He giveth them a goodly child, they ascribe to others a share in the gift they have received: but Allah is exalted high above the partners they ascribe to Him." * Surah 21 Verse 22: "If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!" * Surah 6 Verse 100: "Yet they make the Jinns equals with Allah, though Allah did create the Jinns; and they falsely, having no knowledge, attribute to Him sons and daughters. Praise and glory be to Him! (for He is) above what they attribute to Him." * Surah 9 Verse 31: "They take their priests and their ANCHORITES to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One Allah. there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)." Yeh sab ayaat saboot hen kay Mushrikeen nay Allah ko bee mana magar Allah kay saath, auroon ko be us ka Shareek banaya, Allah kee lanat ho jhoota Kaffir per joh apnay aap ko musalman kehta heh aur munkir e Quran heh. Kia tum in ayaat kay munkir ho, agar Allah ko sirf Allah ko manay walay Mushrik ho saktay hen toh phir sari Wahabiat Mushrik Kaffir Atheism heh, tum aur tumara Hindu, aur Mushrikeen e Makkah aur Abu Jahl Abi Lhab aur Firawn kay aqeedeh meh be kohi farq nahin, jistera woh Mushrik thay tum be Mushrik hee ho phir. Mushrikeen Allah ko mantay thay magar unoon nay Allah kay saath shareek bana leeyh thay, kohi Allah kay leyeh betay manta kohi betiyan manta, kohi jinoon ko khuda manta , kohi farishtoon ko khuda bana deta ... aur woh Allah kay shareek bana detay thay aur Hadith Ibn Abbas saboot heh kay woh sirf Allah ko hee nahin mantay thay balkay Shareek e illahi kay be qahil thay, aur Quran kee ayaat be is ka saboot hen kay unoon nay Allah kay saath auroon ko jora leeya, shareek bana leeya. Itna clear saboot ho ker be kohi inqaar keray toh esay shakhs kay kuffr meh, kaffir honay meh, murtad honay meh shak kernay wala be bilqul tumari tera Kaffir, MURTAD, AUR WAJIb ul qatal heh. Muhammed Ali Razavi
Joh tum nay Hadith Abdullah Ibn Abbas kee pesh kee heh us say Sabat hota heh kay woh Allah kay saath shareek, partner mantay thay, RasoolAllah nay farmaya kay agar tum sirf La Shareeka Allah tak rehtay toh behtr thah, magar Mushrik kehtay: "Allah ka kohi Shareek nahin siwahay ek kay jissay Allah shareek bana leh..." toh woh Shareek e illahi mantay thay aur Allah ko us ka Malik mantay thay yehni Allah nay us shareek ko peda keeya, magar yeh be aqeedah thah kay Ulluhiyat un shuraka ko atah huwi heh is leyeh woh Allah ka shareek heh. Yeh Hadith Abdullah Ibn Abbas wali taqriban meray biyaan kerda mafoom kee daleel heh joh meh nay pichli post meh likha thah ... Hadith ko agay ghor say pero woh sirf La ShareekAllah taq hee nah pertay thay balkay agay ek aur hissa bee pertay thay woh apni hadith meh pero, woh Allah kay shareek mantay thay, yeh un ka aqeedah heh.
