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Peer dewwal Shareef is explain the Greatness of Sheikh ul islam Dr Mohammad Tahir ul Qadri

Peer dewwal Shareef is explain the Greatness of Sheikh ul islam Dr Mohammad Tahir ul Qadri

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iqbalhnd (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Masha Allah! Huzoor Peer Sahib nay to Dushmanaan-e-Deen kay Munh hi Band Karwa dia hain بد دینوں کے منہ اب بند ہوجانے چاہییں۔
iqbalhnd (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Allah Tala Qibla Peer Sahib ko Umar-e- Khizar Ata Farmai. Aur Hum Sab ko Huzoor Sheikh-ul-Islam ka Dast-o- Bazoo Ban nay ki Toufeeq day
mytahir1 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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dashing1guy (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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hum peer sahab k mareed hain
jalal pur jattan k
mytahir1 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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minhajorg (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Kindly remove this clip
MuhammadRashidMalik (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Peer sahib is still alive
mytahir1 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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No Brother he is pass away
rafiq786uk (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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I'm still recovering from this powerful lecture. Subhanallah!

Mujaddid of the century: Tahir ul Qadri!
We love who's company: Tahir ul Qadri!

I was wondering if there were any videos of Pir Sayyid Rasul Shah Khaki of Chakwal (rahmatullahi `alayh) with Shaykh ul Islam. I have read and heard many people saying that he first gave the title of Shaykh ul Islam. He said that he was instructed to give the title by Ghawth ul Azam (radiyallahu `anhu).
mytahir1 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Yes brother,
In Minhaj ul quran Magazine Title: (meri kahani meri zabani)
Sheykh ul islam Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri Sahib said that Pir Sayyid Rasul Shah Khaki of Chakwal (rahmatullahi `alayh) gave him the title of sheykh ul Islam
And Hoozor gose azam came in the Dream of Sayyid Rasul Shah sahib and ordered him to go and give the title of Sheykh uk islam to Dr Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri sahib SUBHANALLAH

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