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Kiss nay kaha kay Ambiyah kay mojzay daleel nahin ban saktay, kohi ayaat o Hadith pesh kero. apni mangarat baqwas pesh nah kero. Surah Al Qasas {28} Verse 32: "Move thy hand into thy bosom, and it will come forth white without stain (or harm), and draw thy hand close to thy side (to guard) against fear. Those are the two are burhan {credentials, evidence, saboot} from thy Lord to Pharaoh and his Chiefs: for truly they are a people rebellious and wicked." Allah tallah nay Mojzat e Ambiyah ko burhan, yehni daleel, bataya heh aur tooh keyun Miracles kay burhan honay ka munkir heh. Agar un kay mojzay un kee nabuwat kee daleel hen, Nabi e Illahi honay kee daleel ban saktay hen toh phir un kay mojzay woh kia hen aur kia nahin sabat kernay kay kee daleel ban saktay hen, Nabi hen, magar Mindunillah nahin, agar nah hotay toh woh parinday nah bana saktay, keyun kay Mindunillah kay baray meh Allah nay farmaya heh kay woh kuch nahin bana saktay. Ya phir woh Mindunillah nahin hen aur is waja say unoon nay parinday bana deeyeh, ya phir hen aur Quran meh ikhtilaaf heh, ya phir Allah ko Mindunillah kee taqat ka pata nahin thah. Wahabi sab say ghalti mansoob kr saktay heh Nabi kay mutaliq aqeedah rakh sakta heh kay woh jahanumi ho saktay hen, Allah ghalti ker sakta heh, Quran meh contradiction heh, magar ek baat kabi bee Wahabi nahin manay ga: "Muj say ghalti huwi Quran ko samajnay meh." Muhammed Ali Razavi -
Reply To Wahabi: Surah Al Hajj {22} Verse 73
RadiatingAli replied to RadiatingAli's topic in فتنہ وہابی غیر مقلد
Sab say asaan kaam copy&paste krna heh. Kon see ayaat meh Allah tallah nay Isa alayhis salam ko Mindu'nillah farmaya heh, aur kon see Ibrahim alayhis salam kay BUT'H bananay ka saboot heh, aur agar Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salam ka But'h banaya gaya heh toh Ibrahim Alayhis Salam jahanumi hoon gay ya joh un ka but'h banaya gaya thah, agar but'h toh Ahle Sunnat ka Maslak sabat heh. Meh kehta hoon: "Joh Kuttay aur Soowar kay bachay hen dekhtay aur suntay hen." Abh aap dekhtay aur suntay be hen, toh kia aap qiyaas keren gay kay meh aap ko Kuttay aur Soowar ka bacha keh raha hoon. Jee aap esa qiyaas nahin keren gay is ayaat say toh phir: "Bey shak tum, aur joh kuch, Allah kay sawa tum poojtay ho, sab jahanum ka eendan ho, tummeh is meh jana, agar yeh khuda hotay jahanum meh nah jatay, aur in sab meh hamesha is meh rehna." keyun qiyaas apni aqal kay mutabiq ker rahay hen, balkay Arabi zubaan ko peren, aur Tafsir Bir Ray nah keren balkay Asbab Un Nuzul ko dekhen kay is ayaat kay Asbab un Nuzul kia hen. Aur Mufassireen nay kia wazahat kee heh, aap kee mangarat baqwas hujjat nahin: * Tafsir Ibn Abbas: "(O mankind!) He means the people of Mecca. (A similitude is coined) He has explained the likeness of your deities, (so pay ye heed to it) and respond: (Lo! those on whom ye call beside Allah) of idols (will never create a fly) they will never be able to create a fly (though they) the worshipped and the worshippers (combine together for the purpose) they will not be able to create a fly. (And if the fly took something) like honey with which are sullied for example (from them) from the deities, (they could not rescue it from it) the deities would not be able to take it back from the fly. (So weak are (both) the seeker) i.e. the deity (and the sought) and the fly! It is also said that this means: so weak are both that which is worshipped and the worshipper." * Tafsir Al Jalalayn: "O mankind, that is to say, [O] people of Mecca, a similitude is being struck, so listen to it, and it is that: truly those on whom you call, [whom] you worship, besides God, that is, other than Him, and these are the idols, will never create a fly (dhubāb is a generic noun, the singular of which is dhubāba, for both the masculine and the feminine) even if they rallied together to do so, to create it. And if a fly should take away something from them, [such as a drop] of the scents or the saffron in which they drench themselves, they would not be able to recover that from it, because of their [complete] incapacity: so how can they worship those [whom they suppose to be] partners of God, exalted be He? An odd thing — which He has expressed by striking a similitude. Feeble is the seeker, the worshipper, and the [thing] sought, the [thing] worshipped!" * Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Sabat huwa kay Mindunillah is ayaat meh Idols hen, aur Nabi {SAW} ko ya kissi be Nabi ko Mindunillah kehna gustakhi heh aur is ka murtaqib Kaffir heh musalmaan nahin. Kissi ek ka refference doh, kissi ek Muffasir ka reffernce doh jis meh unoon nay Nabi Wali ko Mindunillah bataya ho, har giz nahin ho sakta kay Mufassir kohi esa likhay yeh bina baap kay logoon ka aqeedah heh, yehni Abdullah Ibn Ubai kay gustakh group ka. Muhammed Ali Razawi